

18 Jun

Hi TrixxieTriss,

Thanks for reporting the bug with your Daily PO.

To help our team verify this bug, could you provide us a screenshot of your Priority Objectives?

Hi Beokerus,

Thanks for reporting the gap issue when equipping your character with the Mythosaur Hunter's Helmet.

Our team is aware of this bug and is currently looking into it. For visibility, I'll add this bug to the known issue list.

15 Jun

Hi folks,

Thanks for the different reports regarding the bug on the Star Fortress decorations timer.

Our team is currently looking into it. I'll update you in this thread when I have more information.

14 Jun

Hi Eliguy,

Thanks for the report regarding the Exar Kun's Chestguard.

I've transferred the information provided to our team for additional verification.

10 Jun

Thanks ceryxp for the report regarding enemies in Section X not being counted towards the completion of the "Daily PO: Defeat Outer Rim Enemies". Our team is currently looking into this bug.

For visibility, I'll add it to the known issues list: Game Update 6.3 - Known Issues.
Thanks thaallion for the additional information.

Seems like this bug happens when players are logged in a low-level character when the weekly reset happens. To prevent that, you need to make sure that you're not logged in a character below level 10 during the reset.

As previously mentioned, our team is looking into it. In the meantime, you should be able to get a correct PO by rerolling on a high-level character.

09 Jun

Hi folks,

Thanks for reporting the bug you encounter with your Weekly PO not being tracked. Seems like you received Weekly PO from the previous week (more information regarding the Daily and Weekly Priority Objectives here: Galactic Season 1: The Stranger from Kubindi).

Our team is currently looking into this bug. To help our team, could you tell me where you were and on which level character were you logged in during the weekly reset?


08 Jun


All SWTOR servers are once again available!

Thank you for your patience.
Hi Ibokagain,

Thanks for the report regarding Kaon Under Siege and Lost Island Flashpoints not being in the [Weekly] Veteran Flashpoints list.

This bug is a known issue that you can find here: Game Update 6.3 - Known Issues.
  • The following Flashpoints are not counting toward the progress of the [WEEKLY] Veteran Flashpoints:
    • Kaon Under Siege
    • Lost Island

04 Jun

Hey everyone,

We will be taking all servers offline for back-end maintenance on June 8, 2021.

DATE: June 8, 2021
TIME: 5:00AM - 8:00AM PDT (1200 - 1500 UTC)

Thank you for your patience as we maintain Star Wars�: The Old Republic�!

03 Jun

Hi folks,

The schedule for the June events has been posted here: SWTOR In-Game Events for June.
Hi folks,

Our team is still looking into the bug regarding the Companions from the Galactic Seasons vendor Jaleit Nall.

As mentioned in this post: Buying old Sub Companions does not allow you to unlock said Companions, we have temporarily disabled the purchase and removed all Companions from the Galactic Seasons vendor Jaleit Nall with ... Read more

02 Jun

Hi folks,

I have an update regarding the formatting issues you all encounter.

As mentioned in JackieKo's post here: Website Maintenance June 3, 2021, website maintenance is scheduled tomorrow, from 8:00AM - 8:30AM PDT (1500 - 1530 UTC) to fix these issues.
Hi folks,

Thanks for the report regarding the tracking issue with your Priority Objectives. Could you tell us where your character was when the Weekly Reset happened?

Hi folks,

Thanks for reporting the formatting issue you all encounter on our forums.

Our team is currently looking into it. I'll update you in this thread when I have more information.

01 Jun

Hi UlaVii,

Thanks for the report regarding the missing Tech fragments and World Bosses crates from some World Bosses.

I've transferred the information to our team for additional verification. I'll update you when I have more information.

28 May

Hi EHKodiak,

Thanks for your report regarding the Catch-up option.

To help us verify this bug, could you share a screenshot of your Galactic Seasons window?

21 May

Hello everyone!

We interviewed Caitlin Sullivan Kelly, one of our writers, to give our players more insight into the story of our new �Secrets of the Enclave� Flashpoint and other story pieces she has contributed to SWTOR. Read more here: Behind the Scenes of �Secrets of the Enclave� Flashpoint, Part 2: Story.

19 May

Hi folks,

Thanks for the additional information provided regarding the bug about Dread Palace Operation not being counted toward the completion of the "Weekly PO: Set of the Empire Operations".

Our team is currently looking into this bug. I'll update you in this thread when I have more information.

In the meantime, you would normally be able to complete this Priority Objective by:
  • Completing the following Operations in Story Mode: Dread Fortress or Temple of Sacrifice
  • Defeating the Colossal Monolith three times

For visibility, I will also add this bug to the known issues list: Game Update 6.3 - Known Issues list...
Hi folks,

Thanks for reporting the bug with Dread Palace and the "Weekly PO: Set of the Empire Operations".

Did you check if Dread Palace is correctly tracked in this Weekly PO when choosing the "tracked" option in the Conquest Objectives Window?