

27 Jul

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Extremely unlikely, I'm afraid. Official forums are just that: official. Leaving it in the hands of folks that don't work for us would be too great a liability.

I do want to say thank you to Paradat for the post and for joining us last night. It was particularly hard for Ahskance and myself to be the ones handling the hard news, but we cannot tell you how much we appreciate that so many of you shared your feelings and questions and hopes before leaving our stream on a positive note. It meant the world.

25 Jul

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

We'll certainly talk about it on the NA Community Stream this Wednesday.
I'll wear a Mr. Rogers sweater

21 Jul

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

It was a pleasure to have you join us! You did an excellent job!

11 Jul

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Thank you! This is the way bugs get found / processed.

10 Jul

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Please be careful with the sarcasm. There's no need to be that way.

As I pointed out earlier, this bug was addressed and fixed in 12.4. It is entirely possible that bugs, even when fixed, can still pop up again. This is why you need to write a support ticket when they do - so the devs can get the replay file and see exactly how and when it happens.

And why send a ticket? Because we don't just "take your word for it". Sorry, but that's not how anything works.

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

And you sent in a ticket with a replay, right? Please send me the ticket #

07 Jul

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

I will accept payment for your many pings in the form of or . You choose and it's a deal

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Yep, fixed in 12.4:
If this is actually still happening to you then please file a support ticket with a replay and a WGcheck file. It has not been something widely reported or it would have come across our eyes internally.

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hi, Wade
I am pretty sure this bug was mostly fixed in a recent patch. I cannot recall exactly which but I will look through the patch notes.
That being said, bugs can always occur. Please make sure to send in a ticket with a replay file if and when this bug happens for you.
I myself had this bug happen to me maybe half a dozen times several months ago. I have not had it happen again for at least 2 months now. If it is still happening to you, please write a CS ticket.

02 Jul

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Please note that the OP posted a picture of the Free Container which is... Free.
The Paid Containers have a significantly higher value yield in boosters / bonuses and a 10x higher chance of dropping a ship that can include Halford and Georgia.

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hi, folks
Allow me a moment to point something out....
This is a video game. World of Warships - is a video game. It is a video game that has generated billions of hours of entertainment for people for nearly 8 years now. It has also generated frustration for a miriad of reasons - just as any other game does. It is perfectly fine to come and express that frustration in our forums. It is not, however, alright to suggest that your frustration over a video game should result in harm or death. That is absolutely unacceptable for our forums, our game, or anywhere frankly. WG employees are people just like you who are going to succeed and fail at their jobs like anyone else and do not deserve comments like this.


22 Jun

07 Jun

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Oh Captains, my Captains!

Wednesday, June 7th - a date that will live in infamy - is when Clan Battles Season 21 morphs into it's second form: 1 BB maximum at Tier 8 with up to two Tier 9's. Not sure what to bring? Having trouble picking your two Tier 9's out of all the choices? Is a hybrid USN BB worth bringing despite the restrictions?

Come see what the NA team thinks and have a talk about it before Gaishu and Boggzy are joined by the rest of WoWs NA here in Austin to play Clan Battles! We'll be running a few games of CB's towards the end of the stream and prepping beforehand so come and let us know what you and your clan think will be the best picks at Tier 8 and Tier 9!

We'll also be talking about the upcoming Anchors Aweigh tour stopping at the USS Iowa so come let us know if we will be seeing you there!

As always - 5pm Central US time this Wednesday June 7th! ...

Read more

03 Jun

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hi, everyone
We carried out a routine server restart at around 07:00 UTC or about midnight Pacific Time, 3am Eastern. Sorry for the trouble, but sometimes the servers need a moment to chill :D

01 Mar

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Will you guys laugh if I say that not everything we add to the game is directly tied to money?
Some things, like Steel and Research Bureau Points, are more about rewarding those who play long-term with goals, rather than directly encouraging the expenditure of money.
*Cue the cynical responses*

20 Jan

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

The reload rate is slow compared to other T7 BB's because her salvo weight is enormous. You can use this fun website to quickly compare ships and their characteristics:

Then also check the shell ballistics for that big AP salvo...

You can see that California has a combination of several factors - 2nd highest AP salvo weight, accuracy, range, and ballistics, that all make her an excellent sniper. The tradeoff is that she is slow and that she has a long reload. The reload is slightly worse than Florida and Sinop, though her shells are heavier than Florida's and there is no comparing range/accuracy to Sinop.

If you're not a fan of the heavy-broadside / Sniper style that the American "Standard" Battleships bring, you might enjoy Gneisnau, Prinz Heinrich, or Renown'44 as they are much better suited to close-quarter slugfests.


19 Jan

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

She's designed as a sniper, which is why she has a large salvo weight, good verticle dispersion, and incredible ballistics. She can't be good at EVERYthing...

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

That was quick! This was fixed just hours before I mentioned it. @Ahskance also mentioned it and it was adjusted.

Please note that not ALL missions are available in AE mode, but the vast majority are.

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct


While there certainly will not be a micro-patch, but things like this can be adjusted. We will pass on your feedback about the DY missions not being available for Airship Escort Mode. If I'm speculating here - I suspect that it was not considered since the DY missions were created back in October or November for the December Dockyard. Airship Escort was not on anyone's mind when that happened, so it's possible that this is something that could be added.
