

15 Sep

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

I'm testing this now and I have not been able to recreate it as he does. If I aim low, then throw the cursor up quickly and fire, at time a single turret will shoot at the previous point, but the others will not.

I've escalated it to see what's happening.
EDIT: Ok, I was able to recreate it, but I had to aim VERY short and then throw my cursor up much further and fire almost at the exact same time. I suspect this is due to the fact that barrels due have to elevate in order to shoot - while a mouse cursor can have it's sensitivity turned way up to be almost instantaneous

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Yes, when KOTS 14 rolls around there will be chances to obtain more

14 Sep

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Most CV's can't launch over 200 planes in a match. Sure, you can count dropped fighters if you want, but normally this sort of thing is spread out over 12 enemy players, not 3 enemy CV's.

Brawls are supposed to be fun and unusual departures from normal play parameters. Sometimes things happen that we don't expect. Doesn't mean that we need to fundamentally change game design over it.

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

I'm not sure what the process is by which CS identifies the folks who participate. It could be that you mocking them with 222222 triggered something.
We don't openly discuss how we identify cheaters or people that abuse stuff like this because we don't want them to know how to evade it

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

That's why - if you were in the game, you received the letter.
Your account was not sanctioned - so don't worry

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

We're looking into it to make sure only people who participated in the collusion are sanctioned. Thanks for alerting us

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WoWs history and such. I enjoy making the Quizzes

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct


It's Anniversary Week for World of Warships! Join the NA team as we take a look at what's happening in the patch for the festivities, speak with CC MiniHannibal65 about the upcoming registration for KOTS 14, and play some games with prizes for all of you! Dust off your WoWs History and Trivia knowledge for a chance to win some goodies tonight at 5pm US Central Time on our Official Twitch stream!


    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hi there!

This was Indeed a mistake internally with this and it is being fixed as we speak. Be on the look for a devblog with more details.

13 Sep

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Brawl is the name of the game-mode, not the guaranteed outcome

12 v 12 BB's on Ocean Map is never going to be a brawl, but 12 v 12 on shatter absolutely will be, you know?

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Whoa. I will escalate this immediately.
Thank you for letting us know!

09 Sep

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

I heartily commend your knowledge of Naval Aviation history. You've pulled out two beautiful monstrosities

I am actually not sure what planes will be included on each hybrid. Believe it or not, I hadn't seen the full designs for either when I was recording the video, so it was news to me.

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

We can pass your feedback to the developers

I understand what you mean, but "What the game needs" is a tough question. Kearsarge is a lot of fun and has not shown itself to be overpowered, so it isn't a reason NOT to add the line.

You may not like it, but submarines are at the best state they have been in to this point in terms of game effect and the ability to counter-play against them. Overall speeds were lowered, visuals were re-added to pings, and ASW strikes are being made more consistent across the board to make it easier for people to play against them.

With regards to fifty 152's being needed to sink a Tier 10 - that's basically 5 volleys from a Wooster. That takes very little time and doesn't account for other ASW, which can be used at the same time. Tying an arbitrary number of shots to securing a kill isn't how it works for any other ship type, so why apply that logic here? You are doing splash damage - ...

Read more

31 Aug

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Germans for me. Secondary Battleships are my favorite type of ship to play. I feel like I'm one of those giant star-cruisers from Star Wars covered in tiny guns.

A good game of Pommern or GK fulfills all my daily "pewpewppewpepwpewpepwepw" needs.

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

A parade in my honor will always be the dream

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Keep in mind that the two highest spikes you see there are game release and pandemic.

I can't verify his numbers, but it's no secret that the pandemic increased the number of players playing warships. The pandemic changed a huge number of things and how many people played more games was certainly part of it. Player participation is also seasonal, hence many of the spikes you see

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

I was waiting for this one to appear in the comments.
Sorry to disappoint, but it ain't this

30 Aug

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Ahskance and myself have the distinct pleasure of unveiling a massive devblog with a lot of exciting news, content, and changes! Come join us as always at 5pm Central US Time this Wednesday on the Official Twitch Channel:

See you there!

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

You're absolutely right. I wasn't trying to suggest they are the same, only that balancing a BB with a metric-boatload of HE-spamming guns is very difficult. Meckles is balanced by the fact that German HE damage is poor. British HE damage is high, so the inaccuracy helps to reduce the "ease" by which Marlborough can farm fires and do direct damage.

We're watching it's performance. If it underperforms, we can always adjust it further. Baby steps!

29 Aug

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

I don't understand your percentages here, I'm afraid.

Dispersion is the total ellipse size in which the shells can land.

Sigma is roughly the likelihood that the shell will land towards the middle.

Increasing sigma absolutely does increase accuracy. Both increasing sigma and decreasing dispersion are both things that increase accuracy, just in slightly different ways.

The ship is not limited to 8 guns. It has 16 guns but has more risk involved when utilizing all 16. This is common thing amongst many ships. Choosing to play a ship bow-in and only have half the firepower does not mean the ship lacks the guns.