

11 Jun


Originally posted by IlluminatiConfirmed

Do you know if there's a way to get this site to work on mobile?

Is that link not working on mobile? I'm on mobile now and it worked for me. I can see if the team has any known issues.


Originally posted by ggmattb

I hear someone cool writes them.

You mean Meddler? He's pretty cool.


Originally posted by DudeLikeYeah

Wish they'd release these as text formats too.

There is a TLDW on the website with every Dev Update!

09 May


Originally posted by DelBringo

Yo! Try NA we just pushed a hotfix

Thanks lil bro

12 Apr


Y'all just sleeping on my Shaco x Fiora fanfic or?

29 Feb


Originally posted by TheBluestMan

Yuumi getting a Prestige skin sounds wild to me


05 Jan


Originally posted by Solash1






(This is not canon pls don't Shaco x Fiora me again)

11 Dec


Originally posted by zeefomiv

can you share a source of where you got them?

Got ya. The quality's shockingly pretty good tbh

09 Dec


Originally posted by Awesomahmed

I'd like to take a moment here to appreciate the splash art for Ice Toboggan Corki

I bought my best friend (and fellow Rioter) Ice Toboggan Corki bed sheets for his birthday this year. They're shockingly soft and are the funniest thing I've ever seen.

20 Nov


Originally posted by NonnagLava

If we are getting this for all eight players in a TFT game with their own remixes, can we once again allow DJ Sona to actually be a valid Ultimate Skin, and revert the changes made to it shortly after it’s launch?

We were told Her remixing of music was removed because lower end hardware was struggling with it when multiple other ultimate skins were in the game. And now that Vex increased the base requirements this shouldn’t be a problem, especially when we’re actively getting her mixing of music in TFT but more complex, and DJ Sona is even being featured as a prominent portion of Remix Rumble.

You are preaching to the choir. Over 400k mastery on Sona T_T

I can bring it up to the team to see if it's on their radar, but no promises.

19 Nov


Originally posted by cimbalino

So each band is an origin? That's actually super cool I'll have to give it a try

Shameless plug for the dev drop that gives a behind-the-scenes look at the music composition process!

12 Oct


Originally posted by CaptainPieces

Am I crazy or is there an implication here that shyvanna and j4...


(I'm sh*tposting, don't listen to me)


Originally posted by AzerFraze

which is the base Skarner? The one in the vid or the one on top in the blog?

/u/reav3 to answer questions since I'm not SME :) but I think it's the blog gifs (but still not finalized)


Originally posted by Sjroap

.. With literally no information at all, but at least it's alive!

My bad! I forgot to link the /dev blogs in the YouTube description. But the Champion Roadmap is here:

01 Oct


Originally posted by Conscious-Scale-587

According to lolalytics the highest onetrick WRs(who I assume are executing every champ as close to perfection as you possibly can) are lee sin, Ezreal, akali, aatrox and thresh in each of their respective roles, funnily enough the only champs where mastery doesn’t seem to matter at all and who still have a wr close to 50% or lower when onetricked are Leona Morgana and corki

Leona Morgana and corki

Ahh yes, the perfect champions

15 Sep


Originally posted by lucidlonewolf

Shaco .... you can't win in a lore fight if you don't have any lore

Did someone say... Shaco lore? 😏

04 Sep


Originally posted by Cyril__Figgis

ask the reality denial friend lol

Any time anyone builds Sheen it's legally required to say, "This kid's c*cky as f*ck."

22 Aug


Holy!! This is so good! And considering how many individual crosses you had, the back is really neat!

Did you use one of the image to chart converters? I've been thinking about making the Soraka "this is fine" emote because it just summarizes my life tbh.

That's great coverage for 2 strands per stitch, what aida are you using? I generally go for 3 (also makes it easier to separate my floss when I'm prepping a project and I just like to be lazy tbh).

28 Jul


Originally posted by Shuggieh

Thank you for the update, we really apreciate it ♥ but I still have some questions:

About BE Emporium:
• Chromas will coust 2k as usual? Or will they come for 1K as a "comeback celebration" way?
• Will it come as before? Like, will only chromas come for skins released in a specific semester? Or will they start to come all already released?
• Can we know whice skins will have their chromas in this Emporium? So we can organize which ones we will get.

About Briar:
• Can we receive a new teaser at least? since we will meet her before the next Dev Update it would be really nice to see something more about her .-. Could be a part of her splashart as it was with Seraphine and Mundo, or a silhuette model, or more infos how she will look like.

Sugestion for next Dev Updates:
• It would be really nice if each Dev Update come with some visual teaser for something, like a Splashart (like...

Read more

For your final point: would love to include more visual teasers, but because the turnaround time for these videos is roughly 7-10 days (including weekends) from filming to publishing (including a few days for localization, which requires the video to be LOCKED), and we don't 100% have talking points locked until we actually film, it's hard to get visuals since we don't necessarily have topics locked.

We want the artists to focus on getting content into game, and while we'd love some teasers and stuff, sometimes we just don't have anything ready.

That said, we'll try to find places to add more art if we have good opportunities to do so!