30 Apr


Due to an issue preventing players from progressing in The Pantheon when joining at a checkpoint, we have disabled checkpoints for The Caretaker and Zo'aurc, Explicator of Planets.

External link →

23 Apr


We're continuing to investigate this issue.

Until a fix is implemented, players in Legend Onslaught are advised to defeat the boss and claim their rewards up to Wave 40, and then exit the activity.


Sorry about that. There was a routing issue we had to address which resulted in players being routed to the wrong environment. Should all be fixed now and we're looking at our processes to ensure this doesn't happen in the future.


Thanks for the report. We're currently investigating and hope to have more information soon.

Just to confirm, does this only happen on the Legend difficulty?


Thanks for the report. We're currently investigating and hope to have more information soon.

Just to confirm, does this only happen on the Legend difficulty?

16 Apr


Hey there.

The "Midnight Ride" quest incorrectly states that one of the available objectives is to defeat Guardians using Hand Cannons. This objective can be completed by getting Hand Cannon kills in raids and dungeons.


UPDATE: The game will brought offline at 6:40 AM PDT, not at 7:15 as it says above. This is due to some complexicities with tomorrow's maintenance.

14 Apr


Hello. We're aware of this issue and are investigating the cause.

09 Apr


Hey there. We've been investigating an issue with today's Tigris Fati emblem Twitch Drop during the Destiny 2: The Final Shape Developer Gameplay Preview.

Players who were unable to acquire the code during the stream may use this code to redeem it to their account on our behalf once today's service issues stabilize. The code will not work until we solve today's server issues.



Hey all. A Bungie Name change token is now available to all players once again. Having seen many players mess up their name over the years, here's what we recommend that players NOT try to use due to display issues.

No, this isn't to tell players to stop using (Adept). That's your choice.

By display issues, we mean that any non-supported languages or characters won't display like you think they will and instead will appear as random code.

Please keep in mind that the following are NOT recommended for the above reasons:

  • Blank characters
  • Unicode characters outside game-supported languages
  • Emojis
  • Punctuation outside game-supported languages

More information about Bungie Names can be found in ...

Read more External link →

27 Mar


Originally posted by TheOfficialProtostar


Thank you. I'll follow up if I have any more questions or if I have an update to share.


Hey there. Thanks for your report.

Could you please share your Bungie Name (including the four digits) with me so we can look into your account and see what's going on?

20 Dec


In addition, the issue affecting players losing Dawning materials after creating 2nd and 3rd characters has been resolved. All players can now safely create new characters again.


UPDATE: The issue affecting players losing Dawning materials after creating 2nd and 3rd characters has been resolved.

All players can now safely create new characters again.


Originally posted by jazpexL

Im curious when i can get my master warlords ruin ghost shell because i did it day 1 and when i claimed the triumph i got ghos of the deep sparrow

We are planning to send out a fix for everyone affected with incorrect rewards after the new year.

Unfortunately, we had to fix the triumphs first before we could begin gathering accounts that were given the incorrect rewards., and that has taken more time than anticipated.


Originally posted by StarAugurEtraeus

Mine has my deadname

And what a silly mindset to have

We could do it freely before since it was just our platform name

Why not anymore

Like wow it doesn’t affect you and you’re fine good, but some of us wanna change it for personal reasons or we got hacked and trolled, or a spelling error, or a sibling changed it

Such a simple request and idk why people downvote me every time I darn ask

If you are using a deadname that is causing you stress, please fill out this contact form and we'll be able to assist you.


Originally posted by thylac1ne

The event card says the event is going on for another 69 days, is that incorrect?

Yes, that's incorrect. The correct end date is on January 2, 2024, at 9 AM PST (-8 UTC).

19 Dec


Originally posted by Hawkmoona_Matata

I noticed you also put out an in-game alert for this, so that's quite timely, appreciate the concurrent responses for both in and out-of-game communication.

Wouldn't be Reddit without me asking though, so I can't help but inquire, any news on word about the Restoration+Empyrean bug? Where refreshing it resets the timer to its base value rather than adding to it?

any news on word about the Restoration+Empyrean bug?

Yes, we've been investigating that issue for a while. It's currently scheduled to get fixed this season but I'm not sure of the exact timeline.