

06 Feb


This looks sick! How many strands of floss are you using and what brand? I've struggled getting black coverage and often have to increase from 3 to 4, or even full floss weight to get the coverage I want on white aida. It might help if you're looking to get fuller coverage!

08 Jan


Originally posted by aventine_

I miss Reav3

Don't we all. (He's still here lol)

25 Nov


Originally posted by SuperSkillz10

I can't watch it til I'm back in like 5hrs yo, the wait is gonna kill me

Then boy do I have a TLDW for you.


Originally posted by Jozoz

No mention of any changes to TP like Phreak and August were hinting at throughout this year?

This was also mentioned by Meddler here.

I hope this doesn't mean changes to Teleport are scrapped?

We missed TP changes while working on this. :( perhaps someone from the team can weigh in?

08 Nov


Originally posted by Bigma-Bale

Oof, Lexi being in this hurts a bit considering she was hit by the recent layoffs :/

We had already filmed when everything happened. But Lexi and I talked, and I ultimately left it up to her whether or not she wanted to be in the video.

We didn't want to erase the hard work that she put into Ambessa, or minimize her impact. I will let her speak for herself if she wants, but on my side (as the person owning the video), it was a decision only she could make. <3

23 Sep


Originally posted by jimd11

Oh yeah, if you don't have a desk or something in front of you then I think it might work a lot better haha. Also how do you watch TV while stitching?! I am always looking up and down but I feel like I'm always missing stuff!

ADHD lmfao


Originally posted by jimd11

I actually have one of those standing things and I HATE it! Usually I do my work on my computer and it forces me to sit way farther back than usual, it's a pain in the ass to store, and it doesn't ever really sit in a stable place that I'm used to. Though what doesn't work for me may work for you but that was just my experience with it! Is there a link or something so I can see what one of those square things are? My girlfriend works at a craft store so that where I get all my supplies but I havnt really looked outside of that for anything before.

Oh sh*t! I usually cross stitch on my couch while watching tv, so I thought it'd be nice. Plus then my cat can sit in my lap :3

Yeah something like ...

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Originally posted by jimd11

I use a hoop when I can just for convenience, helps with hand cramps from holding the fabric too. But for this one, since it was so big, it was basically covering the entire span of fabric, so on the tops and bottoms as well as the sides it wasn't feasible to use one.

I really want to invest in one of those standing/lap frame holders. I feel like it'll help with hand cramping because my hand holding the hoop always cramps.

You should check out the square PVC working frames. I swapped to one a few months back and it's been great for square projects.


Originally posted by jimd11

Thank you so much! It takes more time, but I really don't like stretching string all over the canvas. Especially if I make a mistake and have to take it out, it makes the whole thing confusing haha

Yeah same. I try not to run more than like 5 squares, but sometimes I'm just immensely lazy T_T. Do you hoop stitch or hand stitch?


Woooaahhhh the back is so neat for a full coverage! This is incredibly impressive!

25 Aug


Finally. Now when people ask me if I'm a janitor I can actually be one in game.

12 Jul


Originally posted by 83857284955

This is a Korean song/video that was localized into Japanese. You can tell cause the cat walking on ice 23 seconds in is a huge Korean meme

꽁꽁 얼어 붙은 한강 위로 고양이가 걸어 다닙니다~🐱💃

21 Jun


Originally posted by Superb_Bench9902

Bro needs to reconsider his opinions on feet

y'all need jesus


Originally posted by Roar_of_Shiva

If its a rabbit why does its tail look like a squirrel tail

Vastaya are an amalgamation of animals, not necessarily a single one. So she may have a bit of squirrel in there.

20 Jun


Originally posted by tetzugani

I absolutely adore this approach to the whole topic and can only thank you for what is in my eyes a really well done and multifaceted autism rep. Can't wait to see and hear her ingame soon but my stars is the character endearing. Been a few years since i was this excited for a new release.

Thank you! I relied a lot on several folks on the dev team, as well as some amazing other autistic people at Riot who were my sensitivity readers and gave me incredible feedback and guidance. We also worked with an external autism representation org to get feedback as well as guidance.

Even as someone who is neurodivergent (ADHD), it's hard to know how to approach. I learned a lot over this process! I see some things I'd change now in retrospect, but that's life. :)


Originally posted by Regular-Poet-3657

As someone who is autistic thanks for the inclusion and could Ornn be someone on the spectrum too or was he just depressed?

I'm not a narrative writer, so I can't weigh in in terms of canon lore :X


Originally posted by lonewolfandpub

if there's a recorded joke about her having a favorite spoon, my life is yours

I'm sure apothecarie can weigh in, but personally, I believe it has to be a small spoon


Originally posted by bodynasr

kindlejack is my goat, champion of the feet

bro doesn't even like feet, which is the best part of the narrative🤣


Originally posted by bodynasr

when I heard that Kindlejack is the lead artist on Aurora, I recalled that he had a segment in Briar's insights article where he brought up the importance of her feet

didn't expect he would bring it up again lmao

"“I never thought I’d need to google anthro feet—and right after Briar—but I braved the rabbit warren,” Kindlejack laments. “Lagomorphs (read: rabbits, hares, and pikas) are one of the few mammals to have fur on their feet. And they don’t have toe beans or pads! I at least wanted to get the feet right.”

That's WHY we brought it up😎


Originally posted by the_toad_can_sing

Yeah they say that but didn't give a single example of how that's incorporated into any part of her design. They mention toe walking but didn't actually confirm that Aurora does this. A few comments about how much they thought about it without actually showing how it's included feels pretty empty to me. Why bother mentioning it in the article if you're not gonna demonstrate the point at all?

I explicitly didn't want to list out traits she has because it's a spectrum, right? Everyone's experiences with autism are different. Aurora toe walks, she has physical and verbal stims (which will be visible and audible in-game), when she feels overstimulated she has coping mechanisms like pulling down her hat and up her coat or going into the spirit realm, the spirits are her special interest, she creates her own clothes so she can control the textures, had trouble connecting with other Bryni esp as a youth, etc etc etc.

There's a lot, and a few things are mentioned in the article but are "read-between-the-lines" things. And then I also expressly did not want to call out folks who worked on her and are autistic but do not want to share that with the world due to fear of harassment.

Maybe I should have been more explicit? But I wanted to avoid spending paragraphs just listing out traits because her being autistic isn't the most important thing about her. It's a par...

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