

06 Aug


hell let loose and let your keyboard finish the sentence.

05 Aug

04 Aug


Heeyhey OP!

Please Verify your Local Game Content in Steam. A pak chunk error is usually fixed after verifying. Might need to run it multiple times fiy ;).

03 Aug


Originally posted by BLB_Genome

Absolutely! In due time.

I was aware of Stalingrad receiving some updates, but was unaware of Carentan. Good to know! So, would you say this is a process from update to update, depending on the circumstances?

Thanks Danny!

Jep, depends on the workload on any future number of updates and how they are scheduled. When there is more time, more custom lods. In general there is a nice batch at each update ;).


Originally posted by BLB_Genome

Dammit, yesss.. Lol. Sharp as always Danny 😉😂



Originally posted by BLB_Genome

Dammit, yesss.. Lol. Sharp as always Danny 😉😂



Originally posted by BLB_Genome

Fellas, yes the LoD is bad at certain distances. But, DannyArt via discord also stated that he, possibly a few others (but pretty sure just Danny), is working on custom LoD's to be implemented at a further date. Apparently "some" LoD's in U13 have been altered but I'm unaware of which. It be nice to see some development towards the new LoD's, and verify if U13 did indeed include "some" LoD changes. Nothing was specified in the patch notes.

u/DannyArt_HLL hate to tag you ol' buddy, but would you mind explaining this to the myself and the lads here..? Is that possible? Hate to put you on the spot here but felt this was a good opportunity to have a decent source to pull from. Thanks Danny!

Edit: U12 not 13

Also, you mean U12 right?


Originally posted by BLB_Genome

Fellas, yes the LoD is bad at certain distances. But, DannyArt via discord also stated that he, possibly a few others (but pretty sure just Danny), is working on custom LoD's to be implemented at a further date. Apparently "some" LoD's in U13 have been altered but I'm unaware of which. It be nice to see some development towards the new LoD's, and verify if U13 did indeed include "some" LoD changes. Nothing was specified in the patch notes.

u/DannyArt_HLL hate to tag you ol' buddy, but would you mind explaining this to the myself and the lads here..? Is that possible? Hate to put you on the spot here but felt this was a good opportunity to have a decent source to pull from. Thanks Danny!

Edit: U12 not 13

Sup chap! Stalingrad, some parts of Carentan and a few other maps and assets have some custom lods. Because of the nature of them being manually being made, its a time consuming task and only a small amount can be made at the time, but no worries, better slowly having them then none at all right ;).

02 Aug


Originally posted by McFucknuckle

Have you got a link for that please? Sorry its a hot topic in my clan at the moment lol

Also, please DM me your version of repro steps in Discord, this so I can forward this directly to QA for testing.


Originally posted by McFucknuckle

Have you got a link for that please? Sorry its a hot topic in my clan at the moment lol


Originally posted by McFucknuckle

Completely off topic here but wanted to ask you if you were aware of this cheesey 10 man op exploit?

I have! But please do resend this to Team17 Support if you can :). Thaaanks!

01 Aug


Awwww... thats what I like about the community. You gift them a grenade and right away they gift you one back 😊...


How did you know :O?


Originally posted by TheTenthSnap

Has it always been here?

Yeah! And dozens and dozens more ;).


Originally posted by colin70000

Thanks to u/DannyArt_HLL and my livestream moderator Murnir/Ra463 for this one!



Originally posted by colin70000

OP didn't buy it from Steam. He should go to the Third Party Website. That's on them now.

Oeeeeeefff... interesting!

31 Jul


I have never seen this before... Id think its best to contact Steam Support to see what happened to the key and which account it is activated on.


Originally posted by onlyletters999

Are there any Rabbits nearby 🐇

There is a Donkey...