

28 Sep


Hi Elpo!

It’s awesome to hear you’re making tutorials and having fun.

1: This section of the forums Felix mentioned would be the right place to drop your videos and discuss them - if you’re looking for a place to upload them, youtube is usually the go to.

2: I don’t think you can make an external link for an in-game chat channel (someone correct me if I’m wrong) - just tell pe...

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25 Sep


o7 Capsuleers,

We are aware of an issue with the Vorton Projector Boosters from the Rolling Thunder login campaign where the boosters are coming pre-expired and cannot be used. This issue will be fixed in a patch next week, so please just hang onto these rewards and they’ll become usable in the near future.


24 Sep


Эта ветка была закрыта для просмотра из-за большого количества флагов.

Всем напоминаем, что следует вести беседу вежливо и избегать злоупотребления системой флагов.


Hey, welcome to EVE!

Whether or not you can shoot depends on the security of the system you’re in.

1.0 to 0.5 you cannot shoot unless they’re either suspect (yellow flashing), criminal (red flashing), have a limited engagement with you (cyan flashing), or at war with you (red star flashing). Shooting any of these will allow them to shoot back though, so be careful! If you set your safety to yellow you won’t get accidentally concorded for shooting the wrong target, but you can do criminal actions that make you suspect and allow others to shoot you accordingly. Safety set to red means you can shoot people ‘illegally’ in highsec but concord will respond after a few seconds and destroy you (there is no avoiding this).

In 0.4 to 0.1 you can shoot anyone safely as long as you’re not on a gate or a station. Shooting someone you couldn’t legally shoot otherwise ( suspect, criminal or war target) will make you a criminal, so be careful. If you commit a crime (shoot some...

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I stopped by to check that out the other day actually.

You wouldn’t believe the things I’ve seen


Hi there!

We’re not removing highsec - but I am removing this thread.

There are a number of other constructive threads for discussion on this topic if you’d like to continue leaving feedback about the invasion.


Such sick concept art too.

Would be really cool to see, but it’s definitely a matter of prioritization as there’s many other projects in the works right now - and capital balance is an ongoing topic, so I imagine the design teams would like to get that into a place that feels good before introducing more ships to the mix.

That said, I know it’s something that’s been discussed previously so we may see it at some point - just probably not this year.

22 Sep


Just two… I think. Otherwise I’ve been missing some SP :sweat_smile:


As a job benefit we get 5 accounts with MCT - which worked out perfectly for me because that was basically my setup prior to joining CCP. I make full use of all of them, I think some of us just use one or two.

If we want to buy plex or skins though that’s on us.


I was lucky with the fact that the policy had just been put in place when I arrived, so my accounts never had to go on ice.

I’m still doing much the same as I was before, which is whatever my whims dictate from day to day. I’ve been a line member in the ongoing war, done some structure bashes, flown some tackle/dictors, lost most of my isk in abyssal proving grounds, spent the rest on an Ark, cried over the sad state of my wallet, done a little nullsec ratting (in an abaddon because what are ratting metas), done some DED sites in a loki, and I’ve taught at least one tackle class recently.

I’m hoping to get a bit more involved with my wormhole friends (partly because I come limping back to them when I lose all my isk elsewhere).

16 Sep


Will there actually be a ‘Zenith’ in Q3

I can’t say whether or not it will be reached exactly within this quarter, but a ‘zenith’ is indeed being approached.

I can say no more - Any further information about what that means is left up to you all to discover.

15 Sep


o7 Capsuleers,

Tier 6 abyssal filaments are not dropping properly from Tier 5 abyssal loot as of today’s update. This issue will be corrected after the next downtime.

Keep working on your Tier 6 theorycrafting abyssal runners - the cataclysmic abyss will be open to you soon!

11 Sep


This post was reopened upon review as the topic was found to not be in violation of any rules.

Please feel free to continue discussion on the original topic, whether you agree or disagree with OP’s sentiment.

09 Sep


Hey there, should be unlocked and available for editing now :slight_smile:

03 Sep


Looks like you guys are having fun this morning!

Just to clarify, ordinary users are not getting moderation powers. The ability to re-title and re-categorize was perhaps the peak of that as far as discourse goes - and I’ve just disabled this default since it’s likely to cause more headache than benefit. No non-ISDs will be reviewing flags or anything along those lines.

I’m working on a proper posts to explain how things work, there really isn’t as much room for abuse here as you guys may fear. At this point trust level 3 is effectively just a shiny veteran badge unless I decide to re-enable the wiki post option (which may be useful for keeping updated guides, corporation lists, etc).

As was pointed out above this isn’t anything super ground breaking or new, you can see it ...

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02 Sep


Thanks for the suggestion! I’ll have a look tonight.


Whoops, sorry for the spam - I’ve disabled some of the worst offenders for the notifications. Missed the fact that these were per event - and apparently discourse decided now would be a great time to read through everyone’s history and grant them retroactively.

Clicking them gives a 404 now because I took those badges out back and… dealt with them.


We’re not going to define that for you, that’s up to the individual. But having a cap just means that someone can’t ‘like’ every post they see and may need to think about those they feel deserve it most.

If we like a post by accident or just find posts more deserving of our limited likes a few minutes later, can we go back and “unlike” the first post and get that like back if we’ve hit cap, say? or will we still not be able to “move” that like to another post at that point?

I’m pretty sure you can remove it and put it on a new post. That said I’m hoping to find a spot where it doesn’t feel like you’re having to constantly think about this.


I’ve just tweaked the cap to be a bit more forgiving. Base number is now 20 and it goes up from there with trust. If people still feel they can’t like all those posts that really deserve it after feeling it out for a couple days at this level I can increase it again.

An indicator would be great, I’ll see if there’s anything in the system for that.


Trying out a few changes to the forum - you can read about them in this post: Please Wait 9 Hours to Give More Likes

Apologies for the confusion (and the impact on this thread, please don’t let it stop you) - it went live a bit earlier than intended.