They Are Billions

They Are Billions Dev Tracker

11 Jul

    David Numantian on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Bundschuh: kann man irkenntwie die interne Speicher Funktion vom spiel austellen zurzeit verursacht die bei mir abstürzen und das nicht zu knapp Kampangne ist leider so nicht spielbar zurzeit. Das Spiel ist schon wer genug das muss es nicht auch noch von sich aus Steine in den weglegen :)


We have a dedicated part of this forum for bug reporting, please could you post it in the following link


    David Numantian on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Arnold: De vez en cuando a mitad de la partida en campaña me salta un error al guardar ERROR GUARDADO PROGRESO: Ha ocurrido un error mientras se guardaba el progreso del juego Coleccion modificada puede que no se ejecute la operacion de enumeracion. Y tengo que empezar de nuevo donde se guardo la ultima vez bien. alguna solucion?


Me gustaria recordarte que tenemos una parte en el foro dedicada a los reportes de errores en el siguiente enlace


Por favor podrias abrir un hilo ahi sobre tu error?



10 Jul

    David Numantian on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by marcus.zhur: Near the starting point you have 2 grenades and near three or four little "hordes". What's the...? Okay... Let's clear them out...
Then you have 2 grenades again, and more, near six little hordes. Okay, lets try to kite all together to kill with 2 grenades.
On second attempt doing this i have died and did this:

Nevertheless I died near to the end because stupid Calio...
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    David Numantian on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by lana.civil: For some reason in my campaign the zombie horde was out of the map, tried to save and load, not it says that are itens out of the matrix and the cave is corrupted, tried to load backup, failed too... so lost all campaign.... can anyone help ? some save game editor or something.... btw 80+% of campaign, no chance to start a new one cos of this....


I would to remind you that there is a specific part on this forum dedicated to suggestions and ideas in the following link --->

Please post on it


    David Numantian on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by ghstbstr: The campaign and the ability to use a controller/gamepad is the reason why I wanted to get this on one of the consoles, but if the campaign isn't in the game on those versions and I can't use a controller/gamepad on the pc than I guess I won't get the game.
I was really looking forward to play this game. This is sad for me. : (


Campaign mode will be on consoles later on.


    David Numantian on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Killcycle: Games crashes, when selecting units with marking rectangle...

I've already did the following tip and deleted Steamworks.NET.dll:
Delete the following files in the installation folder that should not be there are they are obsolete and can cause conflicts:

All others are not available for me.


I would to remind you that there is a specific part on this forum dedicated to suggestions and ideas in the following link ---> ... Read more
    David Numantian on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by CoRo HaArLiN$H: This is becoming a real game breaker for me. Since the campaign update, when I give an attack move order or just a move order to my units, they walk some meters and then stop. I need to spam the command and watch all my units constantly because they stop their actions. please fix this because as it is , I just can't play anymore


i would to remind you that there is a specific part on this forum dedicated to bug reporting in the following link --->

Please post on it



09 Jul

    David Numantian on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by nakodang: plz

i would to remind you that there is a specific part on this forum dedicated to suggestions and ideas in the following link --->

Please post on it



08 Jul

    David Numantian on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by dragonsrl6: Starcraft has a speed up option, and that game has an AI that builds an army and navigates a tech tree. This game should have a speed up option since its literally you doing all the building and zombies that are preplanned to attack you on specific days. its ♥♥♥♥ that you spend 2+ hours on a map and die and have to start all over again when i coulda done that 2 hours in 30 minutes with a speed up option.


This option is it is not viable right now, anyway Dev team are studying that option.


    David Numantian on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Tech 49: I think the ambience is absolutely fantastic, be it the rustling of leaves in the wind or thunder in the distance. I think it makes the world feel very much alive, and is a nice touch when you're surrounded by the less-than-friendly undead!

That being said, it occurred to me that the colonists don't really make a lot of noise. It would be cool if you could hear some crowd noises (e.g. talking, laughter, etc.), maybe if only when you zoom in a bit. What do you guys think?


We have a dedicated part of this forum for ideas and suggestions , please could you post it in the following link
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    David Numantian on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by pecoes: I'm on the last map of the campaign and there's one zombie trapped in an enclosed area. He cannot get out and none of my units can attack him. I've also built various attack towers next to him but to no avail. Now I'm worried that I'll lose the map because I cannot clear it. Will that happen? Does anybody know?


This happens some times, try to do some noise or send a unit to the zombie.


    David Numantian on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by herrerik: Hi
Game hasnt lagged for me on any map, but final campaign mission has UNPLAYABLE lag. It's terrible. Any known fix? Can i lower some setting or something?

i would to remind you that there is a specific part on this forum dedicated to bug reports in the following link {LINK REMOVED}--->

Please post on it, and try to add more information about it, like images or videos

Thanks in advance

    David Numantian on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by MojoJojo: I can understand the problems having a speed up and down option would have but can you please have a "SWARM RELEASE" option?. Its really common in these type of games and If you would like a swarm/hoard released early, maybe you want a crazy challenge, maybe you dont want to wait 15 days doing nothing at the end of a mission waiting on them.... why would that be a problem to implement?.


i would to remind you that there is a specific part on this forum dedicated to suggestions and ideas in the following link --->

Please post on it


    David Numantian on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Emotion Lord: Writes a mistake:It seems the file withthe game information saved is invalid. This can be because it was created with an old wersion jo They Are Billions or has been modified with an external application.

what it is!!!! Nothing did with the save, almost went through the whole company and everything ... everything was done !!!! what is this nonsense !!! if there are normal people throw off the save files near the end, please ... the second time I will not go through this nonsense ..


i would to remind you that there is a specific part on this forum dedicated to suggestions and ideas in the following link --->

https://stea... Read more
    David Numantian on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Wrath: Hi.I had several games since the patch and this problem persists in all my games,, units seem to target random zombies when set on the "nearest target priority" I lost a ton of my units in the early game to this bug ,even midgame,can u guys fix it? its really frustrating to have to manually click on zombies especialy on the new 900% dificulty


i would to remind you that there is a specific part on this forum dedicated to suggestions and ideas in the following link --->
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    David Numantian on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by SWEDr Brobotnik: And if not, can it please be added as an option? Sometimes I want to take a break, pause, and say, listen to music of watch a video. Having music and amience going on is annoying and having to set audio to zero manually every time is tedious. Please.


i would to remind you that there is a specific part on this forum dedicated to suggestions and idead in the following link --->



05 Jul

    David Numantian on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by SAF33shark33: will i get extra point if i replay with different difficulty ?


"Replay" mode is only for fun, don't affect to your current score.


    David Numantian on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Cowy Large Leg: I have my campaign play through on another computer but the same account. Is there anyway to get the save on this computer aswell?


Steam cloud sync is enable again right now, please could you check it ?


    David Numantian on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by ShadoWarrioR: I just re-played a Hero Mission, because I did not clear 100% the first time and I want the Empire Points and Research. Guess what. I did it and it the new 100% result did not apply to the current map/stats. So i basically wasted a big portion of my time with this.
If this is intended - Make a Warning message, that only the first run counts.
If it's not - either make the second run count OR better yet - If a player goes a second time, do not reset the map! Only some rando small zombies that wondered through the holes, but all the rest - SAME, so if you forgot 1 thing - you can go back and do it in a minute - not waste 200000000 minutes on slow shooting. IT MAKES SENSE in a real world that would be the case. Not resseting the word.


We have a dedicated part of this forum for ideas and suggestions , please could you post it in the following link
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    David Numantian on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Tipx: They're boring. It's not like they're a challenge or anything, they're just plain and simply boring for me. They take way to long to do, you have to hover every pixel to gather the research points and stuff, and... it's boring, in case I forgot to mention it.

I don't know if any of these will be on the "required" path for the campaign since I'm only like... 6 maps in, but even if they aren't, since they provided resources (science and manpower) that are taken into account for the game to be balanced, they are de facto required.

Please add an option to disable these, and give the "average resources" they would give.



Campaign hero missions are optional, anyway i recommend you to play it

