

23 Oct


Originally posted by Toadkillerdog42-2

But obviously if there’s snow and a church then they’re the same /s

In that logic they have trees, that means those maps are the same as Hurtgen...


Originally posted by hyenapunk

Only after you eat your vegetables


Originally posted by East_Refuse

Nope just another bug they refuse to fix for no reason

Nope, not refusing, investigating. Afaik more progress is made for the next update.


Nope, Foy and Kharkov/Kharkiv are two completely different maps. I dont even think they share assets.


Originally posted by Awkward_Result5818

wait, wasnt it you who said its basically already confirmed?

Nah, I only saw the correct files in the gamefiles. Ive never confirmed or mentioned HLL on Deck. But, I am hoping for it!

22 Oct


Originally posted by Satisfaction_Tac

Just don't release the uniforms with the map and explain they are taking a while and will be released or just wait to release a little longer

Why? Everyone will need white clothes in Kharkov and optionally Foy.


Originally posted by UA6TL

I greatly appreciate the work of your graphic artist, I would never want a cut in quality for anything in this game. I say let him take as much time as he needs. I will patiently wait for as long as he needs to finish the correctly modeled historically accurate uniforms.


Originally posted by UA6TL

What I was trying to say was up until this point the uniforms in HLL were by far the best of any WWII game ever released. I'd like for it to stay that way.

True, and I imho im sure the community will be listened to, but please understand, there is one, yes, one guy working on all uniforms, helmets, faces, FPP and TPP arms and gear. Then you gotta multiply that number times the amount of roles, each role has its own 3d mesh and textured set handmade.

So to ask him to make those dozens of meshes and also all the unique things the commonwealth will give, is madness, actually impossible, this would mean to cut overall quality, this is not a right way.

Edit: Max posted the real reply here.


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Originally posted by dmania16116111

Hey you've been doing an awesome job on all the uniforms so far! Thank you for all your hard work! I think everyone knows these winter uniforms could be better and more accurate to their real life counterparts rather than reskins. Let's maintain the same quality and dedication to historical accuracy when it comes to visuals! Hope you take the feedback into consideration. Thank you!

Ah, I havent worked on the cosmetics, but I do appreciate the nice words, im sure the character artist will love to hear this :).


Originally posted by UA6TL

We gotcha lol

In all seriousness the response to these uniforms is overwhelmingly negative. I feel the devs should have a discussion on how to proceed here. Personally I feel they should be omitted from U13. You guys can do way better and you already have, up until this point the uniforms in this game were second to none.

None? I dont understand?

21 Oct

18 Oct


The day Update 13 would release would be Monday or Tuesday or Wednesday or Thursday or Friday :).

03 Oct


Stars will be added in a separate DLC.

02 Oct


Originally posted by Awkward_Result5818

you think chances are its going to happen or not?

The right files are already added, you can see them in the gamefiles. Its a matter of time.

01 Oct


There are some replys online. For now its best to keep sending requests to T17.

24 Sep


Originally posted by hjras

Those of you that worked on that map, did you visit the location? If so, how many times? It was amazing how familiar it felt after only having played it a handful of times

The art team did their research by the sound of it!
