

13 Nov


And now its 2 AM and I have my laptop and ready to roll! Thanks for covering my back! :smiley:


I was travelling and couldn’t write properly on my phone. :innocent:


Well constructed argument, will bring it to the team.


No, with boosts, skills and modules you can make more.


Autopaying taxes on all income, not just bounties is absolutely something we discuss regularly.


Thanks for the constructive feedback, spot on and we are taking community feedback on the new player waste, specifically!


We will continue with updates, as we have done throughout the year on both the ESS, DBS and nullsec meta.


We love indy players, they are the backbone of the ecosystem and responsible for the creation. Without them there is no PVP. Rorqual and rorqual fleets however, mined too much and in doing so both took opportunity from more players, and devalued their products. This is a good change for the majority.


I think its fair to say that this is the direction with capitals. We are not trying to incentivize multiboxing carriers, faxes nor dreads. The vision is that a rorqual is a flagship for mining fleets, boosting and more interesting things, being the center for teamwork.


Really glad to hear that!


that used to be true in the bad old days, but we are striving for a healthier balance of mining ships


thanks, the team is updating the excel sheet based on community feedback.


We are already seeing a rise in mining and wealth generation, both post war but also in new opportunities like gas mining. Gas compression should make that even more interesting.

03 Mar


monitoring this thread!

29 Dec


Technetium moons for instance. We have not had, nor do we still have those types of resources, but that is our vision.


Can you please list out the main risk elements you see. Aside from Trig content within highsec, very few changes have been made by Ecosystem, if any.


Good points, thanks for the constructive feedback.


These are the different use cases I mentioned, which is why we are hellbent on a complete dissemination of the cloaking play/counterplay dynamics.


It seems like you desire player driven and also playing how you want, yet claim they are mutually exclusive. The ESS, by definition, is player content, bounties earned by players and stolen/defended by players.

I think both are possible, the only difference being risk and reward.


Many good points, but most are not in the domain of Ecosystem. I will pass the rest on.