20 May


Originally posted by Bex_GGG

This is on my radar. I'm hoping to have some info soon.

I've just received confirmation from the team that we're going to work out a way for players to claim a second version of the Mystic Void Battery Skin (if they've paid for the pass and then subsequently achieved 67 map objectives). I don't have a timeline for this as implementation is going to take a little work but we're happy to confirm that it's coming.

19 May


Originally posted by sentimentalwhore

While we have your attention bex can you PLEASE communicate the appropiate area to make Kirac vault pass items apply to BOTH main hand and off hand (specially now since it has void battery on it) it's literally making a lot of people not buying the pack see here is not the same as premium skins because we CAN buy two of those while we can't (nor I will honestly) buy 2 kirac vault passes.

Thank you very much for your patience.

This is on my radar. I'm hoping to have some info soon.


Originally posted by OPRession

Don't forget Headhunter please :'(

We're actively working on a solution for this but I don't have any specifics I can report right now.


We've released two patches with changes to Archnemesis mods since our last big post about them. You can find their notes here and here. There are more changes coming - specifically to Immunities, a change to how Archnemesis mods occur in Blight, and a change that prevents the Trickster modifi...

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Originally posted by MRHPoe

Are you able to comment on if there are any unreleased delirium voice lines that didn’t make it in to the game?

Yes, there were a few that talked about mental health in a way that I worried could be harmful to people dealing with those issues.


Originally posted by TommaClock

My favourite is a removed voiceline

They are all sick and dying... And it's spreading

Then you remember that delirium was released early into the pandemic

Delirium was released on March 13th 2020 - that line was written well before the pandemic had really kicked off. I remember seeing one reddit thread that never left /new but it was someone saying 'This is really ruining my immersion'. There was something subtle but hard-hitting about the way that person represented their unease over the voiceline. We quietly removed it that day.

17 May


Originally posted by fattestjerkest

thanks for all the hard work bex :)

is there any chance the team has had time to investigate the lower/worse than normal loot on rares/archnem rares?

hope u guys all got to relax some this weekend

We reviewed the rewards being dropped by rare monsters and on average they drop more rewards than 3.17. Once we're done with the balance work on the mods, we'll review the rewards to see how they feel with regard to their difficulty, with a particular focus on rewards for rare monsters with multiple modifiers.


Originally posted by whateverthefuck2

Man, the Discord notification was "@everyone you all cried asked, and you shall receive"

Definitely feels like they still don't think they were wrong....

That comment wasn't posted by GGG

15 May

14 May


Originally posted by faytte

Roger, and not to sound cheeky or snarky, but it seems we should be blaming the developers and their design decisions, which has been a running theme across several of the past leagues. So my question is, why is there such a large disconnect between the design direction and player enjoyment and wants? I for one have become exhausted of this cycle, and I can only imagine GGG is far more exhausted of it. So then why does this seem like Side Show Bob walking across a a yard full of rakes and getting whacked in the face.

I kind of disagree that there is a large disconnect. Keep in mind that it's the same team that makes the things you do like, that makes the things you sometimes don't like. We're aware that there is a range of preferences between people who want more challenge or not and we try to cater to that as much as we can. (Hard Mode being a separate version is an example of this). Additionally, the changes we're making to the Archnemesis modifiers to make them more manageable are compromises that we're willing to make and feel okay with - both because they still with our original design intention and because what you think about the experience matters to us.


Originally posted by welpxD

You might caution Chris not to say "extensively tested" when he is using it in this more narrow bug-hunting sense. Players typically read this as "tested whether it worked and was fun to play", which evidently is not what Chris meant.

I told him lol


Originally posted by Ofcyouare

"We tested it extensively and were happy with the level of difficulty when we released it".

Proceeds to nerf it twice in 12h and might nerf it further after the weekend.

I want to clear this up because it sucks to see our QA team taking the brunt of this when they work really hard. Extensively tested means that it was tested to confirm that it works exactly how we wanted it to. It was a choice to make them difficult, not an oversight. I imagine that difference won't make the experience more palatable but at least you shouldn't blame QA.


Originally posted by Mrka12

Any word on the fact that many of these mods brick builds? Or are those the mods you will be changing when more devs are in?

In general it's okay for some cases to be harder for specific builds but we're keeping an eye on this and do have many changes planned already. Please let us know about specific cases you'd like us to look at most and we'll discuss.

13 May


Maybe in like 30-60 minutes

12 May


Will this passive convert a Unique Map or Shaper Guardian Map or Synth Map that cannot be set as a Favoured Map to Currency?

Yes. However, it should be noted that Elder and Conqueror Maps will spawn on your Favoured Maps more often than not.

11 May


There will be a reset this time.

10 May


Originally posted by FullMetalAvalon

Maybe others feel differently, but Raiz has been consistently really bad in this one. Like, embarrassingly bad.

We really like talking to Raiz about the game and appreciate his input on this podcast.

09 May


Originally posted by neverminded

Would be great to get an answer on this. I really enjoyed Dom Blow last league and was planning on league starting it. Any chance on getting an answer /u/bex_ggg?

It should work.

08 May


Our intention is to not nerf or buff any builds. This generally includes not going out of our way to aggressively fix bugs that do benefit those builds. However, there is a point where something is so insanely game-breaking that it warrants an immediate fix regardless. We will fix it as soon as possible, ideally today.