Hi Trackmania team.
I will keep it short. I play ice alot, and have encountered this bug and can re-create it every turn.
https://www.veed.io/view/81888e00-56bc-4758-84b9-7657caa55054?sharingWidget=true: (https://veed.io/view/81888e00-56bc-4758-84b9-7657caa55054?sharingWidget=true)
The problem is that when you either LEFT tab og RIGHT tab (in this ex its left tab), and you want to enter a ice slide it totally messes you up. In the clip i do it normally first and second respawn i do the bug. I keep going back and fourth over the course of the clip.
So this means you cant re-adjust your angle before entering an iceslide. Thats the same thing as doing a quick 'tab' to the left or right before entering a turn on tarmac, dirt, plastic so on and so on, and then your car just takes a nose dive.
Is this intentional? And if it is, please explain the ideology behind it to me.
If not, as a software developer myself, have fun bug-fixing! Cant wait
Love the game, have a wonderful day!
Kind regards Nicolai / Zeatz