30 May

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Dear Wolcen Community, 
Thank you for your unwavering support and patience. It’s been a while since our last update, and we apologize for the silence. However, we had to make serious decisions that required careful reflection and time. Thank you for your unwavering support and dedication. We are fully aware of the challenges that have emerged from the early technical decisions made regarding the game's architecture, challenges that are insurmountable without a complete technology overhaul. 

We have diligently updated Wolcen, enhancing every facet of the game from introducing new chapters and items to improving UI, animations, and the meticulous balancing of skills, items, and gameplay, alongside technical enhancements. Despite these efforts and the team's dedication behind our patches, we've encountered foundational hurdles that prevent further improvements under the existing framework. 

It is with a heavy heart that we announce a significant change: Starting Sept... Read more

02 Nov

    CoTTo on Steam - Thread - Direct
Embark on two epic adventures with the Heroic Duology Bundle, featuring two action-packed games that will test your skills and courage to the limit. Join the journey of a fearless warrior in "Wolcen: Lords of Mayhem" and dive into the untold legend of "Achilles: Legend Untold". This bundle offers you the chance to experience the thrill of heroism, conquer daunting challenges, and rewrite history.

Wolcen: Lords of Mayhem:

Explore a captivating dark fantasy RPG. Embark on an exciting adventure, master unique combat, and customize your skills without class limits. As one of the 'Children of Heimlock,' saved by the Grand Inquisitor, join the elite Republican Purifiers and journey with your companions to change everything you know.

Achilles: Legend Untold:

"Achilles: Legend Untold" invites you to relive the legendary story of Achilles, the Greek hero of the Trojan War. This action RPG takes you back in time to an era of gods and ... Read more

20 Jul

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Greetings, Ascended!

Today we are rolling out patch on PC, patch on XBOX, and patch 1.018 on PlayStation.

  • Fixed an issue where the some Gate of Fates nodes and Affixes would not affect summons. This includes the nodes Safe From Afar, Undertaker, and Academic Fieldwork; as well as the Affix +Projectile Speed and The Trial's +100% Chance to inflict Mark of Impurity.
  • Fixed an issue where the some variants of the Unique gloves Imbued Argrand's Hearth would have an incorrect required level and incorrect drop ranges.
  • Various graphical optimisations.
  • Various crash fixes.

13 Jul

    CoTTo on Steam - Thread - Direct
Greetings, Ascended!

Today we are rolling out patch on PC, patch on XBOX, and patch 1.017 on PlayStation.

Bug Fixes:
  • Fixed an issue on Gamepad where releasing the Left Stick would interrupt Bladestorm.
  • Fixed an issue where the Active Skill Modifier Unstoppable Charge for Warpath would not grant Crowd Control immunity or Damage Reduction from Projectiles.
  • Fixed an issue on Gamepad where the Lieutenant Harvest screen would behave incorrectly.
  • Tidied up a background issue in a Chapter I cinematic involving a certain sneaky demon.

06 Jul

    CoTTo on Steam - Thread - Direct
Greetings, Ascended!

Today we are rolling out patch on PC, patch on XBOX, and patch 1.016 on PlayStation. Please note that PlayStation players will also receive the changes from last week's patch.

Bug Fixes:
  • Various crash and stability fixes.

29 Jun

    CoTTo on Steam - Thread - Direct
Greetings, Ascended!

Today we are rolling out patch on PC, patch on XBOX. This patch will release on PlayStation at a later date.

Gameplay Changes:
  • Items with tier 13 affixes now show their name and the relevant tier 13 affixes in green text on their tooltips.
Bug Fixes:
  • Fixed an issue during Chapter IV where returning to the main menu and reloading at certain points would cause the majority of Stormfall NPCs to mysteriously disappear (though their voices would still be audible - spooky!).
  • Fixed a texture issue in the mission "The Only Lead".
Console Only:
  • Fixed an issue on XBOX where the Skull reward screen would insist on popping up, even if no Skulls had been awarded.
  • Fixed an issue where the wrong icon set would display in the Weaken/Harvest dialog box after defeating a Lieutena...
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22 Jun

    CoTTo on Steam - Thread - Direct
Greetings, Ascended!

Today we are rolling out patch on PC, patch on XBOX, and patch 1.014 on PlayStation.

Gameplay Changes:
  • Items with Tier 13 affixes now have their labels displayed in green when they drop, so they can always be distinguished!

    With the next patch, we will also be changing the text colour of Tier 13 affixes in item tooltips to green: until then the affix and item name in tooltips will be displayed as white.
Bug Fixes:
  • Fixed an issue where equipped items would appear to be missing after switching online characters. This was due to a harmless but alarming-looking desynchronisation between client and server, which has now been resolved.
  • Fixed an issue where Summons' Damage type would not be converted appropriately if the player had converted their weapon damage, i.e. through a Gate of Fates node or a Unique like Bio-Flo...
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15 Jun

    CoTTo on Steam - Thread - Direct
Greetings, Ascended!

Today we are rolling out patch on PC, patch on XBOX, and patch 1.013 on PlayStation.

  • Summons will now work correctly with the Come What May and Hungry Stalactite nodes in the Gate of Fates, as well as the Projectile Pierce Strength affix.
Bug Fixes:
  • Fixed an issue where crafting reagents would be destroyed upon exiting the game if they were in-use in the crafting UI.
  • Fixed an issue where kicking a player from the group would also remove them from the player's friendlist.
Console Only:
  • Resolved an issue where Untainted Enemies would not spawn in the Offline version of Wrath of Sarisel.
  • Improved the speed and reliability of the Offline save system for PlayStation.
  • Fixed a save system related crash.
  • Fixed various texture ...
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09 Jun

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Greetings, Ascended!

Today we are rolling out patch on PC, patch on XBOX, and patch 1.012 on PlayStation. This patch brings a new tier of affix to the endgame, along with the usual bug-fixing goodness!

Gameplay Changes:
  • The drop ranges of affix tiers 9 and 10 are now capped at Item Level 200.
  • A new affix tier has been added: tier 13!
    Tier 13 affixes have a very rare chance of rolling on rare and legendary items with an item level of 217, and offer a +50% increase in power over tier 12 affixes.
  • Tier 13 affixes will appear in orange text in item tooltips.
Bug Fixes:
  • Magpies rejoice! The Diamond Mines of Morkai project can once again potentially reward Genesis Stones.
  • Fixed an issue in the player trading UI where the currencies shown would be impressively incorrect.
  • Fixed an issue where some it...
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30 May

    CoTTo on Steam - Thread - Direct
Greetings, Ascended!

Today we are rolling out patch on PC, patch on XBOX, and patch 1.011 on PlayStation. This is a small patch with various bug fixes.

Note that XBOX players will receive the changes below and the changes from last week's patch.[]

Bug Fixes:
  • Fixed the strange "hanging red shards" that would appear in Operations with the Blood Rain Curse.
  • Fixed an issue where the VFX for the Sweeping Gales Skill Modifier of Talon Shot did not match the actual area of effect.
  • Fixed an issue with the Skill Infinity Blades which caused the tooltip for the Spherical Repulsion Skill Modifier to report an incor...
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22 May

    CoTTo on Steam - Thread - Direct
Greetings, Ascended!

Today we are rolling out patches on PC and 1.010 on PlayStation. This patch will arrive on XBOX at a later date. This patch changes how Infinity Difficulty scales and awards bonus Attribute and Gate of Fates points, along with the usual selection of bug fixes.

Gameplay Changes:
  • Infinity Difficulty has had its scaling adjusted, and now has a more pronounced difficulty curve.
  • Because of this adjusted scaling, far fewer skulls need to be spent to reach higher difficulty levels.
  • Successful Operations on Infinity Difficulty now reward the same amount of skulls spent to launch the operation, rather than double.
  • As before, spending Skulls and completing an Operation on a higher Skull spend for the first time will award some player power. Successful Operations below 100 skulls will award one-time bonuses of 5 Attribute points for every Skull spent, and 1 ...
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12 May

    CoTTo on Steam - Thread - Direct
Greetings, Ascended!

Today we are rolling out patch on PC, patch on XBOX, and patch 1.09 on PlayStation. This small patch brings further fixes and small tweaks to tide things over whilst we cook up further improvements to Infinite Difficulty.

  • Added additional music to Stormfall when in Champion of Stormfall mode. Enjoy community-favourite tracks from the OST whilst bargaining with Mohabi.
  • Further refinements have been made to the gamepad targeting system and should make it much easier to interact with what you want when you want.
  • Improved input latency on gamepad.
  • Slightly increased the number of secondary dungeons in applicable environments.
Bug Fixes:
  • Fixed an issue where improving a non-Weapon Item's Quality would not improve the Item's stats.
  • Fixed an issue where the Slicing Da...
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05 May

    CoTTo on Steam - Thread - Direct
Greetings, Ascended!

Today we are rolling out patch on PC. This patch addresses the variety of environments and enemies in Endgame Operations, along with various bug fixes.

  • We have done a pass on how often particular biomes and enemy types spawn in Endgame Operations, to bring some balance and variety to what players typically encounter. Some environments, such as the Red Wastes, were overrepresented, whilst others were rarely encountered. For enemies, the Cult of Souls faction were the most encountered, whilst the Cult of Fury and Bandits were seen less often.
  • We have also done a pass on the spawn rate of secondary dungeons in eligible Operation types. Some environments would not spawn a secondary dungeon, and thus deny the player access to a trade shrine and result in a prematurely full inventory. Where appropriate, there should now always be a secondary dungeon available.
... Read more

28 Apr

    CoTTo on Steam - Thread - Direct
Greetings, Ascended!
This is a small hotfix for two outstanding issues from Please note that your game version will not change.

  • Pushed a new localisation file to restore broken text in the Stomfall overview and War Table UIs in non-English versions of the game on PC.
  • Stings of Krearion has been tuned back down to a more reasonable power level. However, it has been left more potent than it was before, with a 300% Skill Weapon Damage (up from 200% pre-patch).

26 Apr

    CoTTo on Steam - Thread - Direct
Greetings, Ascended!

Patch is now live. This patch brings further balancing changes to the game, and various bug fixes.

  • Added an option to enable or disable the "panning effect" of the camera when using a controller. The new option's checkbox can be found in Gameplay Settings with the label "Controller Camera".
    City Building:
    • Significantly increased the cost of the Uber Lambach boss fight project. While we want unique items to be readily available to players, the low cost of the project made them just a bit too available.
    • The Ahriman affix that increases maximum ailment stacks by 1 can now allow up to 2 maximum stacks. (Only on Helms, Gloves, and Pants).
    • The following Ahriman affixes have had their minimum and maximum values increased: +X% Health, +X% Heal...
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13 Apr

    CoTTo on Steam - Thread - Direct
Greetings, Ascended!

Patch is now available. This patch brings improvements to Infinity Difficulty and the campaign save system, along with fixes for bugs and crashes, both big and small.

  • Infinity Difficulty. Players can now more easily spend large quantities of skulls. Mouse & Keyboard behaves in the same manner as when adding Attribute Points: use Shift+click to add 5 skulls, or use Ctrl+Click to add 50 skulls. Or, if using a controller, simply press and hold the designated input.
  • We are aware that the Campaign save system can be obtuse, particularly in the early stages of Chapter I where there can be long gaps between save points. To rectify this, we have added two new save points to the early game: one just before you meet Ilthain for the first time, and one part-way through the Svriir Caves after finding the "Tributes Chamber" waypoint. We will examine other similar areas of the campaign a...
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28 Mar

    CoTTo on Steam - Thread - Direct
Greetings, Ascended!

Wolcen patch is now live. This patch contains several fixes for client and server crashes, as well as some online improvements.

As always, thank you for your invaluable feedback thus far. We are settling into a weekly build and release pattern for patches, so you can expect fixes for further outstanding issues in the near future.
  • Fixed several issues which caused some elements of the Ahriman fight to be missing.
  • Resolved two issues which would cause client and server crashes with particular interactions between the Flamethrower variant of the Punisher Exoskeleton enemy and the player.
  • Resolved an issue which would cause a client crash when using a particular combination of Skill Modifiers for the skill "Gunslinger's Brand".
  • Resolved an issue which would cause a client and server crash with a particular interaction between a Cult of Souls Soul Casket and the player...
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22 Mar

    CoTTo on Steam - Thread - Direct
Greetings, Ascended!

Here is the first in several upcoming patches that are being deployed specifically to resolve various post- / Chapter IV issues. If there is a known issue that is not present here, please be assured we are working hard on delivering a fix for it as soon and as safely as possible.

Thank you all for your feedback thus far, and your continued patience and support.

  • Resolved a UI softlock when accepting rewards from a completed Restock: Havar project in Champion of Stormfall mode.
  • Fixed an issue in the conversion system which would leave some characters stuck at the end of Chapter III with no objective.
  • Resolved an issue where Ahriman would drop too much loot (or none at all) depending on the game mode.
  • Fixed an issue where bosses on the 2nd level of Expedition Operations would become incredibly shy and fail to spawn.
  • Achievements for beating Ahri...
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14 Mar

    CoTTo on Steam - Thread - Direct
Greetings, Ascended!
Wolcen: Endgame, patch, is now live! This patch brings:
  • The final story Chapter for Wolcen: Lords of Mayhem,
  • A new Endgame loop,
  • New Unique items,
  • New infinite Endgame mechanics,
  • 2 New Skill including all their damage type variants,
  • New Item types and Affixes,
  • Improvements to existing Unique items,
  • A massive Balancing pass on Active Skills and Passive Skills,
  • Improvements to Weapons,
  • A new Cosmetic Armour,
  • New monsters and enemies,
  • and General Quality of Life improvements.

A Semi-Fresh Start The sweeping changes coming with this patch require a soft-reset for existing characters on the Steam platform. For precise details as to what has changed for characters and account progress, please click ... Read more

28 Feb

    CoTTo on Steam - Thread - Direct
Greetings, Ascended!

We are currently hard at work preparing for the release of patch and are happy to finally say that we hope to release Wolcen: Lords of Mayhem’s fourth and final chapter in a matter of weeks! In the spirit of full disclosure, we are in our final internal testing phase and tinkering with the last few nuts and bolts. There is, of course, always the possibility we may have to invest more time, but we aim to have the patch in your hands soon.

Face your deadliest foe yet, uncover the fate of Heimlock and Valeria, engage in a new endgame loop, and discover new and exciting Unique items, item types, affixes, two new skills, and a multitude of exciting build possibilities.

Alongside the new Chapter and gameplay content, patch will also bring a massive balancing pass to the game, touching on almost all skills, active skill modifiers, nodes in the Gate of Fates, XP requirements, City Building costs, and Unique items.

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