

23 May

14 May


Originally posted by s-expression

/u/Alistair_Mc can you guys provide a statement on this bug? This gets reported every release but it hasn't even been acknowledged.

If someone can give me the map worldsize, seed and grid ref I'll get it fixed.

08 May


Originally posted by Glaenn91

Disconnecting when editing Vendingmachine. When trying to exit the edit part.

This is a known Oxide related issue, it should be resolved in the latest version.


Originally posted by Diffrnt

[possibly a bug]

There seem to be very few animals on the map.

After investigating this across our servers I can't find anything abnormal with the animal spawns. The vast majority of reports have come from servers running Oxide.

If anyone having this issue on a pure vanilla server please let me know.

Update: We've released a server update for this issue.


No known issue - if you could throw up some screenshots of your setup it'll help to troubleshoot this issue for you.


We went into lockdown at the end of Friday 1st, which means only patch critical fixes and balance changes are allowed to be committed for the update.

Last server-side change was 50537 06/05/2020 so they did indeed have a full day to test.

50523 06/05/2020 - Minor sprinklers fix

50514 05/05/2020 - Ch47 land drop fixes

50501 05/05/2020 - Water pump production rate changes

50479 04/05/2020 - Launch site bug fix

50477 04/05/2020 - Powered water purifier bug fix

A few more patch critical bug fixes between 2nd and 6th but in short these are extremely safe fixes and should'nt have had an impact on Oxide. The blame should not be aimed at anyone, there should be a bigger combined effort in the modding community to test before releasing.


Originally posted by SansGateau

I get kicked out everytime I go out of the administration page on my vending machine

This is an issue with Oxide, far as I'm aware they've fixed this in their latest update.


Originally posted by skymanpl

[QoL] Add status to indicate whether you are considered hostile to outpost / bandit camp visible above health bar and possibly circle around this places on map to indicate protected area / turret/npc attack range.

This is currently planned.

07 May


Originally posted by farcry15

some very welcome qol. monument skip fixes, no more minicopter looting of airdrops, minicopter decay timers actually correct now, locked crate at monuments event fixed



Originally posted by Viktorv22

Don't want to sound ungrateful but weren't new models for animals planned in this patch?

As /u/HyDRO55 correctly pointed out, these are still a working progress and too early to say when they'll be making their way onto live servers.


Originally posted by chillzatl

It's awesome because it fixes what some might consider game breaking exploits. Exploits that other devs might care to address you know, when they first break them, but Facepunch allows to linger to the point that there's a large portion of their player base that don't know anything else... still awesome, though certainly not something to break you arm jerking them off over.

The content updates are cool, though hardly world changing.

If you could list these "game breaking exploits" I'm more than happy to address your concerns.


Originally posted by RustiDome

[BUG] Unable to right click water barrel / water catchers and drain water into any water jug etc.

[BUG] In the old days you could click to splash water onto a water jug and it would input all water into said water jug.

Thank you - I'll investigate these.


Originally posted by off_task_in_school

can someone confirm if caves have spawned correctly? I'm searching ALL OVER the place and can't find caves that are listed on

Most likely just unlucky seed - caves have not been adjusted and spawning fine on across our servers.


Originally posted by yetzt

Bug: Bears are invisble until they attack you.

Thanks for the report - unfortunately, this is not something I can reproduce or seen further reports on. If you could provide more details that would be great.

Edit - sorry, just reread the replies and it's that it's related to third-party server modding.


Originally posted by RustiDome


Seeing this alot in console for some users, no oxide installed

(15:14:20) |[SHS]Mouse disconnecting: HttpRequestException: 503 (Service Unavailable) System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage.EnsureSuccessStatusCode () (at <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0) ConVar.Chat+MuteList.getIsGlobalMuted () (at <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0) System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializationFixupCallback.Invoke (System.Object fixup) (at <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0) System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal (System.Threading.ExecutionContext executionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback callback, System.Object state, System.Boolean preserveSyncCtx) (at <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0) System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncMethodBuilderCore+MoveNextRunner.Run () (at <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0) System.Action.Invoke () (at <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0) System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializationFixup...

Read more

Thanks - This issue should now be resolved.


Originally posted by speakerwild1

Just getting kicked out of the blue for no reason. Error:

Companion server rejected our Steam ticket ConVar.Chat+MuteList.get_IsGlobalMuted()

Generally the issue happens about a minute into joining a server.

Thanks - This issue should now be resolved.


Originally posted by [deleted]


Thanks - This issue should now be resolved.


Originally posted by yetzt

[MacOS] Client still getting massive framerate drops every 15 minutes.

Thank you for the report - This is unfortunately due to the latest Unity update having specific mac OS issues forcing us to disable certain features which help FPS.

We hope near future Unity updates will resolve this issue.


Originally posted by LucidTriip

Seems the projectile error has been fixed, but now I keep getting kicked from the server and getting an error “companion server has rejected our steam ticket”

This issue should now be resolved.