

31 Oct


Can you let me know which mac OS you are using? I can pass it on to the launcher team.


If you’re encountering problems with the launcher can you try reinstalling it? You can download the launcher from Download the free EVE Online client (launcher) for Windows or Mac

Update - The launcher team is looking into the errors that were generated after the update was deployed.

16 Oct


On December 7th, 2023, we will discontinue support for Windows 7 and 8 operating systems.

After support is discontinued players will be unable to launch EVE Online if they are using these operating systems. The minimum requirements for EVE Online will be updated to reflect the change, indicating that Windows 10 and later will be supported.

Microsoft discontinued Windows 7 support in January 2020 and ...

Read more

03 Oct


If you believe your PLEX balance is incorrect then please get in touch with support and they can take a look. Thanks.


Currently we’re seeing issues with players using their PLEX vault and accessing the New Eden Store. More information to follow.

You can follow for updates here in this forum thread or at

11:15 UTC - Reports of issues with PLEX vault and NES not loading.
11:45 UTC - Reports of longer than usual loading times after selecting character.
11:55 UTC - Fix deployed for issues relating to PLEX and NES. Testing it now.
12:03 UTC - All issues are now resolved.


10 Sep


18:41 UTC - Tranquility is open to players. We will continue to monitor the health of the server. Thanks again for your patience.


18:30 UTC - Starting up highlighted a couple of issues which we believe have been resolved. We will be attempting to start up TQ again in VIP mode.


VIP is somewhat misleading. Essentially it means that only developers with certain roles on their accounts can log into TQ. Typically QA or developers who have deployed features so they can jump onto the server and check things look okay before giving players and the other devs access.


18:15 UTC - We plan to start up TQ in VIP mode - the startup process itself can be useful when investigating.


18:00 UTC - TQ will be starting up in VIP.


17:45 UTC - The developers are performing initial investigations to try and determine the cause of the issue.


We’re investigating reports that players are being disconnected and then unable to log into Tranquility.

We will update this thread with more information once initial investigations are complete.

17:15 UTC - Players are disconnected and unable to login.
17:45 UTC - The developers are performing initial investigations to try and determine the cause of the issue.
18:00 UTC - TQ will be starting up in VIP.
18:15 UTC - We plan to start up TQ in VIP mode - the startup process itself can be useful when investigating.
18:30 UTC - Starting up highlighted a couple of issues which we believe have been resolved. We will be attempting to start up TQ again in VIP mode.
18:41 UTC - Tranquility is open to players. We will continue to monitor the health of the server. Thanks again for your patience.

02 Sep


Update 01:14 UTC - ESI has been enabled again.


Update 00:42 Tranquility is now open and accessible for players. A sincere thanks from all the developers for your patience. We will be monitoring Tranquility and its services closely.


Update 00:37 VIP is being lifted. TQ will be open and accessible.

Thanks to everyone for your patience. We will be keeping an eye on TQ.


Update 00:27 - Tranquility is being restarted and initially be in VIP mode.


Update 00:20 - We will be temporarily disabling ESI as part of our efforts to bring Tranquility back online.