

17 Oct


Originally posted by cdlaurent

(as others have said - yes.)
after your first reforge, you can unlock the slayer path ability to "bank xp".
so you can earn xp while at the high earning Level 20; and put it into the "bank" (per weapon type). a full bank effectively takes to straight to Level 6 after reforging.

(I always get max bank before reforging)

To add to this, you can also complete bounties and not collect them until after reforge to get an extra boost.


Originally posted by ItzSpicyboi09

I struggled on this for a while, but what worked for me was using a high dps build in Umbral esca. Fenroar spawns around once every 3 or so runs, so it’s pretty easy to get him. Then just make sure to take the highest dps amp’s possible

Escalation boosts definitely help. You also get bonus damage/defense for leveling, so at level 25 you have +100 attack in an escalation even before amps.


Originally posted by EXTREMESAMURAI0801

That makes sense, but I’m pretty sure I already done that with another player, it was a lightbound koshai which is radiant element, it might not accept lightbound variants, and only normal radiant behemoths. Eh, I’ll see

There's a lot in here, some mentioned it, but just to highlight it, there's a text issue and this should read "Radiant Behemoth", we're working on clarifying that. As for the comment on lightbound Koshai not working, I'll add that to be looked into, thank you!


There aren't a lot of main quests, most are through "Rumours" or side quests. The main ones mostly introduce you to various parts of the game so it's likely there just aren't any there for you at the moment. A few more may pop up on certain Slayer's Path unlocks but you should be getting quite a few under the other categories.


Things should be working again, though daily challenges may be temporarily not repopulating, we're working on resolving that.


Originally posted by maj3

▪ In-Game Name: TangoPooh

▪ Type of Bug: Performance

▪ Normal Behavior: What is normally supposed to occur? Able to log on and play.

▪ Actual Behavior: What actually happened? After playing for a while, reviewed a Version Mismatch error.

▪ System Specs: Switch

▪ Geographic Location: MidAtlantic, USA

▪ Reproduction Rate: 4/5 attempts.

▪ Extra Details: Anything else that may help? I confirmed the version is the most updated. Went to do a force update and confirmedost recent. First occurred when I tried to go the Unvervald hunting ground solo. Occurred multiple times afterwards.

Update: Things should be working again, daily quests not populating will be down for a bit though.


Originally posted by maj3

▪ In-Game Name: TangoPooh

▪ Type of Bug: Performance

▪ Normal Behavior: What is normally supposed to occur? Able to log on and play.

▪ Actual Behavior: What actually happened? After playing for a while, reviewed a Version Mismatch error.

▪ System Specs: Switch

▪ Geographic Location: MidAtlantic, USA

▪ Reproduction Rate: 4/5 attempts.

▪ Extra Details: Anything else that may help? I confirmed the version is the most updated. Went to do a force update and confirmedost recent. First occurred when I tried to go the Unvervald hunting ground solo. Occurred multiple times afterwards.

We're aware of the issue and looking into it right now, thank you for your patience!


We're aware of the issue and investigating, thank you for your patience!

12 Oct


u/United_Instruction75 I'd double check that you purchased it at Lady Luck; it should say "Purchased" next to it there. After that, double check Arkan Drews list of Lanterns to see if it's there.

I'd say since you mentioned already checking Arkan Drew, it's possible you accidentally purchased something else at Lady Luck, or the purchase didn't go through. Note that people sometimes feel they have unaccounted for Trial Marks, but it turns out they spent them to unlock "Trials Mode Dauntless difficulty" in the Slayer's Path which takes marks.

If after double checking it does say "purchased" and is also not in Arkan Drews shop, please write into support at ...

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10 Oct


Originally posted by AnimeMania

I am pretty sure that all your Bounty Tokens remain after the Hunt Pass ends, but your seasonal coins do not, so spend them all. Patrol keys remain after the Hunt Pass ends.

This is correct, non-premium used to expire but that's no longer the case. There's a known issue where sometimes active bounties don't appear on 1st login, but changing islands will fix that.

The only thing is make sure you spend your seasonal coins before it ends, which is soon.

04 Oct


I think Sturdy would effectively do more than Parasitic as it keeps you on your feet stealing life, so you're doing more damage and still getting the healing more instead of peeling yourself off the ground. Koshai's helps with that as well. I assume Overpower is focused around taking advantage of you being there which is cool.

03 Oct


Originally posted by KorrupiKid

So you think it should be the highest rarity (not counting artifact). Same as the dev titles, founder and slayer of the queen?

Absolutely, I think it's a huge accomplishment and should feel that way!


I disagree. I like to think about why it should be a certain rarity. While getting this title is a big accomplishment for many, we should keep in mind things like there are rewards on the way there. I think it should be orange. That's just my opinion though.

30 Sep


Thanks for the report, this is now resolved. Collecting bounties will now give +1 bounty token. In addition, both "The Bosun's Bounty" and "The Pirate Queen's Challenge" will remain for the stated duration.

29 Sep


Hey u/TheMiniMunch thanks for the heads up. We're looking into this and it should be resolved shortly. Not to worry, you'll have as much time as you need to complete it!

26 Sep


Originally posted by NotDoritoMan

▪ In-Game Name: NotDoritoMan

▪ Type of Bug: Rumour Quest Progression

▪ Google Drive Link(s):

▪ Normal Behavior: Slaying Koshai should add to the counter and progress the quest.

▪ Actual Behavior: No Koshai are being tracked and added to the counter, no matter when and how they are slain. It is permanently locked at 4/10, despite having slain around 15 of them in the past 3 days, and over multiple sessions.

▪ System Specs: Unknown due to Geforce NOW.

▪ Geographic Location: New York

▪ Session ID: 61582bd9a72143c0a418b854d33603b5-pygwvxiv (Irrelevant, however, due to multiple sessions)

▪ Reproduction Rate: Persistent.

▪ Reproduction Steps: NA

▪ Extra Details: It is possible this bug is extending to other quests, as well, as they ...

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Thanks for the report, looking at the other parts of the quest it's likely only counting Heroic Koshai's so either the wording or requirement needs to be updated. For now, I'd try it with Heroics, but we will look into it!

23 Sep


Originally posted by Mythicaldragn

▪ In-Game Name: Mythical_Dragon.

▪ Type of Bug: Cosmetic

▪ Google Drive Link(s):\_pX3KkGa5k/edit?usp=sharing

▪ Normal Behavior: reza chest plate doesnt change colors/lose texture, no matter the camera angle

▪ Actual Behavior: when moving camera up and down, the chestplate loses texture and the colors change.

▪ System Specs: XBOX 1 S all digital

▪ Geographic Location: West Europe.

▪ Session ID: any session ive been in, ramsgate or hunt doesnt matter.

▪ Reproduction Rate:10/10: Occurs every time

▪ Reproduction Steps: move the camera above your PC

▪ Extra Details: this has been happening for a while, made multiple in game reports. doesnt matter if its the actual equipment or something else transmogged as the reza chestplate, ...

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Thanks for the report, this is being looked into, no ETA on a fix currently.


Originally posted by CreekTerrarium

In Game Name: CreekTerrarium
Google Drive Link(s):

Normal Behaviour: Quest is completed after collecting all the Glow Seeds.

Actual Behaviour: After collecting Glow Seeds, they are not marked off at two locations - the cave and the darkest part of the woods.
System Specs: Internet Speed - 11.3 Down 5.33 Up. OS - Windows 10. CPU - Processor Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-8700K CPU @ 3.70GHz, 3696 Mhz, 6 Core(s), 12 Logical Processor(s). GPU - NVIDIA Quadro P2000.

Geographic Location: Australia
Session ID: 74dd1c477f244d0f8bb668245f1640ac-kkxz32bf
Reproduction Rate: 5/5 attempts from relogging, leaving area, attempting to collect again.
Reproduction Steps: Depends on whether the quest is picked up correctly.
Extra Details: When the qu...

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Thanks for the report on the Garden II quest, we're aware of this one and should have a fix out in a coming patch!

20 Sep


You and I test our survival builds differently. Mine goes through a rigorous 3 phase process.

  • Boil water (add salt if you took the time to transmog all your gear)
  • Pasta in water, sauce on low.
  • Queue 51-90 Escalation

If I can get perfectly cooked pasta on a plate in front of me without dying the build passes. Cleansing pylon allowed for Frost Escalation.

19 Sep


Originally posted by THE1ToGo

I just came back to dauntless, so of course I'm going to be taken back that a non rage drask has four beams but I did hear that it got nerfed tho

Yup, November 9th Patch 1.8.2. Welcome back, that's a rough pair!