

19 Mar


Originally posted by Cybrid37

Thats...uhh..thats not Theory Crafting.

It’s more drunken theory creating tbh…..


Originally posted by Cammic4

I miss Theory Crafting

We all do. It’s what made the game great. However they make so much more $$$$ from all of you when they trait lock content. Stop spending commanders

13 Mar


Originally posted by KickCastleXI

I think Cerebro you guys have bigger issues then just Apoc, you can only keep your head in the sand for so long.

Keep spending. See how long the heads stay in the sand.


Originally posted by thejimbo56

Respectfully, you’ve had a year already to test and balance Apocalypse.

How much patience are you asking for here, and why do you think you’ve earned it?

Keep spending. Show them they’ve earned it.

12 Mar


Originally posted by Icy_Statement_2410

You're the CM we need right now. HELP US DRUNKEN CEREBRO

Stop spending money on the game commander. Help yourselves. That’s my advice. And have some booze.


Originally posted by DowntownFisherman

You guys are really awful, you know that?

Oh they know.


Originally posted by Dapper_Category4187

Unfortunately there's zero way we can know this as fact.

If it's not communicated before hand, then we don't know about it, regardless of if it was intended or not - the goalposts had moved based on the information we were given.

It destroys the little trust and credibility scopely have.

This 5th year anniversary has truly been shambolic, everything has missed.

I don't envy your position right now, as frankly scopely have insulted their customer base, left their community managers in a horrible position to take endless pelters with zero response, and nothing of any meaning. It's not your fault, but we will feedback on this... Means nothing unless action comes from it. Based on the status quo in the game, I would imagine there is little faith in an acceptable or appropriate fix.

I’m sorry. What trust and credibility did they still have left? Are you new here commander?


Originally posted by LickMyThralls

It's their job to relay info from the community to internal teams and to tell us what they're allowed/told to tell us. They're like the most controlled people as far as what they can say and when.

Can confirm. They aren’t allowed to speak for themselves!


Originally posted by Kyotoshi

cerebro got fired, he hasn't posted in a month lol

Drunken Cerebro is never fired!


Originally posted by Icy_Statement_2410

I know AA has acknowledged that redditors hurt his feelings

You’ve never hurt my feelings!


Originally posted by ColArdenti

From the blog: LEADERBOARD Earn as many points as you can to climb the ranks of a leaderboard that rewards Dark Promotion Credits to all participants. Ranks 11 to 75 will earn 6 Red Stars for Dormammu, and if you land inside the top ten, you'll get 7 Red Stars for Dormammu!

"All participants"... I haven't heard from support despite asking about the status of these, but they're saying it's not all?

What a failure of a weekend for /u/CM_Cerebro and his protege /u/CM_Archangel

I'm not going to lie, I'm kind of jealous they get paid to do such a poor job. Still can't be bothered to comment on the Kree event. The only tweaks to the much-maligned copy and paste anniversary events so far have been hidden requirements and nerfed rewards. Oh and edits to an event they never tested.

Truly don't understand how they go to sleep remotely satisfied with the job they've done.

How do they go to sleep satisfied?

They know they are paid for their managing of negative feedback on Reddit. Their job is to “manage” all of you commanders.

Also lots of alcohol helps


Originally posted by VVillyD

It's easier to not get so mad you quit when you don't spend money on the game.

Seriously commander. Don’t spend money.


Originally posted by CM_Archangel

It will start March 13th.

Edit: I know most of you will want to downvote this but please for the sake of others please don't so they can see it. I appreciate those that upvote it for others to see very much.

Hey bud. Ya know when you gotta beg to not be downvoted. It’s usually a symptom of a larger problem.

Just saying….


07 Mar


Originally posted by thejimbo56

Are the rewards also getting an adjustment?

Because the current top tier rewards are laughable for the investment required in trash tier toons.

Your joking right commander?

26 Feb


Originally posted by CM_DrunkenCereBRO

I’m here for you commander!

Oh and btw idrummer3 we are as low as we can get so far!


Originally posted by iDrummer3

You are the REAL undisputed community manager.

I’m here for you commander!


I resent your comment about me!


Originally posted by sarge199082

Ok some people might have him unlocked getting good orb fragment drops and getting lucky drops from orbs but how much grinding had it had to be to get him unlocked and how much grinding as well is it to get to the monthly item?

Why do feel entitled to every character for free or super easy commander?

24 Feb


Originally posted by PlaylistMasterRCM

While the 1% already has him unlocked and 7 starred.

This is the way

22 Feb


Originally posted by Reddit-Ninja-1234

Pepperidge farm remembers Thanosgiving…

Pepperidge farms remembers….

Thanosgiving was the best middle finger ever. #neverforget