They Are Billions

They Are Billions Dev Tracker

22 Jul

    David Numantian on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by FraGmenToR: It would be really handy if its possible. Once they are vets, you often dont want them clearing and instead just dump them back at the base for defence (at least i do). So if there were a way of siphoning all the vets out of a group it would be really handy from a quality of life perspective.


For the next time i would remind you that there is a specific part on this forum dedicated to ideas and suggestions in the following link

Anyway i take notes about it and Dev team will study its viabnility


    David Numantian on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Trade / Banned: Many now mac would like to see this game for mac.

Сделайте версию для mac os


By the moment TAB is only playable on Windows /PS4 /Xbox one


    David Numantian on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by georg.brandtner: I cant play the game.
starting log problem when trying to access that folder
Please check your account has rights to access that folder
please help me if you have a solution


I would to remind you that there is a specific part on this forum dedicated to bug reporting in the following link --->

Please post on it


    David Numantian on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by KonstantinYurlov: Erased total of 5+ hours of progress by far... So frustrating. Dear developers... DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!!! At least allow the in-game saving, so so many players won't have to start over the missions on which they are hours in, since apparently you are unable to make your game work. So bloody frustrating...

i would to remind you that there is a specific part on this forum dedicated to bug reporting in the following link --->

Please post on it


    David Numantian on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by la_nague: I had this game crash and delete like 7 days or so of progress, is that normal?

I really dont like that, i cant even manually save every once in a while to not waste so much time on lost progress.

I dont even want to go back to it now :(


i would to remind you that there is a specific part on this forum dedicated to bug reporting in the following link --->

Please post on it



19 Jul

    David Numantian on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by tsgray: Holy crap this is an annoying part of the game. Playing The Foundry mission and I can't for the life of me find the last 20 empire points... they are in randomish locations so a guide doesn't help and some are so small like a candle stick half behind a chair that even the not very helpful flashing doesn't help. Can we PLEASE get mini map pings on areas you have explored that an item is left in or a unopened chest so that we don't need to comb the map for hours only to never find the last stupid minuscule bottle or book or whatever that you missed 8000 times or heck just put big red exclamation marks over chests or items in places you have explored. It's not like these levels are particularly hard why make us waste time searching for research or empire points.


i would like to remember that Hero tactical missions are optional, thanks for all your feedbacks, Dev team... Read more
    David Numantian on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Holce: On the mission el dorado I think I lost to a bug.

The final wave: They are coming from all sides.

Yes but not from the south. The zombies that should have come from the south have came from the east. That was too much. The east got nearly all the zombies...


Is not a real bug, but it is a very big final wave you should be ready.

    David Numantian on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by ludovic.leroy0180: Bonjour. Après 2 ou 3 parties, j'ai ma sauvegarde qui bug. Impossible d'y accéder. J'ai désinstaller le jeu plusieurs fois. En supprimant la sauvegarde qui ne marche plus, je peux rejouer mais ça bug de nouveau. Quelqu'un pourrait m'aider ? L'assistance a part me faire désinstaller le jeu n'a pas de solutions. Merci


We have a dedicated part of this forum for bug reporting , please could you post it in the following link



18 Jul

    David Numantian on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by AND RAISED: Your save file crypto is insufficient to deter a skilled attacker. You have decided the player should not have the right to edit their own save, something I won't debate here. What I will say is that if it's intended to be an anti-cheat, you should make sure the anti-cheat is as strong as it can get, otherwise you're locking players out of save edits without deterring all cheaters.
tl;dr You should consider swapping to something with more state in the crypto stream. The current save format uses the decades-old PKzip crypto, which is vulnerable to KP attacks and also limits the *effective* password length to 13 or so characters regardless of how long the password is. This is because since there's only 13 bytes in the state, many different passwords (aka shorter than the ones you've picked) will also map to the same internal state, similar to how X mod Y will have many different X that map t...
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16 Jul

    David Numantian on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by ekidhardt: So I'm playing the campaign map, and let's say I beat a map on easy and I get the points.

Then I do it again (same map) on very hard. Will I get the difference in the points between the two?

Or is every map a 1 shot deal, and if you beat it on easy, you'll forever be stuck with few points and then get screwed later on?

I'm wondering if I need to start every map on 800% in order to get the points..



Replay mode is only for fun, you should starts again a new campaign for try the same mission in other hardest mode difficult


    David Numantian on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by El Monstero29: Lol no response what so ever from Numantian, not surprised at all.


We read all messages including this one, so is just an opinion

    David Numantian on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by rallegre: randomly the game appears dark when i start it. why is it doing this and how do i fix it?


i would to remind you that there is a specific part on this forum dedicated to bug reporting in the following link --->

Please post on it



15 Jul

    David Numantian on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by VI Painkiller: Hello,
so i have a problem recently with the game, it dont launch anymore, and by that i mean i get an empty dialog box with an "Ok" button and the game close, i tried to reinstall slimDX but it ask me for Net Framework 4.0 or better and i have the 4.5 and 4.5 version , i dont know what to do.



You have to install SlimDX to make the game runs.
Usually the instalation file is in this path C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\They Are Billions
Use this executable file --->



14 Jul

    David Numantian on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Talrosh: Version 1.0.11
[SOLVED] Train arrival time changed depending on the difficulty selected.
So what are the new timings?

A bit annoying that i now have to reavaluate the tech path i was planning to do for just one change.


Now the train arrives exactly in 24 hours.



13 Jul

    David Numantian on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by urlings_55: Hello,

Just want something off my chest. I myself among many others were dissapointed in the campaign (and I will post my own review soon, along with suggestions on a per mission base to improve). I guess we all expected a good decent variety of missions and not always the same generic ones. It could have been objectively better.

There might be a huge amount of dissapointment running with the developers due the criticism they had to face the last few weeks. Usually that ends up with atleast questioning if they should put effort in any further development for sequels or dlc.

I think I speak for any critical mind out there, but do please work on a follow up, because basically you have developed all the tools necessary! You have a big range of decor pieces, you have a good sound map editor that will allow much more complex and engaging campaign missions, you got the exp...
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12 Jul

    David Numantian on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Tynendir: Introduction

Many people were disappointed when the campaign was released. I heard a lot of comments such as the fact that the swarm and hero missions weren’t interesting or too hard. I also heard a lot of “git gud” comment but that’s another subject. Many people and well-known streamers complained about the difficulty (or the lack thereof) of some of the missions (notably the build for X days missions without being attacked). I also was disappointed for the reasons pointed above but mostly because of the fact that the campaign could have been much more and would have allowed for the game to reach its full potential. I am well aware that a game never lives up to the hype surrounding it and that technical limitations exist but, in this post, I will try to explain why the campaign felt underwhelming for a lot of players and how it could have been improved. It is my hope that the developer...
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    David Numantian on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Masonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn: Just saying, everyone is wrong and terrible at the game.

The game is too easy, and too hard.

It is fun, and also very unfun.

Campaign sucks, and I haven't even played it.

Survival is the only game worth playing, because ♥♥♥♥ I love to hate myself.

Challenge of the week needs a difficulty disclaimer, otherwise I'll just keep playing on max survival instead of bothering with any game that isn't a 12 hour slow walk to forcible ♥♥♥♥.

Thank you developers for Caustic Lands, as I've seen it as better punishment than repeatedly slamming my genitals in a heavy metal drawer.

One day I will win at max everything. Or I will die.


400 hours of my life so far.

Rough language or insults will not be tolerated in our community. We are grateful for any comments from any pla... Read more
    David Numantian on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by wide boi: Please


We have a dedicated part of this forum for ideas and suggestions , please could you post it in the following link



11 Jul

    David Numantian on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Captain Australia: Just my own personal wishing well on three features I'd like to see in the campaign:

1) The option to multiply the number of zombies in timed spawns (in addition to the outright difficulty levels easy->apocalypse). Just an extra option to further ramp up the difficulty for your game wherever you sit on the overall difficulty ladder.
- lets say you're playing on easy but can't win a challenge map (but still would like a 1.5 kind of escalation in challenge - the 14/28/etc day timed spawns can be made 2x or 3x harder
- or at the other end, you're in apocalypse and want even MORE .. so you still have the same amount of time to prepare and the same level of ambient zombie population .. but you can sleep in peace knowing the timed zombie waves will be even more mind boggling with 2 or 3 times the population

2) Option to continue campaign maps
I don't mind mee...
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    David Numantian on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by ghstbstr: I want to get this on either the Xbox One or the PS4 so I can use a controller/gamepad if the pc version would allow the use of a controller/gamepad I would have already got it. but since my only choice is to get it on the console I ask...
When will the campaign be available on the console versions?


Please you need to be patient, campaign mode will be available in the future.

