Fortuna: Hotfix 24.2.6
Profit-Taker Fixes:
- Fixed ability to double-up on Profit-Taker drops if a Host Migration occurred (coal for you!).
- Fixed a Profit-Taker Bounty 1 progression stopper if players join-in-progress during the fishing stage.
- Fixed a Profit-Taker Bounty 2 progression stopper where a Director wouldn’t spawn.
- Fixed the Shattering Impact Mod breaking the Profit-Taker. Profit-Taker is now immune to Armor Reduction.
Arch-Gun Changes & Fixes:
- Shared Affinity gain now applies to Atmosphere Arch-Guns but only while equipped in the main hand.
- Fixed not having a Arch-Gun equipped by default (if they own an Archwing primary weapon with the Gravimag installed) when changing Loadouts .
- Fixed an issue where players with Arch-Guns in their loadout couldn't Wall Latch.
- Fi...