Yeah... I have that. That's why I'm so puzzled as to why it's locked on 70hz in HLL.
Might be good to check the .ini file. There is a high chance its locked there becuase of previous PTEs. Its best to manually change the numbera there or to clean the HLL folder in AppData and relaunch the game.
From Discords [ARC] NAKEN:
\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\HLL\Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor Then open the file called : GameUserSettings (.ini ) Once the file is open you will have a indow popping up there you need to find the line with : Frameratelimit : 60.0000 And change 60 to 0 for unlimited cap or use your screen Hz ( 60-120-144-240 ect ) for it to match your screen frame.