

04 Mar


Originally posted by conman_127

f**king do it. With the exact same sound from league. That would make this game 11/10.

I could not be trusted with a ? ping in Apex.


Originally posted by lespritdelescalier11

Please devs - Wattson next!



Originally posted by moemisaka9

can you add a ping for "retreat"? There are situations which we fight for a very long time and there's a very high chance a third party could come, so tell them to retreat is necessary. A normal ping says "move there" isn't enough, some people just won't move...

What I really wanna add tho is a question mark ping


Originally posted by ElGorudo

Wow so instead of one grenade it now takes 2? That totally makes rampart less situational

Instead of 2 grenades it now takes 5-6 (depending on grenade type and how close to walls frag lands)


Like we said, we'll monitor and adjust as necessary. If this totally kills him, we're not just going to leave him like that.


Originally posted by [deleted]


Unfortunately we do not have a crystal ball that will show us the future. If you have one, let us know!


Originally posted by JustAnAverageGuy20

Rampart buff when....


Explosives damage Amped Cover normally, instead of inflicting 200 damage. Explosives damage Sheila normally, instead of inflicting 175 damage.


Originally posted by Unfunnycommenter_

They said Lobas bracelet and Gibbys arm shield are going to get changed in tge midseason patch or s9, so looks like we're going to have to wait until season 9 (or maybe not seeing as there is talk about an end of season event)

I'm usually extremely careful not to promise any dates (because gamedev is unpredictable). I'm hopeful we'll have stuff for both of those for S9, but again, no promises.


We're working on arm shield stuff, but there were some nasty bugs that cropped up that stopped us from shipping the nerf we're aiming at (currently looking at letting excess damage bleed through to Gibby). It's coming.

24 Feb


We are... considering. Carefully. No conclusion has been reached yet. I'm personally a little worried about shortening the loot loop by removing grey loot... other than that tho it seems like all upside

23 Feb


Originally posted by ancombra

Character win rate, 16 characters. 1/16 is .625 or 6.25%. Also even if we do the 5% win rate, isn’t that just fine anyway? Seems like he’s completely average. What’s everyone else’s winrate? How about wraith and fuse? Maybe instead of messing with caustic you look at who’s under him and who’s over him and adjust accordingly since according to your numbers he has a completely average winrate

Your math is wrong! Why would you assume that the winrates of all legends would add up to 100?

There are 20 teams in each match. 1 team wins. That means each team has a 1/20 chance of winning: 5%.


Originally posted by Cynnthetic

So 4.8 is too weak and 5.4 is too strong. What’s baseline?

5%. 4.8 isn't too weak; it's fine! There aren't hard and fast rules here, but I like to compare win rates to the rest of the field. If most legends are grouped in the +/- 0.2% band and then you have an outlier at say 5.6% (hello Horizon) then that's a problem, not because we arbitrarily decided that I don't know 5.4 or 5.5 is the cutoff, but because looking at the field as a whole, they're extreme outliers.


Originally posted by GoatRocketeer

League has public winrate aggregators, while apex does not. I assume this was intentional.

What's your take on the effect of public winrate data on public discourse? Has your time at Riot influenced your opinion?

So with the obvious caveat that I don't work at Riot anymore and haven't in over two years now and so cannot speak to their thinking: stat APIs are a Pandora's Box: once you've opened them, there is no putting the genie back in. (That's what happened, right? She opened the box and a genie came out the gave her three wishes? And she wished for a monkey paw? I may be mixing up my analogies here)

They absolutely shape player perception and discourse; what's worse, they can eat their own tail and become self fulfilling prophecies: when a character has a low win rate shown on an aggregator website, that can lead to good players migrating away from the character, further depressing their win rate.

Finally, players who want to be upset about something will find ways to cherry pick data. I should barely be allowed to look at data and I've been doing this for a decade or so now. Online games are incredibly complex beasts and it's so easy to get hung up on this or that piece ...

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19 Feb


Originally posted by ancombra

Also winrate of 5% would still be below average of a baseline 6.25%

There are 20 teams. The average win rate is 5%. Not sure how you arrive at 6.25%?

18 Feb


Originally posted by lanadelphox

Late to the party, but what about just banning Caustic from comp play? As a viewer, that alone would make watching ALGs easier, and I’m sure the players would appreciate not having such an incounterable ult on the table

Nah that's not a good answer either. For one, we want the competitive game to look as much as possible like the game you all play; for another, there are legit Caustic mains out there who'd like to go pro playing their character. It would really suck if we said "sorry, the character you invested thousands of hours into won't be available in competitive play because we can't figure out how to make him fair."


Originally posted by SonofTren

ive tweeted lowkeyjosh this before but the solution is to add gasmasks to gold helmets and slightly increase spawn rate

Nah, the counterplay to a broadly available mechanic (any enemy squad could have a Caustic) cannot be an RNG based low frequency item drop.


Originally posted by josh_R2000

I saw that you were going to be changing caustic like maybe making his gas grenade destroyable which I think is a really good idea but then you say you don’t want to destroy him by just nerfing him so you want to give him something if you do make this change. I really don’t get this because caustic is one of the most powerful if not the most powerful legend in the game but you don’t want to give him one nerf? This confuses me because it seems you have no problem giving completely character destroying nerfs to legends like pathfinder and wraith and not buffing them at all. I think caustic need no more buffs and definitely need more nerfs because he makes the game not fun (also KC is awful please bring back WE)

Hey to be clear: I've only said "those ideas sound cool". That's many many steps from "we're going to do either of them". At this point I'm still not 100% convinced that we need to break pattern on Caustic at all.


Originally posted by CamscamIsHere

Nope. Apex is not a game with a reactive pick meta where you could say things like "oh I'm against a Caustic, better pick Horizon so I can sit in my tactical over his gas cloud." There's always the chance for a Caustic. Counterpicks are meaningless in Apex.

Daniel, from the bottom of my heart: Thank you.

To give some context, I've played Overwatch for years; Since launch actually. I know what it's like when games try to balance characters by combatting them with stronger characters. It creates a hierarchy and a golden meta so-to-speak. If you or anyone reading this knows ANYTHING about Overwatch you'll know that the "meta" was a clearly defined, unwinnable composition commonly known as goats that lasted for over a year. THAT is what happens when you try to nerf characters by introducing stronger characters: Power creep.

Instead however, and I don't know if this was just a design choice or looking at how others failed in t...

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Thank you for your kind words! I will say that Overwatch is a different game and Blizzard did do the work to make counterpicking at least viable--you CAN change your character mid-round and if you're not at high ult charge you're not super punished for it, but that's only the logistics necessary to make counterpicking a viable tool; it still leaves you feeling bad about not being able to play, say, Reaper, because we need someone to counterpick their Pharah and you hate both Soldier 76 and Widowmaker (these observations are based on 2 years ago, when I last actively played Overwatch).

I'm not saying one is necessarily better! Blizzard are very smart and know what they're doing! I just don't like hyper-reactive character based games where too much other than preference drives your character selection.


Originally posted by ancombra

What’s the actual win and pick rates of caustic? I’m calling bullshit that he’s suddenly super strong, did some streaming wraith-main complain again?

Dec 1st Caustic was at 4.8% trios winrate (across all skills and across casual and ranked); with the mid-December patch he went up to 5.0/5.1% (it's noisy) which was decent. I hadn't seen that climb yet when I made a comment early Jan that he was weak (I had the 4.8% winrate in mind + he also had the lowest encounter win rate at that time). Since then, he's been climbing steadily. Current data is very noisy (not sure what's going on, all the legends are oscillating a lot in the data from the last couple days), but let's say he's at an average 5.3/5.4% winrate now, which is high. His pick rate had always been a solid middle of the pack one, but with the introduction of Fuse and the Wraith nerf shaking pick rates up a bit (Wraith went from highest, where she'd been for pretty much all of Apex's existence, to fourth highest!), Caustic now sports the 5th highest pick rate as well.

He's not suddenly super strong. He's been building steadily from the middle of December last year ...

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Originally posted by Khrrck

Could you shoot out from there?

Shouldn't be able to. Walls are walls from either side, even when they're invisible.