

07 Mar


Originally posted by Baz135

I know you probably get inundated with tons of replies and that's probably a pain to deal with, and you might never ever even see this comment, but I've put some thought into this so I figured I might as well try just throwing the idea out there.

What I'm thinking is to change it so that if the Lifeline is knocked while a DOC res is still in progress, the res gets cancelled. It's a simple change, but it would make it so that it would be more viable to push against a knock on a team with a Lifeline (who is still up) cause you wouldn't need to divide your attention between the res and the rest of the team. As long as you're able to successfully focus down the Lifeline on your push, the res is no longer a concern. It still remains a powerful and useful ability, the change just slightly nudges the needle to give a bit more of an advantage to a team pushing a knock/res against a Lifeline.

I hope you might at least give some consideration to the idea, and thank you ...

I don't think it would solve the frustration case where Lifeline plays around the doc drone res shield and you can never knock her. I think by the time you've knocked Lifeline, you've won that fight anyway, so cancelling the res at that point is gilding the lily.


Originally posted by General_fcf

True his gas turned out to be very powerful yes. But instead of chasing damage deltas back 'n' forth I have a hypothesis given I've been playing since the game released.

His balance needs to be around setting up defense in an area. Being able to shoot his cans while inflating to get rid of them is a HUGE nerf. Previously, it enabled him a little mobile protection in the open or when Rez'ing teammates.

High level players weren't afraid of Caustic gas (Before his buff) because they would just run straight through to take only around 9 damage. After his buff it was apparent that the values were too high enabling "Ult-Apeing" which is also negative for balance.

Suggestion is: (a starting 7 damage for 1st gas with no increase in damage over time) and then additional gases will have the (incremental change up to 3) damage per tick.

  • This would make Caustic less oppressive when Ult-ing.
  • Pushing a 2 gas canister Caustic would be a HARD pushback...
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Your hypothesis makes sense to me! For further context on why we made Caustic barrels generally shootable while inflating: we'd seen a lot of Caustic players use barrels pretty much like grenades, giving him two grenade abilities and unparalleled pushing power--on a defensive character.

Maybe the fix is you no longer throw Caustic barrels but place them like Rampart walls?

The stacking damage thing is interesting but runs into an unclear optimization problem: how many barrels do I commit to any one area? By unclear optimization I mean, you can make one choice or another, then the combat plays out, and after you still don't know if you made the right choice. That pattern stops people from enjoying and learning to get better with abilities.

Another interesting idea to push him into defense territory is to let barrels "mature". The longer they're placed in the world, the more dangerous they become. This would require visual updates on the barrels to make thei...

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Originally posted by Frostedblade30

Glad i found this, This makes more sense to me. Ive played caustic since launch basicly as my number 1 since season 0 (since then i try to play around 5 different legends consistantly) and that makes alot more sence than "gas oppressive, Caustics cant aim, caustic doesnt belong in the game". If its very clear that change is needed but whats ready is too big a swing would it be until season 9 until we see a revert or would it be something fixable sooner? Additonaly how else are you learning about caustics kit and weaknesses beyond his win/pick rates?

I mean, if it completely dumpsters him I'm sure we can do something before Season 9. I don't expect that tho. One thing I've learned about this game is that changing kits doesn't actually move the needle too much. It's hitboxes and direct damage/healing (such as Octane passive) that does anything at all.

As for this Caustic nerf, this is the only way we can tease out how much the damage actually contributes to his power. We believe gas is still powerful, even with this much lower damage, due to its slow, vision denial, and vision highlighting for Caustic. Down the line I'd love to try other things on the gas that are a little spicier. Maybe people suffering from his gas take extra damage from all sources? Maybe it puts a lingering "can't use heal items" status on them? Maybe standing in the gas heals Caustic? I don't know, these are all pretty SPICY.


Originally posted by mxkaj

I personally believe adding a small cooldown like to Gibby’s gun shield is the right move. Her passive requires active interaction and as it has no cooldown, it has infinite potential for spam. If it had a cooldown of, say, 3 or 6 seconds from the time the rez is finished, it would still keep her combat medic utility, while preventing spam.

Big problem with the cooldown is how to properly communicate it. Also should it be a cooldown on Lifeline or a per-teammate cooldown? The latter seems more logical/more fair (I don't understand why my Lifeline can't drone res me because maybe I didn't realize she just drone res'd my ally not too long ago), but that makes communication even harder.

I think we should try a version without the shield and see how that goes.


Originally posted by thetukars

Daniel, would you consider giving her old revive back and then buffing her ultimate in return?
It still fits the combat medic idea, she has faster, protected revives, but she can't abuse it to win fights. Then you could try seomthing like the carepackage ltm where based on what ring is the tier level of loot? Where later rings give very high tier items such as heirloom guns and sheilds etc... And then reduce the cooldown to something like 4 minutes to 5 minutes. That would definitely shift the power of lifeline in a way that makes her balanced.

We got a playlist in testing that's pretty promising (even though it is absolutely a nerf, because she needs a nerf) that does some smart things about the ultimate. It turns out all we had to do there was applied a minimum of smarts to picking what's in it and suddenly the skill was good. (Current implementation looks at the loot you and your teammates have and guarantees at least one upgrade).

I'm not gonna talk about it much more because the earliest it might ship is Season 9. But I'm hopeful, as someone who plays a lot of Lifeline and wished her tactical and ultimate weren't memes.

05 Mar


Originally posted by miathan52

Remove revive shield from the drone revive. Done.

Sure! What do we give her in return? Because that will gut her.


Originally posted by Koalapottamus

Can you give an update on players that still can't get past the login?

Nothing to update yet. I know a whole bunch of people are working on it. You'll get updates on really important stuff like that not from a random dev on reddit but from official sources like the @PlayApex twitter account.


Originally posted by NukeLiar

It wil turn into league of legends "missing" ping, wich is to say substitutes for every other ping command you might want in the future.

Did something stupid, question mark

Saw someone, question mark

Are you serious, question mark


I love the respectful ? ping when you pull off a Faker level outplay and your entire team spams ? on you like WHAT EVEN WAS THAT


Originally posted by Favgamer

What about Lifeline?

We've got some stuff planned for her, particularly around how frustrating her passive can be in a best case situation. As ever, no timeline.


Originally posted by FrooglyMoogle

Seriously though please remove it from Wattson, she doesn't need it at all and it makes feeling playing her unfair when she is taking more limb damage etc.

My goal is to remove it from every character in the game eventually, but we gotta figure out how to nerf Lifeline before we can do that.


Originally posted by transhumanistagenda

You're the balance guy, do you have any explanation for why caustic went from taking away a planned buff in Fright Night to nerfing caustic to oblivion? Any explanation other than you listened to ttv shits?

Yeah, data. He started going up like crazy in December and never stopped. Combined with a rise in pick rates (which usually means a DECREASE in win rates, because new incoming players who haven't played the character much yet should be bad at him, but the OPPOSITE happened) that meant we had to do something. I'm almost certain this is TOO big a swing and we'll have to dial it back, but I'm not 100% certain, so this is a great chance for us to learn something about Caustic (how much of his power is in the damage of the gas vs in the non-damage effects such as vision blocking and slow)


Originally posted by snorlax51

Just another little qol since we're talking about pings. When a teammate pings "theres an enemy over there", you can hover over where they pinged and use your ping button to say "roger" or to generally confirm that you acknowledge them. A ping wheel still comes up but only has one line in it being you acknowledge the ping. Could you guys add a "dont fire on them yet" kinda dialogue, would be pretty useful in many types of situations

I like this!


Originally posted by Butrint_o

Surely Horizon could have Low Profile on her until your permanent change for her tactical is ready?

It was done to Pathfinder, where Low-Profile hit, then a bunch of nerfs/changes to balance him came out before removing Low-Profile.

Not sure how I feel about putting low profile on a legend for a patch cycle or two. Feels very bandaid-y? And while she's OP, she's not THAT bad. Not as bad as Wraith at her worst ;P


Originally posted by Responsible-Screen53

Amazing work so far so dont take it as hard as it may sound.. If horizon has the best winrate why she only got a small. Nerf to the ult then? Why doesnt she have low profile over the likes of lifeline/wattson Edit:just seen it was the only nerf ready for this patch Nvm then but take a look to remove low profile from other non-mobile legends maybe nerfing kits Cheers wish every game had such comms and devs

We weren't ready with the big nerf for Horizon, so we shipped what he had first. Bigger nerf coming soon, hopefully S9, but no guarantees.

04 Mar


Originally posted by nobeshk

You may not have a crystal ball but I would hope you have a brain that works.

brain no worky


Originally posted by Mirage_Main

Question about the Horizon nerf.

It seems that it's been decided that her main issue is her ultimate (which is getting a nerf). Does the data show this is the needed change? From what I've seen, most players complaining about Horizon have an issue with her tactical above all else. The ability to gain instant verticality, pop a battery, then land anywhere around the player seems to be too much every 15 seconds. Is there anything being looked into her regarding her tactical?

Nope! Her ult is definitely not the bigger problem. That was just the change that was ready for 8.1. Her tactical is absolutely the bigger problem, but the nerf for that wasn't ready in time for this patch.


Originally posted by Character_Orange_327

why was horizon ult nerf instead of tactical.all it takes is 0.81 seconds to be destroyed and she will still be called op due to her tactical

We just didn't have the time to do what we need to do to her tactical. IMO the problem is you can jump in, take a full bat, and strafe while doing so making you almost impossible to punish. That'll change, but the proper way to do that takes a little time. Sorry but game dev is slow!


Originally posted by dontangrycomment

What about having the damage you do to his arm shield count towards your evo damage? For some reason I thought that was in the talks to.

Yup, that's in the changelist we're currently testing. Like I said, gotta fix some bugs before it's ready for ship


Originally posted by Lazy_Sans

I was just wondering, is there any specific reason for removing "fast heal" attribute from Gibby tactical?

I don't think it was too OP and a nice bonus for cooperation.

He's incredibly strong, especially at highest skill levels. (Even across all skill levels, he's a very close second in winrate to Horizon; again being near the top isn't a problem, someone has to be; it's the distance between the current outliers and the rest of the field)


Originally posted by spicedfiyah

What are your thoughts on giving Revenant Fortified? He has a larger hitbox and very little mobility, so being slowed by bullets makes it quite easy for him to be melted during combat. I understand he’s likely in a “healthy” spot balance-wise, but what currently makes him popular has “...to be nerfed” written all over it.

That's honestly not a bad direction, but in general I want us to move away from both low profile and fortified as much as we can (I don't think fortified will ever go away, but I will slay low profile one day)