

10 Jul


Originally posted by Davon4L

kinda calling BS, considering the guardians has had 2 upgradable skins.

If anything this is a good proof for my other comment - when we decided to make these skins, Guardian was intended to be a “premiere” weapon alongside the Vandal and was a popular weapon in playtests so the skins team decided to make skins for it.

But now we’ve realized it’s not living up to that power level and have repurposed it at the 2500 price point as a somewhat more niche weapon. But it’s got two upgrading skins and the Phantom has none.

If we could magically conjure skins quickly... do y’all think we’d intentionally decide to sell two Guardian skins and no Phantom ones? Doesn’t seem like it’d make much sense to me given how popular those two weapons are comparatively nowadays. But, given the dev time we made the decisions we did and are catching up to current meta. Like I said before, this stuff just takes awhile to make!

09 Jul


Originally posted by Riot_Preeti

Oh hi! Thank you! :) The knife and the Op are my favorite!

I don't actually know how we find people for these labs. I can ask how we do it. :)

I can! The very short answer is we use data analytics and surveys to identify groups of players we're interested in testing with, and then send out email invites to ask them to come playtest with us.

Obviously things are a bit different now with quarantine in the US, but we're still running tests, discussion groups, etc. with players in the same way, just remotely. If you're interested in this sort of thing, check the email you have associated with Valorant periodically - you may find a survey or email there that asks about your availability to playtest on a given date!

08 Jul


Originally posted by bennysc

Phantom definitely needs some love. I get the feeling the devs anticipated that the Phantom would play second fiddle to the Vandal, but the Phantom is actually preferred by most. I hope they get some good skins out soon.

These gun skins actually take quite a long time to get made, and the team was making weapon design changes internally all the way up until the release of our Friends and Family test build shortly before Closed Beta. At the time we made the call to make a lot of these skins, the Phantom was definitely more of a second fiddle niche weapon defined by its silencer and more controllable spray, with the Vandal being the default premiere rifle. The Phantom's since been buffed up to be similar in power levels to the Vandal, but the skin representation calls trail behind that due to development time.

It's definitely not some big brain marketing scheme like the posts below imply... the game's just constantly evolving, and it takes much longer to concept out and then develop an entire skin line than it does to tweak weapon numbers in development. We're not intentionally withholding all the dope Phantom skins we've got locked away, these things just take awhile to make!


Originally posted by Deranox

Thank you for the response! I don't know if you're able to talk about it, but are there plans for an accept/decline button for matches ? I often find myself wanting to decline and I'm forced to dodge and be penalized. The changes in this patch are awesome, especially the owned filter for collections, but this is the one change I'm looking forward to the most.

Of course! Regarding accept/decline - unfortunately I don’t work on the feature side of the project so I can’t really speak to stuff like match accepts/queues/etc at all


Originally posted by Deranox

I'm curious about one thing - in LoL changing the meta often is what keeps the game fresh. This obviously isn't a good approach for an FPS, but how do you plan to do it in Valorant seeing as actual content can't be produced so often as balance changes ?

This is a broader design question I’m not the best equipped to answer (I’m in insights, not design) but I think one key difference between us and League is that we get “free freshness” via our map ecosystem. League games are always one big accumulator function which makes the curve of a game feel different, but it always takes place on SR which has a patch meta.

For us, having different maps, different sides, and different economic states I think makes a “single patch meta” hopefully feel much more diverse; the meta on Ascent may not be the same as the meta on Bind, you play both offense and defense in a single game, etc. I think that’s a cool thing that gets us a lot of variety and freshness on any individual patch.


Originally posted by The_Bazzalisk

Why does the text accompanying/explaining the changes often not make sense in the context of the change?

For example, regarding the Guardian changes:

"Its fast fire rate made it more powerful in close range situations than we’d like" "the weapon’s long-range, precision shot fantasy"

Okay so you want it to be specifically a long range DMR and nerfed the RoF to make it weaker up close, but then..

"We hope these changes will sharpen the Guardian’s identity as a long-range, versatile weapon"

If you've nerfed it up close then it's become less versatile, aside from that, versatility and 'sharpened identity' are basically oxymorons. Makes it feel like some of the context is just word soup without thought put into the meaning of the sentences.

I wrote that so I can probably give some context - the Guardian is still pretty versatile in terms of the broader weapon arsenal. A dedicated long range weapon would be something like the Marshal or the Operator, where you’re at a substantial disadvantage in close range engagements - the Guardian is intended to be stronger at long ranges, but still strong enough to be usable in close/medium range, even if it’s not optimal.

The Rifle weapon class tends to be defined by its versatility compared to other weapon classes - they’re generally powerful at all ranges, even if they get beat by specialized weapons at the edges (snipers long range, shotguns short range). That’s what the versatility component means there - we want it to still be usable in medium and close ranges, but just be best used at longer ranges than the other Rifles in the Arsenal. If you want to use a long range leaning weapon that doesn’t get destroyed if you’ve got to clear some close range angles, the Guardi...

Read more

07 Jul


Originally posted by SoDamnToxic

that ignores all facts and statistics.

She was picked TWICE out of 154 chances in the last tournament post-buff. 1.2% pick rate. The next lowest pick rate is Reyna who had OVER 10x HER PICKS at 26 picks. 16.8% pick rate.

No one is ignoring facts or statistics.

Professional play and Rated queue are very different beasts and we approach balancing on those metrics very differently. We don't solely balance the game around pro play - we look at all levels, because we care about all of our players. Also, pro play generally tends to take a bit to adapt to more recent changes; when teams practice with a certain comp, switching things up and being confident enough to pull them out in a tournament takes time.

So, yeah, we're keeping an eye on Viper here overall, but I just don't want to set the impression that her having a 1% pick rate in a tournament means she absolutely deserves buffs (it could, but it's not a guarantee, especially after just one patch in a very early pro meta). There are going to be a lot of metas in Valorant that exist in pro play that don't translate to standard play and vice versa, and we need to be able to balance both accordingly.


Originally posted by Swagsparian

Can I ask what the "Input queue updated from 0.083 >>> 0.1175" change for the Guardian does?

This comment lower in the thread explains it really well, actually


Originally posted by veggiemeister

Have you seen Reyna?

Reyna's not bad, but she's not objectively strong either. She's not the strongest agent in any MMR range, and actually isn't even the strongest Duelist agent in any MMR range. She's still pretty good on average, and we're talking about whether we can make changes to make her a bit less frustrating to play against... but unless something changes this upcoming patch, Reyna changes likely won't be centered around cutting down her power (since she's not too strong in any MMR range right now).


Originally posted by deathspate

Ahhh, a fellow man of culture I see. Who even calls items and even jungle camps by their actual name? I remember doggo smite, now I can have 2 doggos.

RIP doggo smite. I still call chickens wraiths, I'm ancient


Originally posted by natedawg247

what's up with viper playrate after buffs? she's picked in like 10% of my games and flamed by everyone for it.

Viper's one of our most complex agents and was rarely getting played pre-buff - we didn't want to back to back buff her, since a lot of players were getting back into her kit and trying her out after the first buff and we expected there to be some learning curve going on.

We're keeping an eye on her, though - if she continues to need buffs we'll continue to buff her, we're just trying to tread lightly and not slam big buffs in back to back patches.


Originally posted by gospetig

Until you have dynamic que and not solo/duo que matchmaking experience for solo players will suck very hard. Also leaderboard and past radiant, radiant 500 vp? You have the best matchmaking in League now, but you are repeating old mistakes from 2016.

Sorry, I don't work on this stuff but we appreciate the feedback! Balance team just works on game content work, not features like Rated, queues, matchmaking, etc.


Originally posted by Taasden

Twin Shadows. Still in the game.

Twin Shadows? You mean spooky ghosts?


Originally posted by Scrinwarrior

“So no agent changes?”

slams phone into ground and breaks skateboard

We’re keeping an eye out but overall agents were looking fairly healthy so we opted to give y’all some time to play and develop the meta in the early days of Rated.

We’ll likely be making some tweaks next patch, though. Generally speaking, we don’t want everyone to feel like the game meta changes wildly every two weeks, so if we’ve got a chance to go light with changes we’ll probably take it and use that extra time to analyze the meta’s development.

30 Jun


Originally posted by 5i5TEMA

But it doesn't. It's green. And it slows you down. Ice is slippery, not sticky.

They’re pop rocks. Sticky, make crackling noises. Mystery solved


Originally posted by 5i5TEMA

A water agent would be pretty cool. They could have a river ability that pushes enemies away, and the ulti could be a very big version of this where there's a lot of water, with some radial momentum and with water physics, so that you can flush sites from heaven. The other two abilities could be a smoke (fog) and a slippery AoE that, among other things, makes aiming harder

I agree, I think there's lots of cool potential for a waterbender fantasy character on the roster, some interesting ability concepts there. Maybe some day!


Originally posted by CianDaCouchPotato

Yeah we need a true earth bender agent

Sage is actually a geomancer. She's the earth bender. She doesn't use ice.

Everyone thinks she does though! We don't have a waterbender on the roster.

26 Jun


Originally posted by Wnbmky

Okay, so I just misunderstood the article a bit. Thank you so much for your thorough answer! And have a lovely weekend :3

Of course, I hope you do too! Best of luck in your games.


Originally posted by Wnbmky

Okay, but I still don't really understand how you would use that cycle to design a new agent for example

I'll preface by saying I'm not a designer, so my work doesn't really get checked against the tac cycle. But the short answer is - we wouldn't. Going through designing a new agent has a ton of different processes and frameworks to think through - the way the tac cycle would come in is when we're playtesting the agent or looking to sign off on the kit or not. If the agent's gameplay fundamentally breaks the tac cycle, something is wrong.

The Tac Cycle is super high level; it's not something we look at to inform or generate ideas for design, it's something that serves as a boundary around the content we make and a reminder of the kind of game we're making.


Originally posted by felixjmorgan

I’m with you - global audience research is part of my remit on the game I work on, so I feel your pain. I do think there are ways to account for the social media limitations you said as there are very few countries without a strong social media presence (even if they are different networks), but I realize it becomes unwieldy at a certain point and limits your agility. Anyway, thanks for explaining. Appreciate the time and very impressed to hear from two of the team directly.

Yup, for sure. Social media can helpful to source opinions and understand the broad strokes of sentiment; it's less precise than crafted survey work, though. We like to be able to view player sentiment trend over time and adjust in response to the changes we make, which is generally a lot harder to do and less reliable to do with social listening than a solid survey framework. Social media definitely has its place in helping us source issues and understand some of the nuance behind them, though!