They Are Billions

They Are Billions Dev Tracker

01 Jul

    Gomez on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Caulfield: 24 hours spent on the campaign, why did this happen? I want to cry now

Please, make a new thread in Bug Reporting subforum, there, the Dev Team will help you. Check here --->>

Thanks in advance.


29 Jun

    Gomez on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct

Could you explain better what you mean. You only can play the Weekly Challenge during the week that the Weekly Challenge is on, after that week is gone you only can play the new one.

Anyway please, in order to keep a clearer and more useful forum use the proper part to report bug. Check here --->>


    Gomez on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Mine is Cape of the Storm.

    Gomez on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by obscured: on windows10, game keeps crashing when dragging units or sometimes doing nothing. not always, but really often.
i really wonder if there is any plan to fix this.

im using amd2700x, gtx1060 6g.


To follow how the fix of this issue goes use this thread in the proper part of the forum.

Anyway the Dev are working to fix it and probably soon they will try more fixes.

    Gomez on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct

Please, this issue has been fixed in a mini updated reciently. Could you check if you still suffering the same issue. Anyway i would like to remember you that we have a specific part of the forum made for bug reporting.--->>



28 Jun

    Gomez on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by GIGroundNPound: Title says it all, I have yet to finish the campaign but after completing just under 50% of it I just cannot get enough! I know that some people have had some gripes about the solo tactical missions, but after the devs put in the flashing items thing it has become extremely enjoyable and tense trying to navigate that tesla/energy lvl will all of the Executive zombies in the last room!!

Thank you so much devs, I just love this and while I have high expectations of ya'll, I honestly was not anticipating how awesome the new content would be. Awesome job and hurry up and come up with a DLC so YOU CAN TAKE MY MONEY! o7


Thanks for your words! We really appreciate them.

Best regards
    David Numantian on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by c.witters: I see a couple people commented on this idea in an Iron Man post but I think this topic needs its own threat.

This game needs a Fast Forward feature. Especially in the campaign, there are times were I've built over the entire map and had to wait 20 days (~1 hour) for the swarms to come. I read emails on my phone and had no problems completing the map at 200% difficulty.

hello, i remind to all of you, that you have a dedicated part on this forum for suggestions and ideas in the following link ----> ... Read more
    David Numantian on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by SAF33shark33: hi I'm having a bug where i cant find all the loot in the mission , i found out that there are boxes that should be lootable but i cant loot them. to be specific the boxes with orange lines. it happened in the two maps i played .. anyone had the same issue ?


You can find all the loot all the time in every tactical mission, however the place to find it isn´t the same because it is randomly.


    Gomez on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct

This bug is already fixed.

Please, if you have any other bug use the proper part of the forum for this kind of problems. Check here ---->>



27 Jun

    Gomez on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct

Sorry there is no option to disable subtitles.


    Gomez on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct

STEAM cloud service is not working properly. TAB is not the only game with some issues, there are several other games that have the same problems.


26 Jun

    Gomez on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct

If you have a bug you should report in the proper part of the forum made for it. There, Dev team can help you to fix it.

Check here --->>

Thanks in advance.

    Gomez on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Messiah of Melons: Condesending how a forum works post aside. The thread is specificly asking if anyone else is annoyed by the train. Not suggesting a change

Sorry, i undertand by the title that is a complain and for that i think is better other place for the thread. You also can comment in those forums.

    Gomez on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct

Congratulations! We hope you have enjoyed it a lot!

Best regards!
    Gomez on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hello guys!

Just a pair of tips about how a forum works

- When you enter in the forum, check how many section it has and how these sections work.

- Post your idea, report or comment in the proper part made specfically for it.

If you follow these 2 simple rules you can make the forum clearer and more usefull.

Bug reporting forum --->> ¿Do you think something can be a bug? This is your place.

Suggestions and ideas --->> https://st... Read more
    Gomez on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Darkwing: I just started playing the game; downloaded it ages ago but was hooked on Battle Brothers and couldn't peel myself away to try anything else.

Coming in as a newcomer, the campaign feels pretty good to me. I think part of the backlash might be that so many folks were playing early access and once you've learned the game in survival mode, learned all of the units/buildings/enemies, going into campaign which starts you off with very limited choices would not be very fun at all. But as a newcomer who is learning about the game in each mission, it feels pretty good.

That said, I'm pretty sympathetic to a lot of the criticisms - pixel hunting, forced ironman, crazy difficult swarm levels. But still, would definitely be giving the game a big thumbs up - and I think most of the negative reviews would, too, if this had been their FIRST experience of the game.

Tha... Read more
    Gomez on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by ErrorazulCAT: porque no puedo elegir los mapas solo me deja elegir el 1 y los otros me dice que tengo un partida empezada y que si estoy seguro pero no me deja jugar a ese mapa solo al 1


Por favor, si puedes crea el mismo hilo en la parte específicamente hecha para denunciar este tipo de problemas --->> Todo esto se hace para mantener el foro ordenado y que sea de más utilidad.

Échale una ojeada y haz el nuevo hilo ahí.

Muchas gracias de antemano.

Un saludo.
    David Numantian on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Code Red: Must say i have realy fun killing this Z's:cozycastondeath:, well done Numantian Games


We appreciate your words, we are so glad that you enjoy the game


Best regards
    David Numantian on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct

Right now is only available on campaign mode


    Gomez on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct

Thanks for your info, i will bring it to the Dev Team.
