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Yesterday have been playing with a friend online, and we were getting these random freezes at approximately the same time.
over 4 years ago - Ubi-Raziel - Direct link
Originally Posted by crash_ip21
Yesterday have been playing with a friend online, and we were getting these random freezes at approximately the same time.

Thank you for your video report, I can very clearly see the freezing issue that you experienced.

To resolve an issue such as this, we will first need to try to reproduce it.

Can you please confirm whether this happened more than once, whether it only seemed to happen with 1 map etc.

Perhaps there was a server degradation at the time, or that map in particular was being problematic.

Anything you can remember will be a huge help thank you!
over 4 years ago - Ubi-WheelyDuck - Direct link
Originally Posted by crash_ip21
Here is an example of my friend experiencing a freeze on the same day, when we later played on EVO Fullspeed Beginner server. From what I see in the VOD's chat, I told him that I experienced the lag at the same time as he did on stream, so it's probably was connected to a server? (But my initial clip is from TOTD server).

Thank you for providing this.

Can I check whether this was the same time as what you advised previously?

Has this since happened again?
about 4 years ago - Ubi-Milky - Direct link
hey Crash thanks for the update.

On that date in question we did have some maintenance performed on our servers but it wasn't specific to Trackmania so Im not sure if this would have affected the game but it is a possibility.

Thanks again for reporting these crash/freezes to us and I am happy to hear it hasn't occurred for you again. If you experience any issues like this again please let us know and we can check to see if there is any degradation or outages at the time causing this behaviour.