

12 Jan


Originally posted by invento_kave

Thank you for the chest :) Happy new year to all.

Happy new year!


Originally posted by antebus

Hope everyone had great holidays! I like seeing Christmas Crusader recipes available...well as long as one isn't lutefisk,even Santa doesn't want that.

Yup, everyone had pretty good holidays! Hope you did as well.

Lol, yeah, no lutefisk recipes there. :)


Originally posted by brickobat

i vote Griz skin

Griz skin, noted! :)


Originally posted by joshrd

my request is more along the lines of can you enable access to options before completing the tutorial, so accounts can be linked more quickly?

No, the Linked Accounts option is locked until the tutorial is completed to prevent weird things from happening in the linking process.


Originally posted by VerbingWeirdsLang

Happy New Year!

Odile has become one of my favorite Crusaders for the Snowflake Hippos alone. Although they're a bit hard to see lobbed over a white background. ^^"

Please tell Kat this player loves the design for the Snowflake Hippos. I can already imagine the skin for Odile: civilian mode, before she goes full Winx magical girl.

Would love to see more characters from Odile's world and maybe some more of her backstory!

My vote's on Griz. Maybe some kind of steampunk hybrid?

Happy New Year!

Yeah, snow is kinda hard to see on white backgrounds, but I really do love how Kat managed to accomplish the Snowflake Hippo.

Jay did awesome writing the backstory, it might be cool to explore it more in the game.

Griz Steampunk skin, noted!


Originally posted by Aggressive_Dingo_720

How about more chatrooms? I would prefer to use chatrooms special for language like chat room english 1, chatrom french 1, chatrom us 1, chatroom german 1 etc.

Easier for many users.

Second: it would be nice to mark friends to find them in the different chatrooms.

1) I'll add it to our list to consider for when we're adding more chat options.

2) We don't really plan on adding more friend functionality to the website at this time, but I'll note down the request.


Originally posted by DragonFuhrer

Welcome back and thx as always for the chest. Hope your holiday break was just what you needed to recharge. One item I want to bring to your attention. When you made the change to "Fixed Odile's Scepter applying global effect to all Crusaders, instead of just herself." Not sure if it was intentional or un-intentional, but you nerfed her DPS power. since the change, I can do 400-700 levels "less" depending on the dungeon run. Please check into it please b/c it was really dis-heartening. Thank you.

You're welcome for the chest.

My break was pretty good, thank you for asking.

Odile's main power comes from her killing bosses with her projectile, it wasn't meant to come from her scepter. She's still uber powerful though.


Originally posted by tstevs

No question, but just wanted to say i really like the design of ursula

Ursula turned out pretty cool, yeah. :D


Originally posted by JuJuBee2006

Really happy the Q&A are back: a few things on my list

  1. I may just be missing something, but what did you mean by "2 prizes would you like to see awarded levels from season 3"? can you reword it a bit because I am missing what you mean.
  2. Could you describe the team's considerations for how you are deciding which slots new crusaders go into? I have been feeling like certain slots are extremely popular, while others are less so.

I don't have a strong preference, but I think i would lean towards are skin for Griz or nargulg

1) Ah, rushing. So there's the 25 main levels and the 15 bonus levels that give prizes. Just checking in what players might like to see them award for season 3.

2) Tier 1 and 2 event Crusaders were distributed among the original 20 bench seats. Tier 3 Crusaders saw them all lumped in seats 25 to 28, which honestly makes restricting objectives to just Tier 3 Crusaders a bit awkward, but was the plan for that event season.

Tier 4 events debuted some new bench seats, along with distributing Crusaders more evenly along the bench.

Tier 5 focused on getting Crusaders to 5 Crusaders per bench seat, plus adding a couple more new seats.

Tier 6 will continue filling out bench seats to roughly 5 Crusaders per seat. Mogra will be getting a bench seat friend soon, I just didn't want to do it back to back.

Griz and Nargulg skins, noted.


Originally posted by joshrd

Posting on behalf of several at kongregate, It's frustrating that there is a lengthy mandatory tutorial before you have access to options to link accounts. Could you make an adjustment for accessibility/getting caught up?

We don't have plans on changing the length of the tutorial.


Originally posted by NGPriest

Morrigan too!

When is the next sale?

Need to buy more TM's :p

Morrigan vote noted. :)

We'll likely have some DLC in the next Steam sale, mirrored on the Codename Games site, whenever that occurs.


Originally posted by Vingummi92

Odile is quite strong. What happens to future objectives and dungeons now?

We can look into adding harder objectives to make use of her power, as well as making objectives that don't allow her tags to restrict her use.


Originally posted by rheach

Thanks Erica, would like a skin for Morrigan

Morrigan skin, noted. :)


Welcome Crusaders to the new year!

Before we begin today, I hope you are safe wherever you are, and that you are in a position to take care of yourselves during this time of change.


For those of you who are joining us for the first time, I'm Erika, the Live Services Manager for Crusaders of the Lost Idols and Community Manager for Codename Entertainment, and I will do my best to answer your Crusaders questions. This Q&A is so you know where to find one of the team to chat Crusaders weekly.

I will be answering questions live for the first hour and then ...

Read more External link →

08 Jan


Originally posted by Cassius335

*checks changelog*

Wait, Hermit was in the wrong slot for Washed Up?

He snuck into the wrong slot for players doing Washed Up in the past couple of days (bottom of the back column instead of being up front like normal) because we'd been making some changes to the formation code for a different issue. Sneaky Hermit.

07 Jan

06 Jan


Originally posted by SotFXSotF

What's the reason for Apprentice Crafter to be far more expensive than the Journeyman Crafter to max out. Journeyman is more expensive to start, and they have the same max level, but the Tier 4 talent is more expensive than it's Tier 1 counterpart. They both do the same, basic, thing, for different rarity recipes, but the rarer one is cheaper to fill out.

Apprentice Crafter gives the bonus from both Common and Uncommon Recipes owned, while Journeyman just does Rare Recipes.


Fixed it yesterday about an hour after the challenge (and the tickets) started.

Just reload the game and she should be usable.

19 Dec


Originally posted by Daurakin

Hey Erika!

First question:

When you say "won't go back to the bug" regarding Crow, what are you referring to:

1) That you can now no longer carry over his stacks when loading formations?

2) That his stacks no longer stack individually with Imani, only as a whole?

3) Both of the above?

If you at least made point 1 doable again, he'd maybe be marginally viable for the dungeon meta.

Second question:

How do you guys feel about every tier 6 Crusader (now including Crow, post-nerf) being incapable of fitting into the Dungeon meta?

Third question:

I heard some rumours that you guys might actually hardcap Milgrid soon. I got two questions for that:

1) Any "more or less" amount of stacks you are thinking of?

2) Are you aware that Milgrid is currently one of the weakest supports in the dungeon-meta?

Hi Daurakin,

  • First question: we won't go back to their stacks stacking individually with Imani. We'll be looking at the saved formation issue.

  • Second question: We've done our best. Not all our Crusaders are gonna be Jiaos or Imanis, we've done a share of Rosie Rocklechauns and Rockys.

  • Third question: I did mention the possibility on stream as something we'd think about as dungeon runs continue to get deeper.


Originally posted by KingObie

Thank you for all your hard work, looking forward to the new Talents. I wish you and everyone at CNE a safe and happy holiday season. Cheers, Obie.

Best wishes for the holiday season and a happy new year to you too Obie. :D