jon spector will personally smuggle players into the us when needed
I don’t know any of the details but I’m just going to assume this is the correct answer!
jon spector will personally smuggle players into the us when needed
I don’t know any of the details but I’m just going to assume this is the correct answer!
So when is this happening? Ow2 or now?
Now.. or rather in a patch that's coming soon. More details are on the faq
OMG IT'S HAPPENING. I do hope they continue to look at Cross-Progression as well. I'd love all my XBox Cosmetics on my PS4 account
One that's more behind the scenes, when we first implemented Ashe if there were any BOBs alive at the end of the match they would vote on the end of round cards.
What!? Why'd you remove that?
Yeah I know it’s pretty awesome. Some comments on the bug in our bug tracker were saying we should keep it. :)
Hi! No question, just a thank you for making such an amazing game thats really changed my life. I trust you guys with what youre working on, and have an amazing anniversary night!!💙
I find it hard to relate to any of the Heroes in Overwatch, due to their age. Will there ever be a child playable character? I'd love someone like Shotaro from Gigantor.
Hey there, I think we're unlikely to put a child playable character into Overwatch given the core gameplay of the game. We really love Efi though, and it's possible we'll continue to see younger lore characters incorporated in the same way she is.
Who has the highest SR on the blizzard team right now, and how high is that SR?
I'm not sure what SR this person is at now but the highest I'm aware of was around ~4300. We really have a wide range of skill levels on the team, while we do many team wide playtests, we also have focused playtests for specific skill ranges when necessary.
Any new workshop content in the works. Customizable maps, spawnable shields, spawnable turrets
Hey there! We ARE working on something super cool in this space, not exactly what you called out, but I'm pretty excited about it. We're not ready to announce it yet, but I thought I'd drop a reply here and let you know that yes.. more workshop related things are still coming :)
Hi Blizzard! Will Overwatch 2 launch on all platforms day one? Specifically will it hit Nintendo Switch the same day as PC, Xbox and PlayStation, and will it run on both the previous gen and newer gen consoles?
Hey there! As a live ops engineer I loved shipping Overwatch on all platforms and in all regions at the same time, it was a huge challenge and was very exciting. It's definitely our goal to do the same for Overwatch 2, but of course I can't promise that we wont' hit any blockers that prevent us from doing that.
Any hopes for 120 tick servers in the future?
We do use 120 tick for the Overwatch League but right now we're not seriously considering them for the main live game. We find the most significant benefit of playing on 120 tick comes only when combined with all players in a match having excellent network quality and extremely low latency.
I'll never say never, it could happen, but not currently planned.
u/billwarnecke Best Drag Race season?
Great question! I think the first season I watched was Season 4, so it'll always have a special place in my heart.
I was so happy to see Jinkx Monsoon participate in the Mei Gala, that was rad. If anyone knows someone at World of Wonder have them call me, I want to be a guest judge.
Why does the Recall animated short play whenever we boot up Overwatch on console? Is this an oversight or intentional to hide some loading screens? Could we maybe get the option to not have it play?
The animated short will play on all versions, but on PC we only play it once. We track if it was shown in the settings and on console versions this is before the user logs in and we don't have access to any saved setting information at that time. We intentionally show the movie this early because we're loading core assets during this time.
We agree it'd be nice to be able to skip it, I spoke with our lead engine programmer a bit just now and it's something we'll look at, though I can't promise we'll be able to do it (because it would require moving where it plays, and reviewing asset loading times).
Matchmaking is always a weighting of queue time vs MMR range/ team balancing. Would it be possible for users to put their own preference of this balance for themselves?
I'd always prefer to have better matchmaking at the cost of time. Even in Arcade. I'd like to have the agency to tell the system how I want it.
Hey mutsuto, we're unlikely to ever add this. My instincts were that this would add a lot of complexity and probably not be as helpful as one would hope. I spoke a bit with with an engineer on the team who the most knowledgeable about our matchmaking system, he noted that there are a lot of factors that contribute to matchmaking that are outside of a single person's control. For example in role queue the amount of roles in queue are the dominant factor for matchmaking time. Also the time of day and how active your particular region is at that time plays a big part in what matches can be made.
Adding a feature like this is also unpredictable, there are likely to be knock-on effects that we'd have to work through. It's tricky if many players set the slider to "match quickly", maybe the "prefer quality" players would never get a match, and if we decide to eventually pull them in that would be a poor experience since it wouldn't match your expectations based on the slider.
... Read moreWhat was the funniest bug behind-the-scenes?
I know this wasn't "behind the scenes" because it was a live bug, but when I asked our QA team for a bug that stood out to them they linked me this bug. The linked pictures are nightmare fuel, but also absolutely hilarious.
One that's more behind the scenes, when we first implemented Ashe if there were any BOBs alive at the end of the match they would vote on the end of round cards.. AI will definitely take over the world some day.
I'll take this post as chance to thank all of our amazing QA folks, you...
Read moreHey everyone, we’re looking into this issue now, we’re sorry for the miss here. It looks like the arcade cards aren’t following the rotation we expect, and we hope to have more detail early next week (Monday).
I hope you’re still enjoying the Anniversary event, it’s hard to believe the game has been out for five years! Time goes by so quickly.
Cheers everyone, apologies again.
Is it because git is a bit bad for dealing with anything that isn't text?
It's mostly because we've used Perforce for a very long time, since Project Titan.
We manage our asset pipeline outside of Perforce so we don't have as much consideration for how well the VCS handles large or binary files, but that is a common reason for why many game studios use Perforce.
Missed opportunity of calling it “git”
We use Perforce.
server side only
Hey folks, we're investigating an issue that's causing the new competitive season to not start properly. Sorry for the hassle, we'll post updates as we have them.
edit: We're making a temporary fix to bring competitive back online shortly, more details will be posted on our forums as well. Sincere apologies everyone, I hope the games you get in today are all big wins.
We're making a temporary fix to bring competitive back online shortly, more details will be posted on our forums as well. Sincere apologies everyone, I hope the games you get in today are all big wins.