

16 Jul


Originally posted by Cr1tfail

Yes, exactly. So the discussion isn't going to change in U12. Omaha will still be a slaughter at times with Germans firing off the beach

Like irl...

15 Jul


Originally posted by Buns_Lover

Can’t wait to play this update when it hits console in 2025

Will be released this year as well.


Originally posted by murdoch00

I play on a mac. Geforce now



Originally posted by Cr1tfail

No for Omaha US offensive though? Those big changes are only coming in Warfare?

There was no beach cover on the beach landing day. This is how it was in the war.


Originally posted by pvpproject

I know you probably won't be allowed to answer this, but I was interested in the studios decision to go with Ramagen. Obviously it is an extremely important area in WW2, and I saw the dev post about why they selected it, but was there any push back about the bridge area maybe not working so well from a gameplay perspective?

I hope I am wrong, but I can see that map being really problematic when the inevitable meta of just bridge defending and airhead murdering becomes the norm.

Keep up the fantastic work, and please take all the time you need for updates, your game is a gem.

PS. Please give German Recon the Gewehr 43 in place of the Kar. The disparity between US and GER Spotters is huge.

Ah, all parts of the war will be covered. Bridge fights were always partof that war too. Its just getting used to it, the PTE showed amazing battles, especially in the night variants and I personally hope melee only night bridge fights will end up being tonnes of fun ;).


Originally posted by Brave-Animal7617

Wait was there an improvement regarding the fps dropping issue in the latest PTE? I'm redownloading that immediately if so, this issue has absolutely killed the experience for me for a while now

Should be!


Have you played the PTE?

There are massive fixes coming in U12...

14 Jul


Wann ready...

11 Jul


Originally posted by owca6666

So multicore support when ? :D

You can enable DX12 through Steam Launch Options/Commands.

10 Jul


Originally posted by borgib

This game is very CPU dependent


07 Jul


Originally posted by Flo-Pre

Not really and you know ;)

I hope something happen in the near future.

Nothing we can do atm then wait for a engine upgrade. This takes months of retesting and rechecking... so its not anytime close.

04 Jul


Originally posted by Alter_Sack

Can't wait for this to happen. I even bought the game, knowing it won't work on my rig. So, go go go

For now, Geforece NOW can be a partial solution.

02 Jul


Wow! That hand :O!

27 Jun


Originally posted by Maralyn20

Now, im already reset all settings in the Nvidia Inspector, DDU reinstall the Nvidia Drivers and reinstall game But the problem remains the same. Can I fix anything else? T T

This is strange... A ddu should fix it. Can you try clearing the shader cache too?

26 Jun


Originally posted by SnooCompliments5439

that sounds like a good balance :) on the way to being the best WW2 game

Wooooohooooooo! Hope so to!


Hiiiiii there!

This can totally be fixed. Please check out the following:

(Q) I keep seeing dark shadows and strange visual issues. What can that be? (A) Please reset all settings in the Nvidia Inspector and DDU reinstall the Nvidia Drivers. This should clear these isues.



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Originally posted by SnooCompliments5439

thanks for being active/improving the game, i’d rather see you guys add new content and gameplay elements after that bug fixes etc.

True, I can understand that. For now its a 50/50 nice balance to make sure we have the best of both worlds.


Originally posted by D1rty_Dav3

That you guys actually answer here is surprising. Appreciated.



Originally posted by Badaboom1981

Yes but no. Because it has been three years and we have not seen those promised fixes.

Just an update every quarter or so that fixes some things but breaks others and then there are no updates for months. So we are stuck with the broken game for months.

People like me put up with it because of the promises and potential of the game. But the veterans, the ones who supported your Kickstarter, the ones that put you in business , most of them have lost hope and left. And that is very , very sad.

Promised fixes such as? Please share, I am interested to know.

Also, broken game? Is the game not booting up? Does it crash? If so then yes, those are urgent indeed and shall always be Hotfixed right away :)!


Originally posted by Badaboom1981

Yes, that would be the way to do it. but will it really be fixed?

Because you, as developer, should know of the many various bugs that have been reported countless times the past 3 years and have never been fixed......

The veterans know. You probably know. But it is such a great deflect of complaints and it looks good to potential buyers: "just report the issue and it will be fixed." I would laugh if I was not so sad about the state of the game I loved and supported so many years.

Hope the next update will actually be an update that actually fixes things so I will again start to actually play this game.

We can only fix a handful of reported items, this because we do need to work on new content too, so itll always be a balance. But, dont worry, all bugs that are reported will be added to our bugsystem, so over time they all wil get fixed.