

26 Apr


It's just, uh, permanently parked.


Originally posted by TeamAquaGrunt

her strafe speed will be the most important thing imo. if she can strafe super fast and fly around in the air, she's going to have the same problems that Horizon has. but if she can't strafe fast, she's going to be food in the air.

it's also worth noting that her flight doesnt seem to cause a lot of visual clutter like Horizon's tactical, nor does it have the immediate height, so hopefully they've learned a few lessons going into Valk.

Her in-air strafe speed with jetpack is very low for that exact reason. She can disengage jetpack and re-engage it for a quick burst of movement, which makes you a little harder to hit, but this maneuver eats a good chunk of jet fuel.

23 Apr


Originally posted by BloodMossHunter

i cant imagine how you guys are probably on season 13 now going "oh yeah, valk. anyway, back to this vampire stake mechanics we're working on."

Yeeeeaaah when people ask me about the new weapon I'm like... wait... which one of the ones we've been playtesting for a year? Oh right it's the bow! Wow that's old ;P Character wise we're figuring out seasons 13 and 14 atm... just to give you an idea. But specifically the balance changes that people often try to read out of these trailers? We can't know until we live in the meta. Like ask me what meta changes I wanna make next season and the earliest I could possibly know is two weeks into the season.


Originally posted by Forexz

"Bogeys" would be weird to use as you already know what you're up against, it's meant for unidentified aircraft which could be friend or foe, they're all "Bandits"

Well what if you don't know who's shooting at you? You only heard bullets whizzing by? Wouldn't that be a bogey? ;P (I think we use the terms pretty haphazardly)


Originally posted by daffyduckferraro

Looking forward to valk, hoping she is strong on launch

Oh she'll be strong. Terrified right now she might be too strong, but I've called my shots and now all we can do is wait.


Originally posted by Savings-Breath-1280

People need to chill out on all the Gameplay Deviations. Just because something doesn't work ingame as shown here in the trailer, doesn't mean it will be in the game. It's not a gameplay trailer, just a cinematic for fun. If you want to spot actual gameplay changes, keep your eyes open in the gameplay trailer.

Also these trailers are created with so much lead time we generally don't even know what the gameplay changes will be when we script the trailer.


Originally posted by MrBabadaba

I want valk to just say random almost useless Air Force quips like that throughout the entire match lol.

Hope you like bandits and also bogeys

21 Apr


On our internal test servers I run the club "SMOOTH BRAIN MOM" (would have been moms, but char limit ;P) with a tag of [SBMM]. I feel that's pretty top tier too.

Smooth brain moms and sugar daddies unite!

19 Apr


Originally posted by danzgeturmanz

Cant wait to get third partied by this bad boy 😍

Oh you don't even know yet


Originally posted by SergeantJinto

"Alexa (or whatever it was) Zhera, play relaxing sounds."

"Ok, playing axing sounds. crunch... thunk"

That one got a good laugh out of me.

Zhera :D

16 Apr


Originally posted by KeepYouPosted

Do we have an update on this? Its a pretty significant issue hindering this Legend's entire kit.

It's in Season 9.

08 Apr


Uhhhhh... what? BH scan is just a VFX, it shouldn't have any collision? This is weird AF.

26 Mar


Originally posted by sbmm_sucks

Hey Daniel 😳 lots of talk about caustic right now, I'm curious about wraith. Thoughts on her atm? Anything you'd maybe like to share to hype or scare the wraith mains? :)

Nothing much, just killing low profile (I hope)

24 Mar


Originally posted by sakusakus

What about his pick rate? I always see you referencing both win and pick when it comes to data, so why not mention it this time?

How does both data pick and win both determine if a nerf is effective? Particularly say, there are now less caustic players but the win rate stays the same, what does this mean to you?

Pickrate absolutely went down; from 10.2% to 5.6%. That's a massive decrease, no question, and that goes some way to explaining why his winrate stayed solid (only the best Caustic players continued playing him). But that was part of the goal; clearly having a 10% pick rate on Caustic was unhealthy for the game. Certain types of abilities cannot be that dominant, and action denying abilities like Caustic's gas are definitely in that category.


Originally posted by LeNuber

No future work planned? Not even fixing the reduced particles or his passive not working most of the time? I'm not mad about the damage nerf, but these 2 things are making his gas traps seem pointless outside of being an alert signal and doorstop.

Ah I'm sorry, that in my mind isn't legend balance because I don't work on it directly ;P Yes, the visibility changes will get reversed. Crossed wires here at Respawn; someone improved the performance of the game by reducing VFX and didn't think it would impact gameplay. Clearly it did, so it'll get fixed.


Originally posted by ParagonRenegade

I beg your pardon? If the change didn't affect his win rate then why even make the change to begin with?

And in another comment you mention Wattson has a very high win rate, and yet she's getting a huge buff with the removal of low profile?

I can't follow the reasoning behind any of this.

I can't see the future, can I? It's also not as clear as looking at one stat; it's possible that his win rate didn't change because of movement elsewhere in the meta; and it's also possible that while the win rate didn't change, the frustration of playing against him very much did (anecdotally that's what I hear). So it's still a good change!

For Wattson, she's an extreme outlier in pick rate. It almost doesn't matter for the game what we do to her because she's so incredibly rarely picked. I'm talking way less than other legends. For every Wattson pick there's like three Caustic picks. If that ever changes and if playing against her is frustrating we'll obviously apply different standards.

Look, I know you're mad at me and you want to pick holes in the reasoning, but in the end of the day all these stats are only proxies for what we're actually balancing for: the average amount of fun a player of Apex has and the amount of time they feel like playing the game. If y...

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Originally posted by DiamondJJ7

Any specific buffs your thinking for rampart? I've been playing her since her release and it feels like I'm useless because when I place amped cover they instantly break it because it has such low health when building.

Too early to talk about, but we're trying some exciting stuff.


Originally posted by DetecJack

I know you are here to comment fun posts but what are you going to do with loba? She has been broken since the launch and the only legend that hasn’t been fixed unlike others where sooner or later got fixed

There are million frustrating thing about loba tactical and animation and her delay and all that makes everybody not wanting her and i assure from your data its not because she is a bad legend but a broken unfinished frustrating legend

Loba's getting a lot of love for her tactical HOPEFULLY in Season 9 (I'm trying real hard not to overpromise; it's looking good right now, but bugs might come up or we may have to pull it for another reason). We're talking both bug fixes and QoL changes. I've been playing the most recent version in playtests and I'm also somewhat of a Loba main on live, and the difference is day and night. After ~10 hours or so of playing the new version I've seen the tactical fail maybe once where it shouldn't have. On live I can land swamps and pretty much have every single one of my tacs fail.


Originally posted by africhic

A couple days late but have you guys thought about giving Fuse the ability to cook frag grenades? Currently his nade launcher feels really good for arc stars as they allow you to stick easily, but for frags its a little rough due to the physics of how far they roll with how fast they shoot, you often shoot too far. Or worse, in the case of trying to throw a straight vertical nade, it just explodes in the air. If he could cook frags before he shot them I think he'd be a lot more valuable.

I know game balance is hard, thanks for the work you put into it.

Nah there's a reason there's no grenade cooking in this game; we want to always give the enemy the chance to react to what you're doing, and cooking a grenade takes that away.


Originally posted by MasterTJ77

I love rampart so I’m most interested in her buffs! So you have any plans for her in S9??

I could see 360° rotation on Sheila, amped wall build time reduction, amp wall health buff, or amp wall health scaling with build time all helping her out!

Or you could expand her passive. Maybe let her drop her LMG into the replicator and have it come out one rarity higher (blue/purple/gold) but make the attachments locked onto the gun. This would make so much sense with her lore being a weapon modded.

We've got some spicy plans that are too early to talk about yet, but rest assured we're going to do something for her. Might be a while--earliest it COULD happen right now is halfway through Season 10.