

03 Jul


Originally posted by sneedlevro

[BUG] if you crash or log off when in outpost you just die (it says you killed yourself) an there is no body or loot bag when you go back, really tired of losing farm and kits to this

This is the intended behaviour to stop players logging off within safe zones with loot, after 20 minutes you'll be auto killed if sleeping.


Originally posted by Submersed

The change to push feature on boats is absolutely awful. Pushing them out to the water is so annoying now. Please fix

We've released a fix for this issue.


Originally posted by Submersed

Push feature on boats is either bugged or has been severely limited by this patch. You must now aim directly at the engine (a very, very small hit box) in order to push the boat. About 50% of the time, this results in unintentionally mounting the boat instead of pushing it. If intentional, it's not a good change; please consider reverting.

We've now released a fix for this issue.


Originally posted by x-TASER-x

Not sure how they did this, but I don’t think this is how cars are supposed to work lol

Haha! Definitely a feature and not a bug.

(We'll look at fixing it)


Originally posted by quietconundrum

[BUG] The circular glass icon you click to drink from a water barrel is only clickable on the outer portions that do not overlap the larger droplet icon container.

Thanks, we'll look at getting this fixed.


Originally posted by IamJustJunior

[QoL] Bradley. When I was at Launch I thought there was a fly in my room or an RC Car going off next door.

Bradley went from busting heads to busting out the double AA batteries because he ran out of juice.

Thanks, I've seen this mentioned a few times and will pass the feedback on.


Originally posted by Razercool21

[BUG] Rust will constantly crash randomly after this car update, is this a known issue or a new one?

No known issues regarding crashes and the latest update.

Update - Quite a number of replies stating they've only just started having crashes this patch and never prior, we'll investigate and see if we can figure anything out.


Originally posted by catdickNBA

Not sure if BUG. But the new update completly corrupted my m2. SSD. I just reformatted it and it works, maybe something maybe not. Never happened to me before tho

Rust alone would not cause this, you've definitely got some other issues going on with your M2.


Originally posted by Submersed

[Not a bug] Suggestion: Please consider allowing teammates to hop in the passenger seat(s) of helicopters which are purchased at Air Wolf in the window of time that the helis are only accessible to pilots.

We're running large amounts of scrap to bandit to purchase the helis, and we often do this as a team, it'd be nice if we could leave as a team. Leaving for two minutes and returning to pick up teammates doesn't make much sense.

Thanks, this seems to be a common and sensible QOL suggestion - We'll look into this.

02 Jul


Originally posted by Jules3313

alistair why why have you guys discontinued it, it wont be the same im crying

As mentioned in the post, it's not worth to continue investing our time into a map which only Rustafied hosts, more so now with a ton of talented map makers who can support it better going forward.


Originally posted by Jules3313

wait alistair i just realized august 6th is next months thursday, is this when u guys are coming out with the new hdrp, and landscape/terrain update. hmmm.

Afraid not, don't get your hopes up.


Savas heightmaps have already been given to the custom map-making community. A handful of makers are working towards a 1 to 1 copy.

01 Jul


This is currently the intended behaviour.

If players want to pickaxe / jackhammer out a foundation every time they log on go for it.

Additionally, stashes do decay even while within building privilege so you risk losing your loot if not regularly checked.

Most experienced raiders are aware of this and if they suspect something doesn't add up it's usually somewhat easy to start guessing which foundations to destroy.

27 Jun


Prices have already been adjusted to 750 for mini and 1250 for transport.

Just to address some of your comments.

will be the ones who have already reached endgame in a wip

The intent is to force mini copters to late mid-game / end game, this should hopefully make ground-based vehicles more appealing.

Alternatively, people might not buy them at all, because who wants to lose 1500/3000 scrap to a group of nakeds who boosted themselves to your roof to steal your heli.

This is part of the core problem with the current meta, players are not protecting their helis because they've invested little to no time and effort in acquiring them. Players should look at protecting their vehicles with garages or other forms of defence.

25 Jun


If you have a controller plugged in try removing it.

21 Jun


Originally posted by [deleted]


<3 Thank you


I've just checked this frame by frame because that would be an extremely abnormal bug.

I could not see any evidence of his heath going over 100 during 6:39 - 6:43. I believe what you're seeing is Youtube's video compression artefacts (example)

when watching at low quality settings.

20 Jun

19 Jun


Originally posted by TheRealTokyotim

There was nothing above or below the floor. There WERE planters there before I got raided and everything was destroyed. I was rebuilding and putting planters in the exact same spots and could not do it. Super frustrating

Thanks, I'll take a look.