

18 Mar


Just a status update on this issue:

The team is still actively investigating these Matchmaking problems in Vallis. It involves some substantial behind-the-scenes fixes which require extensive testing, at which we're not ready to Hotfix just yet.

Apologies for these issues in the mean time. As Steve mentioned, we'll be extending the Thermia Fractures and Buried Debts expiration date once we've confirmed/launched the fix.

15 Mar



Thanks for tuning in!



Platinum Winners:



Mesa Prime Access Winner: 





Fan Art Recap:


Nora Night


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14 Mar


Join Rebecca and Megan as they venture to the whispering skeletal depths of Orb Vallis and show off the latest TennoGen!
PLUS, don’t miss the newest Warframe Community Fan Art and Display Twitch Drop!!

See you here tonight, March 14th at 7pm ET. Check your time zones ...

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12 Mar



A Warframe convention would not be complete without a couple of Clems and Grakata! With so much Tenno talent out there we are looking forward to seeing your Warframe inspired creations at this year’s TennoCon. This year, an even bigger and better Cosplay Show will commence on the Main Stage with cash prizes available to be won!

We’re switching things up this year and distributing the $10,000 CAD cash prize between the Top 3 winners!

If you wish to participate in the TennoCon 2019 Cosplay Contest, please see the spoiler below for Registration Information, Rules, Show Stru...

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11 Mar


Buried Debts: Hotfix 24.4.4

Kitgun Changes:

  • Changed the following when Thunderdrum Loader is used with Catchmoon Chamber:
    • Critical Chance increased from 13% to 17%
    • Status Chance decreased from 35% to 28%


  • Reduced the Affinity gained from killing Coolant Raknoids from 1500 to 300.
  • Refined the end of mission screen for Thermia Fracture progress to show you what you received in that single mission vs. a cumulative total, which could be misleading. 
  • Hildryn can now use Shields for Melee Channeling!
  • Selecting the Foundry notification in the UI will now take you to the appropriate Foundry screen to claim.
  • Updated the Neutron Star Augment description to match updated behaviour.

Orb Vallis Assassinate Bounty Fixes: ...

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08 Mar


Buried Debts: Hotfix 24.4.2

Melee Phase 1: 'Flow' Changes:

Tenno, thank you kindly for your feedback, videos, and reactions so far on last night's Melee changes! We've been live for less than 24 hour with Phase 1 and we're going to start experimenting a little bit with some feedback. Our first experiment has to do with players who are truly committed to 'The Sword Alone'. 

  • Manual blocking/parry has been added when players wield only a Melee weapon in a mission (i.e NO Secondary or Primary equipped). This is possible because in this specific state, the keybindings are free to allow this manual blocking. We do not plan on adding it to any other state yet. The default keybind for this is RMB/Right Mouse Button, as it was in the past. 

Controller Changes & Fixes:

  • Melee Channeling can no longer be rebound on Controller due to it completely breaking Melee ...
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Hildryn's Main Blueprint is being moved from Vox Solaris' Offering Rank of Shadow (Rank 5) to Agent (Rank 2).

This is coming in a near Hotfx - thank you for your feedback!

8 hours ago, GearByte said:

Valkyr's hysterical Assault mod. The alt-fire leap happens to overlap the new channeling button, making the leap not work.

We're investigating this for a fix - thanks!


Buried Debts: Hotfix 24.4.1

We’re actively investigating issues arising with Controller functionality relating to Melee 2.99997 changes (Aim Gliding, Meleeing, etc).


  • Fixed seeing the global community Thermia Fractures progress towards Fracture stability instead of your personal progress if you don't have any progress yet. You should now only see your personal progress in the Navigation Panel.
  • Fixes towards the Coolant Canister not remaining at the last Thermia Fracture that was sealed if it was very far away.
  • Fixed random crashes when transitioning to different levels (Orb Vallis to Fortuna, Fortuna to Orbiter, etc).
  • Fixed a crash when fighting Raknoids in Orb Vallis.
  • Fixed a crash in the Warframe Abilities screen when viewing one that includes the Ability video.
  • Fixed a script error that resulte...
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1 minute ago, JohnnyMeta said:

It's really annoying that with every update, eidolons hunts get wilder.
You must kill the same LURE twice to be able to hack it
The theralist has a really lousy AI, walks straight no matter if what he has in front is a body of water, that is, the theralist gets full body to any body of water.
The gantulyst and hydrolyst, Teletransport in a detestable way.
These two eidolons are teleported randomly even when they are far from the water, and do so immediately after a roar or being hurt or the shields are lowered.
The vomvs turn blue and are not absorbed by the lures no matter if they are in a row, the lure simply ignores them.
Seriously the changes were disappointing.
I did not like how Exodia contagio was affected. Literally I must point my gun to be able to launch the spear of this arcane. It is really uncomfortable and annoying.
The ra...

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Just now, Flatland said:

Baruuk's Desert Wind moveset no longer has a special slam. I do not get the FX or knockback wave from using the aerial slam, nor can I hold right click to get the vacuum effect, I basically just punch the ground and nothing happens unless I land directly on top of an enemy.

The Hotfix currently in the oven has a fix for this - hang tight! 

14 minutes ago, Bl00dRedRage said:

BUG: Baruuk's slam with desert wind is broken. It does no damage at all, not even damage numbers pop up. It also doesn't have particle effects either.

Investigating! Thanks for letting us know. 

6 minutes ago, Umgak said:

Why does my Zaw (Sepfahn - Shtung - Ekwana Jai II) now innately deal Heat damage and zero physical? Thing's worthless now. In the Equip screen it shows the correct base stats (24.5 slash, 5.3 puncture, 5.3 impact) but once equipped it instead shows 109 Heat and nothing else.

EDIT: New bug: All Sepfahn strike Zaws deal pure Heat damage, with no Slash, Puncture, or Impact.

Investigating! Thanks for reporting. 


Added information about the Tatsu Stance Mod!

WISE RAZOR (Two-Handed Nikana Stance Mod)
Deftly executed sweeps and slashes.

Wise River can be acquired from a new Raknoid enemy.

1 minute ago, demotech said:

Aiming on the controller is now broken.  I am still able to aim with the keyboard but nothing occurs when I click the button on the controller.  I even checked to make sure it was not unbound, but unfortunately it still says aim weapon.  

We're investigating this! Does changing your Controller bindings to 'Default' help?

4 minutes ago, LasersKilledMe said:

This is a great update, but I already found one issue that really limits my gameplay.

I play with a controller and, with the changes to melee, I can't aim my weapons. Instead, it always channels my melee, since both Aim Weapon and Melee Channel are bound to the same trigger, and I can't move Melee Channel onto another button other than just Fire Weapon, so this effectively makes me unable to aim or aim glide.

Restoring your Controller bindings to 'Default' should work around the issue for now while we investigate a solution. 

5 minutes ago, SunnyEkler said:

If there's no incursions what hapens with mods that was incursion-only, like Kinetic Diversion?
Are they legacy now?

Incursions rewards have been moved to other accessible locations: ...

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Buried Debts: Update 24.4.0

The first Mainline Update of 2019 has arrived! A massive amount of fixes, changes, additions and more have been collected since our last Mainline (The Profit-Taker) and splayed below for you! Sometimes WIP features slip through the cracks and launch unbeknownst to us - so if you see some weirdness please let me know!

Launching shortly after this Update is live is our first Operation of 2019. This entire Update is about 2.7 GB, get ready! What follows is a summary of the Operation post! 


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07 Mar


Hey Tenno! We're postponing tonight's Prime Time until next week.

You might have seen that we announced Operation: Buried Debts is coming today to PC, and our hands are furiously busy making that happen!

Thanks for understanding!



Hey Tenno! We're postponing tonight's Prime Time until next week.

You might have seen that we announced Operation: Buried Debts is coming today to PC, and our hands are furiously busy making that happen!

Thanks for understanding!




The hefty Mainline Update 24.4.0 is on the horizon for PC! Danie...

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