

10 Nov


It looks like there was some small confusion so I'd just like to put this out there.

Aetherdust= Material to speed up cell crafting.

Aethersparks= Material that can be used to craft Aetherhearts or used to reforge weapons for Aetherhearts.

08 Nov


Originally posted by SOSpammy

In-Game Name: FosterClown2481

▪ Type of Bug: Game Crashing at launch

▪ Normal Behavior: Game starts

▪ Actual Behavior: Game shows logo screen and immediately crashes to dashboard. I am given no details about why it does this. It just goes back to the dashboard as if nothing happened.

▪ System Specs: Xbox Series X

▪ Geographic Location: US East Coast

▪ Reproduction Rate: 10/10

▪ Reproduction Steps: Not sure how to reproduce it. It only happens on my Xbox. It does not happen on my PS5 or PC. When I go online I see other people playing on Xbox, so it must just be me this is happening to.

▪ Extra Details: I tried reinstalling the game twice and deleting the local save data. Neither fixed the issue. I also tried different Xbox profiles, and it crashes on all of them too. No other game on my Xbox has this issue.

EDIT: I fixed it. I had to put the system into energy saving mode and restart it.

Just wanted to stop and say thanks for editing in the fix, you're awesome!


Originally posted by Zealous_Idealy

As of the reset for 11/3/2022, I have lost press for Week 1 and Week 3. Both the Harvester challenges have lost progress. Week 1, Week 3 issue link pictures below.

▪ In-Game Name: Hellmancer / Hellsion

▪ Type of Bug: Weekly Challenges

▪ Google Drive Link(s): Attached ▪ In-Game Name:\_link

▪ Normal Behavior: Progress should not have been lost as the challenge was completed

▪ Actual Behavior: What actually happened? Progress lost

▪ System Specs: Internet speed, Operating System, CPU, GPU, (or Console). PC and Console (PS5)

▪ Geographic Location: Colorado, US

▪ Session ID: (Optional) N/A

▪ Reproduction Rate: 1/10: every time

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Thanks for the report. We're aware of this but it's a purely visual issue so low priority at the moment. Those that completed it have already gotten the rewards which will not be removed. This shouldn't have an impact on your ability to complete any other challenges.

03 Nov


Commission passes expire no matter what at the time given, even when upgraded with platinum.

Others purchased with platinum do not.

31 Oct


Originally posted by Millilein

I’m the wife, pls help

Hey there, happy to assist. Can you please make sure Terra Escalations 1-13 and 10-50 are unlocked in your Slayer's Path and that you've completed a 1-13 one?

27 Oct


Originally posted by SpazmastatsamzapS

The Rumor Quest "Materials of the Unseen" want you to break all parts on a
behemoth before killing it, but it never registers. i have completed a
bounty that requires you to break parts on TWO behemoths, i have
completed the challenge to break all parts on a ragetail gnasher before
killing it, i've even completed another unseen quest where u had to
break all parts on a riftstalker before killing it, and yet i cant
finish a quest that tells you to break all parts on a behemoth, despite
doing so more than once.

This is a known text issue which is resolved for a coming patch, it should say "radiant" behemoth not just behemoth.

25 Oct


Originally posted by FluffyPhoenix

▪ Type of Bug: Performance, visual

▪ Occurs in the Nevermore event map in a group, may happen elsewhere.

▪ Normal Behavior: Danger activates at 100%

▪ Actual Behavior: Danger is activating around 65%.

▪ Geographic Location: East Coast

▪ Reproduction Rate: ?/10. The danger usually doesn't get high enough to see. It has happened at least twice, though.

▪ Reproduction Steps: Let the danger meter rise as usual. At ~65%, the game acts like it hit 100%.

▪ Extra Details: The brazier count is also hidden by the behemoth portrait on smaller resolutions, making knowing the numbers at a glance more painful.

The portrait placement is being looked into, sorry about that!

Not sure what's going on with the danger meter, may have to do with some changes we made over the past year, I'll let the team know.


Originally posted by lordligeiro

In-Game Name: Lord Ligeiro

▪ Type of Bug: Blazework's Scorchstone Hellion is not dropping the hammer rumour.

▪ Google Drive Link(s):\_9Sn\_NEMN?usp=sharing

▪ Normal Behavior: Breaking enraged Scorchstone Hellion's head was supposed to drop the EN-IH1 "Demolition Order" hammer rumour after you complete the Warpike and Axe rumours.

▪ Actual Behavior: The rumour is not dropping

▪ System Specs: 100 MBP/s, Windows 10 but playing on GeForce Now Cloud Gaming services.

▪ Geographic Location: Brazil, South America.

▪ Reproduction Rate: 10/10 (Broke well over 10 Hellion heads and none of them dropped the rumour)

▪ Repr...

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It looks like there may be issues with Blazeworks Rumours at the moment, we're looking into getting that resolved in a coming patch, sorry about that!


Originally posted by djdirty_713

Now the behemoth tracker at the top isn’t working.

Please check Settings->Gameplay and make sure "Behemoth Health Visible" is turned on. If you're still having issues or I'm not understanding correctly, please write into support with details and a screenshot and we'll look into it for you.


Originally posted by Agreeable-Buy8567

▪ In-Game Name: Iced orange

▪ Type of Bug: Weekly challenges are not unlocked

▪ Normal Behavior: Weekly challenges are supposed to be unlocked every week

▪ Actual Behavior: Week 1-10 unlocks in 780+ days

▪ System Specs: Nintendo Switch

▪ Geographic Location: Southeast Asia

▪ Reproduction Rate: 10/10; It happened since 2-3 months ago

▪ Extra Details: I restarted my Switch it was still there, I reinstalled it didn’t work so i just waited and took a break from the game and i logged in today it was still there.

Please make sure the time/date on your switch are correct, if you still have issues, please write into our support team via


Originally posted by Deaftoned

Not really a bug but something that should probably be changed. The cleansing pylon description in the slayers path claims it reduces frostbite by 30%, but the description at granny strega claims it only reduces frostbite by 25%.

Also seeing 31% in inventory, logged it to be looked at, thank you!


Originally posted by peetar

Just finished it last night with a person I met in random queue. He had a third and we got a random 4th. Here's my tips:
1 person should be on Braziers 100%. Anybody else "helping" is actually hurting. If they spawn in order, in a circle, it becomes very easy for 1 person to keep the lit braziers at 0-2 just running in a circle. You might as well take a speed build. Maybe axe to contribute a bit of damage throwing axes, but not necessary. (I used agarus to AOE resurrect). Once the Shrowd is a decent chunk into 1/4 health, start keeping it a 7. Continue the circular pattern, but this time wait 12 seconds between moving on to the next brazier. Eventually 7 will be lit most of the time. But I can't stress how this needs to be a full time job. Any distractions and you'll fail. Any people "helping" and hitting braziers out of order and it will end up costing time.

Second, bring 4 people, not 2. You are going to be having 1 person do next to no damage, don't dedicate half yo...

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Haven't gotten mine yet but got pretty good at the lighting timing keeping it on 7 more often than not.

I used a speed build with repeaters but added Engineer +6 (Cells from Lady Luck to extend pylon range), and a full loadout of pylons. This gives massive pylon range to help once the behemoth is at 25%, particularly inspiring pylons. The others (like lifespring) can help nail down the exact location of the two beacons when it's dark, once you've marked their locations for a bit it becomes easier to not get lost, especially if they're fighting on top of you.


I was about to ask if you had nighttime pics, this looks perfectly creepy, love it!

19 Oct


We're looking into it but no ETA on a fix. For now, it looks like this is primarily on The Blazeworks so you might have better results elsewhere.

If anyone has specific locations it's happening outside Blazeworks, please let us know via our Support channel here and include map as well as what part of the map.

Thank you!

18 Oct


Originally posted by EXTREMESAMURAI0801

Thanks, I know I did ragetail gnashers, but I guess I might not have broken something, even though I checked for any remaining parts, but thanks anyway!

No problem, it was probably one of the cute little paws, they have low part health but can be a bit hard to hit.


Hey there, we just double checked and tested this one and it looks like it's working.

It's possible that you accidentally did normal Gnashers rather than Ragetail Gnashers. You can find Ragetail Gnashers (non heroic) on Connundrum Rocks. If you feel we missed anything, please just let me know!

17 Oct


Originally posted by KorrupiKid

I already had the emote and bought it again just for fun. You loose your currency and get nothing.

This doesn't sound fun at all! Please write into support, we should be able to check that and credit the amount. Would recommend against doing it.

The issue should be resolved now. Please remember to write into support when you locate new issues, or the bug megathread stickyed in Reddit, this way we'll get to it quicker!


Originally posted by PointsDelusion

IGN - Sparklongshot

Type of bugs - 3 different bugs

1: Loading in to twilight sanctuary.

2: Nevermore fight

3: Rumor: Materials of the unseen

Normal behavior

1: Load in to twilight sanctuary.

2: be able to do damage to nevermore shrowed.

3: complete the Rumor: Materials of the unseen quest.

Actually behavior -

1: Can’t load in to twilight sanctuary. Crashes every time.

2: Sometimes when loading in the the nevermore fight I’m unable to do any damage. Happened several times over many times.

3: Need to break all parts of a behemoth before killing it for Rumor: Materials of the unseen. Did this to lesser embermane, lesser gnasher, and rift stalker and it hasn’t completed, but the rumor for doing this to rift stalker completed.

Specs - PS4

Location - USA

Session ID - 6d6bb80a222447084695dbfd0805b21-irqlqf4h

Reproduction Rate

1: 10/10


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  1. Please write into support with this one if it's still happening.
  2. This may be delayed numbers, if you're seeing hits happen it's likely doing damage but not seeing number, or delayed where you will see them later at the location you were hitting at.
  3. This quest should read "Radiant Behemoths" we're working on the text issue.

Originally posted by RageTiger

▪ In-Game Name: RageIronhorn

▪ Type of Bug: Unseen Neophyte Pass

▪ Normal Behavior: Not entirely sure, possibly a hunt pass path.

▪ Actual Behavior: No sign of this hunt pass or any special shop.

▪ System Specs: Win10, i5-9400f, 1660Ti 32GB RAM

▪ Geographic Location: US West

▪ Reproduction Rate: 10/10: Occurs every time

▪ Reproduction Steps: Not sure if this can be reproduced. Logging out, doing a hunt or escalation, not changing anything.

This requires the secret quests, but there is an issue currently and we should have a fix coming. You can also write to our support team and we can manually unlock it in the meantime.


Thanks, we're looking into this one. Please remember to use the bug megathread for bug reports.