They Are Billions

They Are Billions Dev Tracker

04 Jul

    Gomez on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Zombiesbum: This feature is just another addition the community didn't ask for, nor needed. But NG decided to add it anyway. "More important issues with the campaign? Pfft, nah lets add fluff."

This feature highlights that the devs are either being fed wrong information from the forum, or NG are just tone deaf to their community.

Community didn't ask for the game until the Dev team decided to make it. Not all the implementations in the game come from your ideas or your suggestions there biggest part of the ideas was born in our Dev Team.

Thanks for your construtive critic.


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    David Numantian on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by ⎛ TheProScout⎞: well that was dissapointing, upgrading to Artillery Train,

I expected the Train with an extra wagon with an Wasp ontop of it, so everytime a train drives by it squashes zombies with the locomotive, and the wasp keeps shooting on the move behind the the locomotive...
There are so many levels where the train makes nice passes between alot of zombies.

but instead its just an bonus Wasp to place yourself.


We would like to remind you that you have a specific part on this forum dedicates to suggestions and ideas, please could you post on it in the following link?

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    David Numantian on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Rus1k: У меня такая проблема купил игру в стиме наиграл 93 часа после чего перестал играть. Вышло обновление захотел зайти посмотреть, но при запуске игры у меня выдает ошибку ругается что то на путь файла помню что был файл ZXLog, после чего я все снес удалил игру и по новой установил ошибка пропала, но при запуске когда идет загрузочный экран игра тупо вылетает и на этом все. Что делать?


You have not acces to your ZXLog.txt If you get the error message:
"Starting Log problem when trying to access the file: ...\ZXLog.txt Please check your account has rights to acces that folder" follow these steps: Read more
    David Numantian on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by ⎝Meltrust⎠: In the ending, the emperor promised me more missions.

I enjoy difficult games that can only be beaten by getting good at them. The whole process of learning from my mistakes, and not repeating them.

While the campaign had some problems, you've been addressing them with patches (now that the objects are easier to spot in tactical missions I can enjoy them).

Please don't be let down by some bad reviews. You combined city builder/RTS/survival with a little Dark Souls and I love it.

Obviously, the difficulty, the ironman, etc won't be for everyone. But there is a big market for games like yours. People that are fed up with a lot of today's games that are just either too easy or the challenge is just there in the form of mindless grinding forcing you to do the same thing over and over until you finally pay fo...
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    Gomez on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by STALKER: What are these patches so frequent like i got 3 today and get one every day.


The game is constantly being updated for polish little details.

Anyway don't confuse mini patches with your STEAM cloud synchronizing.

    David Numantian on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by SwedenJens: I love this game but something happend to it since v 1.0 so it's basically unplayable. 80% of all games it crash freeze between day 2-5 before the first autosave. I've seen others adress the issue in the forum long back but no fix seems possible. Devs have requested logs in other threads but the log doesn't give any info. A real shame on such a good game!


We would like to remind you that you have a specific part on this forum dedicates to bug reports, please could you post on it in the following link?



    David Numantian on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Zimtsternchen: I really like the mechanic where you can let your units go veteran, However i would like all units to have this option.
Maybe make a 2nd experience level like Elite-Units

What do you guys think?


We would like to remind you that you have a specific part on this forum dedicates to suggestions and ideas, please could you post on it in the following link?


03 Jul

    Gomez on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Nodnarb: Link is Broken, also I have confirmed the same bug occurs in Cape Storm but with an entire section of mountain so I guess I will probably need a screenshot of that one too.

Try now

    Gomez on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct

Could you tell us where do you suffer this lag? In the main menu screen?



02 Jul

    Gomez on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Zombiesbum:
Originally posted by Gomez:

Thanks for your nice words, we keep working hard to polish the v 1.0 and make some new implementations for all you.

Best regards.

Why is it that you, Gomez, respond and thank every half arsed post that sucks NG's metaphorical D.
Yet I and some others made actual critique threads/posts to improve the game and there is radio silence, nothing, zilch, nada, not a peep to be heard.

Can you e...
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    Gomez on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct

Very nice!


    Gomez on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct

I have told to the Dev Team about what you say in this thread. Maybe they modify this levels but i really don't know.

    Gomez on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Juicebox: Is there a way to hold down right click to quickly scroll around the map? Or hold MMB to scroll the map? I mean these are very basic RTS controls and i can't seem to find them in the options? I also can't seem to adjust how fast i want to scroll the camera around. There's no way these aren't included in an RTS like this, so does anyone know how to find it? Even if it means editing an .ini file.


We would like to remind you there is a specific part of the forum dedicated to suggestions and idead in the following link ---->


    Gomez on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Nodnarb: I have just started the mission on the plains (after the pass) and I have found a very problematic problem. In short for some reason there are swaths of the grid just missing and no matter how much you try to build pylons you can't provide energy to those zones. Also before people start asking the obvious questions these holes aren't the obvious places you can't build like in the middle of a forest or mountain or anywhere else unreachable on the map. The holes in which I am referring are in wide open fields and up against forests I can literally walk troops right into the middle of them but they show up as big empty voids in the middle of my power grid. I also recall seeing this in the map with the bridge along the forest/wall to the right side of that bridge.

I will upload a screenshot if needed but I am wondering if there is anything that can be done about this or if I am just goi...
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01 Jul

    Gomez on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct

Right now Dev Team is polishing the v.1.0 of the game and adding new little implementation. When the game is fully stable and without big issues they will start adding more stuffs for modding.

Just be patience, please.


    Gomez on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct

Are you using the proper way to change the game difficulty?

It's a button that is in here --->>

    Gomez on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by vladko3333: In version 1.0.8 was possible to save the campaigne and then later continue in it. In version 1.0.9 is probably the same problem as in 1.0.6 - it is not possible to continue in save game in campaigne. The saves are there, but the "continue" button is grey.


That is not possible.

In V 1.0.9 you have the new save system in which you can do backups of your saved games.

    Gomez on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct

Please, if you have any kind of issue you have a specific part of the forum to report it.

Check this --->>


    Gomez on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Abcsam: I know its not EZ to make a good game let alone come out with a new idea but I want to thank
Numantian Games for make fast and proper corections to the game. I know that a small player bass was very vocal from the start and thats of ok but i am loving the way things are shaping up and I for one am moving my recomendation to tumbs up beacuse this is beacoming the game we all wanted to play TY devs @
Numantian Games <3


Thanks for your nice words, we keep working hard to polish the v 1.0 and make some new implementations for all you.

Best regards.
    Gomez on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Batman: im the only one that have a random crash sometimes when i multy select soldiers?

image if you dont understand me:


I would like to remember we have a specific part of the forum made for bug reporting.

There you can be helped by the Dev Team.
