

19 Jan


Originally posted by KN0meo

Good day Erika, I was wondering if the downloaded version (I have) will ever get a chat area like the old one had?

Hi KN0meo,

We do have a chat in the Codename and Steam version of the game.

You toggle it with the in-game Options menu, with the Toggle Chat option.


Originally posted by SusanLanghorn

Hi Erika. Thanks for the code. A couple of questions...will the rooms be getting named..i.e. FB, Kong etc? Also, when leveling up a single crusader, some of us noticed that you have to click twice before that happens. Will that issue be looked into?

Thanks and have a great week.

Hi Susan,

You're welcome for the code.

I would like to implement some of the chat suggestions that players are making for the launcher. I'll try to carve out some time in the development schedule for that.

The issue with leveling a Crusader should be fixed, if you've reloaded the game since Thursday.

If you're still experiencing an issue, more details on exactly when it's occurring would be helpful.


Originally posted by Fantastic_Hair_6134

Hi Erika, i hope and the team are well?

A bit of a long shot but is it possible to have a crusader that gives a chance of dropping/earning more event tokens similar to what Billy and Euodia do with drop quests?

Hi Fantastic_Hair_6134,

We're doing well, thank you. Hope you are too.

You know, I keep thinking that would be a weird Crusader power to have, but it would mean players change up their formation if they want to take advantage of it. It would have to be more powerful than Time Warps to compete though. We'll keep it in mind.


Originally posted by TFahab

Hi Erika! Any insight on how long the gap between dungeon seasons is going to be this time?

Hi TFahab,

My hope is a shorter break than last time, and I'm doing my best to make that happen.


Hail Adventurers and well met!

Before we begin today, I hope you are safe wherever you are, and that you are in a position to take care of yourselves during this time of change.


For those of you who are joining us for the first time, I'm Erika, the Live Services Manager for Crusaders of the Lost Idols and Community Manager for Codename Entertainment, and I will do my best to answer your Crusaders questions. This Q&A is so you know where to find one of the team to chat Crusaders weekly.

I will be answering questions live for the first hour and then chec...

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15 Jan


Originally posted by whywouldichooseaname

hey u/CNE_Erika you guys are back in the office these days right? i tried sending some tickets after i got ursula and it looks like its not working still

Yup, we're back in the office.

If you're submitting tickets from the Codename Games page, you do need to make sure all the cookies on the page are accepted, both codename and djarts ones.

We'll be looking into if there's other things we can do there.

14 Jan


Originally posted by ryan92084

I'm a bit late as usual. For the skin I'd pick griz.

What are your thoughts on the current state of the game with regard to goldens? Pre Hildr the extra e20 for milgrid's golden hat was considered a very strong bonus. After Hildr a divide opened up where those with goldens moved to Bruno for massive gains and those without stayed with Evan. Now with both Hildr and Odile the whales are almost playing a different game.

The prop chain goldens effect on Odile's Hippos alone is enough to cause a rift of up to ~e1779 dps between the golden have and the havenots and that is just one ability. There are still two more goldens to be released which will only serve to widen the gap further. I realise that as a single player game with no real goal p2w doesn't really apply but this game also has a community of form building that is quickly becoming fractured.

Furthermore season goals will be severely skewed depending on which group you intend to balance for since th...

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Griz skin noted.

As we add more multiplicative abilities, the goldens will likely take a more prominent place, but most are available through the challenge token store. And aside from season 2 of the dungeons, all other content in the game can be completed without needing the golden items: it would just take a little more grinding than with the items.


Originally posted by whywouldichooseaname

why doesnt bat billionaire have the gold finder tag when smart investing is a gold buff?

Because that ability only gives gold when you activate a buff.Otherwise he doesn't contribute any gold.

The gold find Crusaders either have a base loot or an upgrade that gives gold constantly if they're in the formation.

13 Jan


Originally posted by Travkeymaybe

Hi Erika, I would love a griz skin.

Hi Travkeymaybe,

Griz vote noted!


Originally posted by Halaberd85

hi again, forgot to vote for a skin :D

has to be Griz as he's the carnage cup sader we use the most.

Thanks for the Griz vote. :)


Originally posted by towerarmor12

Hi Erika,

I was thinking about the new "Trinket Hoarder" talent. For me personally it doesn't give much of a DPS boost because I only own one complete set of 20 Epic Trinkets. So I don't really care about it at the moment. Therefore, I was thinking that some sort of upgrade mechanism for the Trinkets would be cool!

  1. One possibility could be a new mission type (similar to gear upgrade missions). That would also satisfy people who ask for more missions.
  2. Another system could involve a similar mechanism as for the rune crafting system. But in order to avoid that everybody is converting all their trinkets to epic there either needs to be
  • a hard cooldown similar to rune chest purchase via rubies/challenge tokens/dungeon coins (like only one rare->epic transformation per week for each trinket type), or
  • a system like gear upgrade from epic to legendary gear with legendary catalysts. Also here increasing costs that get redu...
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Hi towerarmor12,

Sounds like you need to open more Jeweled chests to get more Epic trinkets, lol.

1) A mission that awards trinkets or possibly upgrades a trinket could be fun.

2) As players do get a lot of Silver chests, yeah, a trinket crafting system would have to be tightly gated. We'll keep the ideas in mind.

Thanks for the skin votes: Griz and Groklok noted.

A lower level and clearer claiming instructions could work for the Epic recipes. We'll keep that in mind.

You're welcome for Bounty of Idols! :)

12 Jan


Originally posted by rjakubec

Hi Erika!

First of all, Happy New Year to you and to Kat and to Kevin!

I just finished the 15k achievements today, and I think I might get to level 27 on the dungeons by next week, so Odile was great, let no one tell you otherwise! I hope the Crooked Crow nerf was forgotten by the masses. ;)

As for Carnage Cup, other than Griz, I don't use any of the crusaders, which is a pity. But I reckon I would rather see a skin for Drizzle or Nargulg maybe.

I'll think more about the 2 prizes for season 3 and I'll come back to you.

Have a nice week!

Hi rjakubec,

Happy New Year to you too. I'll pass it along to them. :)

Congrats on the progress in the Dungeons. That's awesome. :)

Yeah, Griz is the most used out of the Carnage Cup ones still, but there have been requests for not-Griz skins. We'll see who takes the win.

Have a good week! :)


Originally posted by -Kuja-

Hi Erika :)

Thx for the 2 Chests and I vote for a Griz Skin !

Best regards

Hi Kuja,

You're welcome for the chests.

Thank you for the Griz skin vote. :)


Originally posted by jojoga

Nargulg out of curiosity what you'd do to him. One more tag would be nice, since that's his only purpose currently

Curious indeed. Noted!


Originally posted by AMQ_

Hi Erika! I hope you and the team had a good break.

I'd love to see a skin for Griz. Not really a question, but some dungeon feedback. I've just gotten to level 25 and that was with the points buff getting a lot of use. I'd love to see the points buff maybe pop up in the dungeon pass with the other buffs. Gold wasn't that useful for me, but points always help. I liked the main prizes being at level 21. That was doable - I had to push hard to get to 25 though (but wanted to get all the levels for the pass).

Still asking for the room naming on the launcher - trying to find everyone. And the three rooms we have are pretty full. I'd love to see the upgrades that BW2 got in it's chat make their way over as well. I was asked to pass along that the one line of text entry at the bottom of the chat screen was a bit of a pain (it scrolls up so you can't see what you have written). Other than that, survived Nate blowing up the flash world.



Hi AMQ_,

Yup, good breaks were had by all. I hope you had a good holiday season as well.

The dungeon points buff can make a return for sure, now that it exists. :)

Yeah, once we have some free cycles, we'll be making some chat improvements to the launcher.



Originally posted by Tikikala

Voting morrigan



Originally posted by LC125

Hi Erika! Hope you had a wonderful break!!

My vote is Nargulg

2nd is Karl.


Hi LC125,

It was a pretty good break. I hope you managed to have a break too.

Thank you for the skin votes!


Originally posted by Halaberd85


is there a reason Odile doesn't have the Support tag? she has several support FAs so it seems a little strange that it's missing.

She's got a lot of unique tags already, so we chose not to give her the Support tag.


Originally posted by ferzed

Morigan skin +1.

I'm playing on a potato computer, the standalone launcher is a really nice upgrade from flash, thanks for that :).

Not a question, but a suggestion, is there a way to improve mission endings ? like completion in batch (all 100%, all gold, all ep, all others...).

Morrigan, got it! :)

Oh nice, glad you're liking the launcher version.

Yeah, the complete all or complete batches button for missions is something that's hanging around in my brain for when we have a moment.


Originally posted by DoctorNovakaine

Thanks for the chest. I suppose I'll vote for Groklok, though I'm fairly ambivalent overall.

Season 3 rewards: Skins are usually welcome, especially since they now have a talent that has them contributing to DPS. I'm pretty ambivalent on Taskmasters at the moment because I have several more than I regularly use. Golden Gear is a good reward IMO, but I can imagine you don't want everyone getting the absolute best Goldens THAT easily so maybe it could be a random GE rather than a selected one? Or maybe something like a voucher for the Challenge Shop that lets you get one of the GEs that pops up without spending tokens or something like that. I think skin + something like that would be my vote.

You're welcome for the chest.

Hmm, Groklok skin, interesting.

Good to know skins as season rewards are cool. We'll try to do more of those.

If we did a GE, it would likely be random or a voucher of some sort, but it's sounding like that should be a reward we give out.

Thanks for input. :)