

13 Oct

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hi, guys
While we sympathize with wanting to know what resource Tromp will cost before the deadline for the token is up, we don't release details like that until we are ready. Usually it will come in the form of a devblog or in patch notes, but I'm afraid we just don't do that until a process of checks is completed internally to verify that the resource chosen is the one we want to go with.

Sorry for the disappointing answer

05 Oct

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Looking at it again, the ballistics are almost identical in terms of speed and flight time to the 203's on the Atago - placing it very high in terms of 152/155mm ballistic family. The almost constantly available spotter plane will put your range out to a point where they will actually have better flight time than any other 150/152/155 in the game, if I'm not mistaken. That makes farming BB's or even cruisers at distance easy.
What you're getting is close-to USN dpm with ballistics that are closer to IJN / Russian on an American cruiser. That gets coupled with excellent AA and decent firing arcs makes for a different gameplay experience than a Seattle or a Wooster

And as always - you are welcome to pick another Steel ship if that's not your cup of tea

03 Oct

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Vallejo's main characteristic difference from Worcestor is flatter ballistic shell arcs. While it may not seem like a significant difference on the surface, anyone who plays Worcestor a lot will tell you that "the rainbow" is hard to lead at range due to the long flight times.
Vallejo flattens those arcs a bit to make firing at range more comfortable, along with a few other differences to give it a different play experience from other USN CL's

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Sorry, brother - making new ships takes a lot of work. 11.9 will have some new ones available, but it is certainly an unusual problem indeed to receive a coupon for a group of ships that you already have completed . We'll just have to make moar!

Don't hold your breath - Alpha and Beta ships are for just that - Alpha and Beta

28 Sep

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

I don't believe so. As I understand it, the North Cal camo will be available for community tokens in the armory and the KOTS XIV skin will be acquired in another way

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Comes with the territory
That was a 245k damage / 3 kill game for me, btw

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct


Join us this Wednesday, September 28th for a new devblog that contains a first look at the new USN Hybrid Battleships! Share with us your best "wrestling names" for Delaware, Nebraska, and Louisiana for a chance to win a Palm Tree perma-camo for the US cruiser Atlanta!

NA Community Contributor Gaishu will be joining us remotely to discuss the 18th Season of Clan Battles and what ships are making their mark in Tier 8!

And finally - we will reveal the newest member of the NA Community team as we welcome another Community Manager! Did we steal one from EU? Did we raise them from the rusty depths just for you? Have we secretly had them this whole time? Find out at 5pm Central US on our Twitch Channel!

21 Sep

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hi, everyone
I am personally a big fan of secondaries as well - but it's important to remember that secondaries are not meant to be a reliable means of doing damage without speccing into them. Some cruisers having exceptionally accurate batteries is done to give them a special flavor and utility to help them stand out and feel unique compared to the large field of cruisers, but this isn't something common.

Most people have two issues with inaccurate secondaries:

They don't feel useful as a game mechanic

Their inaccuracy is immersion-breaking

Those are both totally things to take issue. To the first, the answer is that non-specc'd secondaries function as a wild-card when it comes to a pitched battle. They are not supposed to be something you can reliably count on to win a battle for you, but can drag you across the finish line for exciting surprise finishes. I have seen and experienced myself many ins...

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20 Sep

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Subs don't need a nerf, brother.

If folks won't trust my opinion as a WG employee - fine - but trust my opinion as a skilled player who has played this game at every level of competition: Submarines are not overpowered. Some aspects of them will need to be watched to make sure they allow proper counterplay, but they are not overpowered by any metric. If Erazer and I (who butt heads frequently ) both assert that submarines are not "overpowered" - there might just be something there.

19 Sep

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Only 3 are functionally different.
Surface, Periscope, and "Max". 30 and 60 function the same way.

18 Sep

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

I don't think I have ever seen this occur

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

There are plenty of ways to politely engage a company with your opinion.

People who don't like submarines are very vocal. This is not unusual - when people are happy, they tend not to make much noise about it - they just go about being content and happy.

When people are angry - they tend to make it extremely clear to as many people that they're angry. You will hear displeasure far more than you hear pleasure.

We have conducted a variety of research into whether or not submarines would be a good addition to our game and the results supported it. We don't share those results publicly because it's not normal for a company to do stuff like that. We make our decisions, and we hope that if some players don't like it, that it's something they can at least accommodate into the game experience.

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

You don't have to trust me, WG, or anyone else.

You DO, however, need to be reasonable in our forums when it comes to discourse. You have come very close to personal attacks against myself and others in this thread and that is against forum rules.

I, as a Community Manager, have been as open and honest as I can given the information I have available to me about what this is and what we're doing to fix it. You are more than welcome to speculate on things, but you must remain within certain boundaries of reasonable behavior while doing so or it becomes theater. Keep things reasonable and respectful.

16 Sep

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Got an internal update for this issue:

This behavior of the shells is present for a long time and occurs when you quickly move the aiming reticle right before the guns fire. It got more attention because of the "railgun" bug: it caused the change in behavior of the shells when reticle is moved before the shot. To fix the "railgun" we rolled the game logic back to the state before the changes which resulted in it appearing as a side effect. This situation prompted us us to have a more detailed look at older mechanics and after fixing the "railgun" we planned an improvement for the future.

However, developing of the proper solution for this "under-the-hood" firing behavior might take significant time because it is related to technically complex game logic and the way client - server exchange the information. We will obviously share more information when we will have a stable improvement ready.
Hope that helps!

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Or you can aim for the upper hull / superstructure on the Henri and similar ships with spaced armor around the citadel.

Not all should are going to or should play the same. Gibraltar is somewhat unique in it's AP shell characteristics for the caliber, as they behave more like MInotaur shells than goliath shells. This is part of what makes it different from choosing an Henri or a Goliath.

You may not like the difference, but the purpose of having a wide variety of ships is to allow gameplay that suits as many styles as possible.

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Careful - I am acknowledging here that I was able to recreate the bug. We're taking a look at it.

Bugs happen. They always have in all games and they always will. It's a simple process of recreating, identifying, and eliminating.

Let's not veer this into personal attacks against Flamu or myself or anyone else.

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

That's not how the bug / action works. Respectfully, if you are aiming normally and not "throwing your mouse", then you probably need to adjust your aim up a bit to reliably hit the CV.

15 Sep

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

You are correct! Cruiser-caliber shells with short fuse timers will not reliably citadel cruisers that have spaced armor in front of their citadels. However, the tradeoff is that they are exceptionally good at not over-penetrating destroyers. Gibraltar will absolutely nuke a DD if you can land some hits.