

10 Jul


Originally posted by john_wicks_dead_dog

I know this off subject but can you guys add in skulls on spears? I’d love to be able to place someone’s skull I hate on a spear outside of my base

Halloween DLC?


Originally posted by Alistair_Mc

Facepunch: Going according to plan, now everyone has to buy the DLC!

We'll take a look, ideally, the player should have been dismounted in this condition while riding under the gate.


Originally posted by hunted5

facepunch: 🤦

Facepunch: Going according to plan, now everyone has to buy the DLC!

09 Jul


Death may cause temporary blindness.

(we'll push a hotfix for this shortly)

05 Jul


Originally posted by DJ_6969

I played all day yesterday and didn't crash once so it seems like its fixed for me at least, thank you

Thank you!

04 Jul


Originally posted by zykiato

Ugh. We should be able to opt out of this. Wtf.

Does this affect private profiles? [edit: the site doesn't appear to track private profiles]

/u/Alistair_Mc Can we please get an option to opt out of this? I don't like the idea of other players tracking my activity at all. It seems not to affect players who set their profiles to private, but that's an impediment to playing with others.

I'm afraid this is all public and handled via Steam.

You can private your profile or reset your stats with the command: "steam.resetstats"


Originally posted by Diffrnt

[QoL] Given how valuable minicopters are now, it would be better if they weren't visible from afar when hidden in bases that didn't yet render.

We'll look into this


Originally posted by quietconundrum

I've spent 2-3 hours today trying to replicate the crashes by doing a little bit of everything in-game and, so far, no more crashes to desktop. Also, after Thursday's update, when my server restarted every 12 hours, the forced disconnect of the automated restart caused the game to crash to desktop as well. It restarted an hour ago and did not crash this time. Here's hoping the issue has been resolved. Thank you for listening and for your hard work on this game, Alistair. If the crashes return, I will update you here.

Thank you!


Originally posted by Vativ

same here

We revert some changes 8~ hours ago - Please can make sure you've restarted your client and let me know if you're still experiencing any issues?


Originally posted by DJ_6969

Same problem here

We revert some changes 8~ hours ago - Please can make sure you've restarted your client and let me know if you're still experiencing any issues?


Originally posted by farligfarliggrevling

[BUG] Hostility is messed up. Try smacking a car with a rock, and then enter bandit camp within a minute. You will be considered hostile. The hostility timer is also shared with Outpost, and will reset to 30m whenever an NPC spots you.

This has been going on for a while and really messes up in strange ways

This is intended - We've added a hostile marker to the top right of the screen to inform you if you're hostile.


Originally posted by Exare

I too am suffering frequent crashes. It seems to happen randomly. Could be right when I log in or 20mins into a session. It’s so frequent I can’t do anything outside the base for fear of narcolepsy.

Using a 3800x with a 5700XT. Not sure if it’s AMD related but none of my other friends have this issue. I’m running the latest drivers.

I validated game cache and tried closing all other background professes (except Discord and Razer Synapse). Restarted my PC. Nothing works.

We revert some changes 8~ hours ago - Please can make sure you've restarted your client and let me know if you're still experiencing any issues?


Originally posted by BirreBoo

Same issue here. Never had a crash prier to update now its every ~2h, full crash to desktop

We revert some changes 8~ hours ago - Please can make sure you've restarted your client and let me know if you're still experiencing any issues?


Originally posted by United_J

Had frequent crashes since last night

We revert some changes 8~ hours ago - Please can make sure you've restarted your client and let me know if you're still experiencing any issues?


Originally posted by Vativ

friend has the same issue

We revert some changes 8~ hours ago - Please can make sure you've restarted your client and let me know if you're still experiencing any issues?


Originally posted by ONIONXCORE1

same problem here, just random crashes to desktop

We revert some changes 8~ hours ago - Please can make sure you've restarted your client and let me know if you're still experiencing any issues?


Originally posted by Xizaan

I had this problem yesterday too, crashed to desktop four times.

We revert some changes 8~ hours ago - Please can make sure you've restarted your client and let me know if you're still experiencing any issues?


Originally posted by quietconundrum

I will second this issue regarding today's update. I have had several full crashes to desktop (probably 7-8 times today). I've already sent in an F7 report but thought I'd add my voice to the choir on this one. For context, playing since 2016 and never had persistent crash issues prior to this.

We revert some changes 8~ hours ago - Please can make sure you've restarted your client and let me know if you're still experiencing any issues?

03 Jul


Originally posted by rmichaelsm

[BUG] Not sure if this is actually a bug but I have never seen this in the console before this wipe but it has shown up several times on both servers since wipe.

Trigger PlayerHurtFrontTrigger (TriggerHurtNotChild) contains entity that is too far away: pine_d[17754]

These are safe to ignore, just debugging information. We'll be releasing an update in the coming days to hide this.


Originally posted by shavot

[QoL] Can the red crosshair be visible only when you press TAB? It's annoying. Let's keep the UI as clean as possible. There is no need for it to be displayed all the time when you're 'agro'. Just on TAB. pls great update btw, gg

We're looking at improving this in future updates - Currently, we're planning on only displaying the hostile timer when near safe zones.