They Are Billions

They Are Billions Dev Tracker

26 Jun

    Gomez on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct

Could you tell us what is the exactly tech you are refering to?


25 Jun

    Gomez on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct

Thanks for your good words. We really appreciate it.

Enjoy the game!

    Gomez on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by tuckercooper23: Since latest patch it looks like Alt+F4 doesn't work anymore or closing the game from task bar. Anyone else seeing that?


Check the new announcement about the new saved system dashboard.


    Gomez on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct

Please, in order to give you a better attention use the proper part of the forum for bug reporting.

Take a look here -->>

Thanks in advance.

    Gomez on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct

Please, in order to give you a better attention use the proper part of the forum for bug reporting.

Take a look here -->>

Thanks in advance.

    David Numantian on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by LordM: SO, I am at 46% in the campaign, all played on nightmare difficulty. Now comes a new difficulty, do you expect me replay 20+ missions? Are the 70k victory points even achievable on nightmare or you just realized you are missing some points, so added a new difficulty???


You have already two options, you can use the option “retry” in every mission after finish it, and change the difficulty to the new one and try the apocalypse, is a real big difference, the last option is finish the current game and restar it again, it is a way to enjoy the game twice



24 Jun

    Gomez on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by sunnydance: Yeah well done & thanks a lot for making the game.

Having a blast, but please stop the nerfing!!!


Check the new announcement for the new difficulty level!

    Gomez on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Messiah of Melons: Repeating a mission, especially a hero mission, after dieing right at the end feels super ♥♥♥♥♥♥. My current options are repeat a hero mission for the 4th time or totally restart coast of bones.

Honestly i dont want to even go back to the campaign now. Id much rather play survival mode. Definatly need a mid mission check point or save system. So whem you die you dont have to start the ENTIRE thing again.

But ofc, still count it as a defeat. Just a simple restart from day x, would be plenty, and count it as a defeat. This isnt complaint about difficulty or the hero missions being slow. This is just about having to repeat long missions bevause you lose at the very end

Check this update! Maybe you would like it.

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    Gomez on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct

Thanks for your nice words. We really appreciate it.

Best regards.
    Gomez on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct

I remember you that we have a specific part of the forum made for bug reporting ->

Please, to be helped by the Dev Team make a new thead explaining your issue there. Thanks!


21 Jun

    Numantian Games on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Baron: I just played one mission with the new test branch update and can say that the difference was significant. Especially the soldiers fired much (much!) more efficiently. The whole mission went a lot smoother since clearing the roaming infected did not drag so much anymore.

Effectively this made the mission so easy that I had to double check if I was still on the same difficulty level (I... might have failed it a few times before^^).
I guess this could solve a lot of the issues that people are having with difficulty, especially swarm missions. Have not tried since I have no time now, but maybe this is a breakthrough.
I hope I am not just imagining this.
To think that so much of the anger about diff...
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    Numantian Games on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Bergstein McShekelnose: Will 1.0.6 also be the same patch that fixes zombie kill count on campaigns to count towards achievements?
Yes, it is the one on the test version.
    Gomez on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Yiven: Why would you make Oil required to fix Executors? It was the only per made starting towers worth anything. WHY would I keep it around when I can just make them when I get Oil...guess its back to deleting everything.


You know that every building or tower need a % of the resourcers need for being constructed so if you need to fix the Executor you need oil.

    Numantian Games on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct

Some players have complained that in the new version the units waste shots attacking the same target that is going to be killed by another unit.

We were surprised because that part of the AI ​​has not been modified in 1.0 so they should work the same. We have done tests and sometimes it is true that some shots are wasted.

We have been investigating what has happened and we already know what happens. In V.1.0 we have improved the reactivity of the AI ​​of the units so that they react much faster to the enemies. Well it turns out that they react so fast that now it can happen that several units decide their actions exactly at the same time (TAB uses multicore) so they shoot at the same time and effectively some shot is wasted.

For version 1.0.6 we have added a small random offset (<1ms) to the reaction time for the AIs to react more neatly and avoid this problem.

Version 1.0.6 is active in the Test branch that you can activate from Ste... Read more
    David Numantian on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct

Yes this is an issue but is already fixed

Version 1.0.2
- FIXED: "The Narrow Pass" mission crashed when started.
- In Accesible and Easy difficulties now, containers or elements with bonus points now blink periodically to make it easier to identify them.

you can always take a look on the new patch versions in the next following link —->



    David Numantian on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hello to everyone

We take notes about your suggestions. Dev team will study their viability.
i would like to remember you that there is a specific part of the forum in the next link dedicated to suggestions, if you can please take a look it

Please try not to make a spoiler about the game

I move the thread to the suggestions forum.


    Gomez on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Steppenwolf: Hello there! *General Gomez*

I was trying out the new maps in survival mode and also the mutants.

What is their point in the game?

They are very good at killing normal walkers, but alreay ONE fatty is tanky enough to keep the mutant bussy. So when a lot of zombies are incoming, the fatty tanks everything and the mutants health is melting like ice in the sun.
2000HP are nice, but the regeneration of 10HP takes a long time.
Mutants are very fast, but dogfight units. They are costing 5 (!!!) oil, so what`s their point?
I could have 5 Lucifers or Thanatos`s (or 2 Titants and Lucifer/Thanatos).

Why should I research and build these Fallout Mutants ripp-offs?

Little one fun fact: The new mines will blow up everything in their range, yes, also your walls, etc. :)



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    David Numantian on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by FraGmenToR: Well, after playing quite a bit of the campaign, my review for the whole of the game is:

7 out of 10 - When its good, its very very good. But when its bad, its really rather lame. That about sums up TAB. When in early access, ill admit, i was fairly blown away. They absolutely nailed 2 things. The first was the economy - it was a really fun experience learning how to extract as much gold & resources from a variety of different randomised map sets. And it is about as perfect as it could possibly be. Certainly one of the best resource management games I have ever played - up there with the likes of Pharaoh and the Settlers. The second thing they nailed is the quite ingenious idea of flipping an RTS on its head. In a traditional RTS you have a number of different players with their bases and you set about building yours whilst trying to wipe the others out. In TAB there is only 1 player ...
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    Gomez on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct

You only can get around the 75% of the techs in the tree.


20 Jun

    Gomez on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Bulldozer 1998: So far, I haven't been able to play the campaign much, but what I have played so far is fun. I tried playing they are billions today and my saved game is giving me an error that I was playing an outdated version of they are billions and I can't load my saves. So, I tried to start a new campaign, but when I do, the game crashes as soon as I select my name for the campaign. I reinstalled it, and it hasn't gotten any better. Does anyone know any solutions?


Please, make a thread in the proper part of the forum made for bug reporting, here --->>

And if you can add the l... Read more