Hi, everyone
I am personally a big fan of secondaries as well - but it's important to remember that secondaries are not meant to be a reliable means of doing damage without speccing into them. Some cruisers having exceptionally accurate batteries is done to give them a special flavor and utility to help them stand out and feel unique compared to the large field of cruisers, but this isn't something common.
Most people have two issues with inaccurate secondaries:
They don't feel useful as a game mechanic
Their inaccuracy is immersion-breaking
Those are both totally things to take issue. To the first, the answer is that non-specc'd secondaries function as a wild-card when it comes to a pitched battle. They are not supposed to be something you can reliably count on to win a battle for you, but can drag you across the finish line for exciting surprise finishes. I have seen and experienced myself many ins...
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