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Hi Trackmania team.

I will keep it short. I play ice alot, and have encountered this bug and can re-create it every turn.

https://www.veed.io/view/81888e00-56bc-4758-84b9-7657caa55054?sharingWidget=true: (https://veed.io/view/81888e00-56bc-4758-84b9-7657caa55054?sharingWidget=true)

The problem is that when you either LEFT tab og RIGHT tab (in this ex its left tab), and you want to enter a ice slide it totally messes you up. In the clip i do it normally first and second respawn i do the bug. I keep going back and fourth over the course of the clip.

So this means you cant re-adjust your angle before entering an iceslide. Thats the same thing as doing a quick 'tab' to the left or right before entering a turn on tarmac, dirt, plastic so on and so on, and then your car just takes a nose dive.

Is this intentional? And if it is, please explain the ideology behind it to me.

If not, as a software developer myself, have fun bug-fixing! Cant wait 🙂

Love the game, have a wonderful day!

Kind regards Nicolai / Zeatz

over 2 years ago - Ubi-LadyBlue - Direct link

Hello @Tigu-TM and @Zeatz,

I went ahead and merged your threads just to keep things a little more together.

So....It does look like this is working as intended. I have that information here. I myself don't particularly understand the ideology so I'm not really able to answer that question. 😞

That being said, I was frustrated for you from just watching the videos and there's a whole thread of people here who share our sentiment. I did go ahead and get this forwarded over to our teams and I'm really sorry for the frustration that's been caused by this change. Definitely let me know if there's anything else either of you needs and I'll be happy to do my best to help.

over 2 years ago - Ubi-LadyBlue - Direct link

Hello @Tigu-TM and @Zeatz,

I went ahead and merged your threads just to keep things a little more together.

So....It does look like this is working as intended. I have that information here. I myself don't particularly understand the ideology so I'm not really able to answer that question. 😞

That being said, I was frustrated for you from just watching the videos and there's a whole thread of people here who share our sentiment. I did go ahead and get this forwarded over to our teams and I'm really sorry for the frustration that's been caused by this change. Definitely let me know if there's anything else either of you needs and I'll be happy to do my best to help.

over 2 years ago - Ubi-LadyBlue - Direct link

Oops @Tigu-TM, I'm so sorry for my lack of clarity. You're far from alone in it being unwanted behavior, myself included after watching the video clips. The other Discussions link I provided contains many more players who feel the same. So I went through and collected everyone's information from both threads and sent the teams a very lengthy and detailed report.

over 2 years ago - Ubi-LadyBlue - Direct link

Oops @Tigu-TM, I'm so sorry for my lack of clarity. You're far from alone in it being unwanted behavior, myself included after watching the video clips. The other Discussions link I provided contains many more players who feel the same. So I went through and collected everyone's information from both threads and sent the teams a very lengthy and detailed report.

over 2 years ago - Ubi-TheBerry - Direct link

Thank you @The_Toble!

This has all been fed back to the team.

Should we hear more on this, we'll share those updates here.

Thanks guys!

over 2 years ago - Ubi-TheBerry - Direct link

Thank you @The_Toble!

This has all been fed back to the team.

Should we hear more on this, we'll share those updates here.

Thanks guys!

over 2 years ago - Ubi-TheBerry - Direct link

Hey @Gus_Sillypants,

Thanks for reaching out.

As below, this has been passed onto the team as feedback.

This is less a bug and more a result of the physics being updated - we're passing player comments on but at this stage have no further details on any changes being made.

Thank you for your understanding!

over 2 years ago - Ubi-TheBerry - Direct link

Hey @Gus_Sillypants,

Thanks for reaching out.

As below, this has been passed onto the team as feedback.

This is less a bug and more a result of the physics being updated - we're passing player comments on but at this stage have no further details on any changes being made.

Thank you for your understanding!

over 2 years ago - Ubi-Auron - Direct link

Hey @Zeatz and thanks for your detailed input on this matter!

We understand that some changes in the game, although intentional, might be controversial in the eyes of the community. We are constantly updating our teams about the feedback on this change. We don't have any updates for now, but we will provide them in this thread as soon as we get them, thanks! 😊

over 2 years ago - Ubi-Auron - Direct link

Hey @Zeatz and thanks for your detailed input on this matter!

We understand that some changes in the game, although intentional, might be controversial in the eyes of the community. We are constantly updating our teams about the feedback on this change. We don't have any updates for now, but we will provide them in this thread as soon as we get them, thanks! 😊

about 2 years ago - Ubi-TheBerry - Direct link

Hey guys,

Thanks for reaching out.

As per our previous responses, this is an intended change made by the team.

We've forwarded your feedback on, however we have had no further information at this point in regards to any future changes to the ice physics being made.

Should this change, we'll update the thread accordingly.

As for any activity on Reddit - this is not something we are affiliated with as Ubisoft Support.

We'll pass this on, but are limited in our intervention with this matter.

about 2 years ago - Ubi-TheBerry - Direct link

Hey guys,

Thanks for reaching out.

As per our previous responses, this is an intended change made by the team.

We've forwarded your feedback on, however we have had no further information at this point in regards to any future changes to the ice physics being made.

Should this change, we'll update the thread accordingly.

As for any activity on Reddit - this is not something we are affiliated with as Ubisoft Support.

We'll pass this on, but are limited in our intervention with this matter.