

26 Aug


Originally posted by Rettercon

Really appreciate the heads up as I’m sure many folk would be wondering. Never had any doubts!

You mentioned the maps in question but I just had a game on Hurtgen Forest with the same issues but not as severe. Is this also something that is being added to the patch drop?

Look forward to the patch

Heeeyhey! It took several weeks to only add about 60 to 70% of all custom LODs to Stalingrad, so unfortunately there was no time for other maps. But, we will be working on many more improvements later on.

25 Aug


Originally posted by Aerexz99

Wow. An actual developer. To be fair the guy above did have some valid points. And not everybody has a community to play with. The player base can also be quite toxic to beginners and people who dont play like they want you too.

That I do understand. But, thats why there are amazing clans that host great events and play in a team and communicate. Then instead of you being surrounded by toxic, youll be in a clan that fight against the toxic ones if they are there ;).


Originally posted by imafanofseratonin

So start off as Soviet MG? Got it.



Originally posted by BruhBlitz

Its expected on the official HLL subreddit so please downvote by all means despite me giving multiple valid points

Blurry things can be fixed by using CommunityAA and or a combo with Nvidia Sharpening. Gameplay meatgrinders I havent seen much, its fine tho when you are a MG guy for the enemy team ;).

But I mainly play with a group of amazing community members knowing how to play and always communicate to avoid the spawn, die, repeat.

The so called historical inaccuracies were mentioned in AMAs before, the Eastern Front is just here and will grow and improve accordingly πŸ˜‰.



Let me quickly pitch in on this. We are aware of this and have been rolling out fixes on Stalingrad for Patch16. Its listed on the roadmap as "Custom LODs". You should see major improvements both visually and in performance when the Patch drops.

Not all buildings are ready in Stalingrad plus Kursk also needs the Custom LODs treatment too after Patch16, but do know, we are on the case!


Originally posted by BruhBlitz

I have 350 hours in PS and 210 in squad and HLL barely holds a candle to both in terms of teamwork, strategy, and realism. Gameplay is very janky and always has a blurry look to it no matter the resolution. Not to mention the textures, vfx and sfx are pretty awful in comparison to post scrote. The gameplay loop also gets very repetive where every engagement turns into a meat grinder with little to no strategy involved aside from the sl finding a good spot to put down an op. If they even do that is. If not youll find yourself running to the meat grinder for 5 min just to get shredded and repeat. Not to mention the various historical inaccuracies (stg 44 in stalingrad, helmets with camo covers that didnt exist) the tanking system is terrible, it basically made the sherman the best tank since they all use a light, medium, heavy tank class system using health bars for the tanks which makes it pretty unenjoyable not to mention no turning out (and devs have no plan to add it) I overall w...

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EDIT: You have shown points that are work in progress and will be worked on. Planning is key! No worries!


No one knows... thats all unknown right now until developers have a Steam Deck to test on. But HLL on GFN already works, and Steam Deck is a PC... Only time will tell...

23 Aug


Back in the Alpha days we were livestreaming and I sneaked all the way around Brecourt Manor to get to the "enemies" that I saw in the yard area. I had no UI and all.

I rushed towards them and killed all of them, about 5 of them... turned out they were my fellow other team member DEVs chatting live to the community answering questions, explaining important things and all 😱...

21 Aug


Originally posted by MuddyCommando

Thank you! Given that I unfortunetly don't live in Poland and don't have access to Polish books on the subject (I just bought a book on the subject of this specific battle itself but it'll be delivered to me next month), I had to base the map on a current satellite view of the battle site, an early 20th century map of the overall region which showed building clusters, roads, rivers, and various information and simplified battle maps and textual secondary sources from the internet. To make the map I traced the elements (barbed wire, buildings, roads, trees, etc) from a few Hell Let Loose maps in a program called "Rhino 7." I then traced over the historic maps of the battle site in "Rhino 7" and then modified line weights and colors in "Adobe Illustrator." Finally I made a few small tweaks in "Adobe Photoshop."

This is amazing! Beyond amazing I'd say! You absolutely nailed the style and feel of the tacmaps, this would fit in perfectly! Bravo πŸ‘!


Pak chunk is Steam related and can happen to any game. You just need to RMB on the game, going into properties and verify the local game content to fix this. Also, make sure you always play from a NVMe or SSD.

20 Aug


Originally posted by AllMightyWhale

Yeah I second. You guys make my days more fun



Originally posted by UnlimitedAidan

Thank you for making hll

Teamwork! Us + Community!

19 Aug


πŸ˜†... I love those seconds where you stood still to just thought about what just happened...

17 Aug


Oh jeeeeeez! Hahahhahaha... Sooo close...

Great post for r/yesyesyesno I would say...


Heeeyhry! I was wondering, can you try this solution posted in the HLL Discord please?

(Q) I keep seeing dark shadows and strange visual issues. What can that be?

(A) Please reset all settings in the Nvidia Inspector and DDU reinstall the Nvidia Drivers. This should clear these isues.



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15 Aug


Originally posted by _get_rekt

Will do Danny thanks but can you guys address as mentioned that tanks now are far slower moving than their real life counterparts? Surely the devs have watched the same videos we have of Sherman's and other ww2 tanks storming around and turning on a dime yet in the last update they have become horrible.

Ah, this is not a Q for me... but maybe a good question for Max in a next AMA?


Originally posted by Papapeta33

Omg you monster


14 Aug


Hahahhahahhahaha, amazing! Did not see that ending coming...


Originally posted by _get_rekt

Crazy how bad the armor is on this game.

Get stuck on the smallest things
Tank speeds are way off real life, look on youtube for real life Shermans moving around and turning twice as fast as they do in the game.

We always kindly ask the community to simply send a screenshot of the issue and a tac-map location to Team17 Support. Then itll get added to out systems and we can fix it ;).

13 Aug


Originally posted by cellander

The explosions you're referring to are in fact mostly(?) 2D effects, extracted from a particle sim or real footage would be my guess. That's why they have that realistic look to it. The downside can be that they might not look as convincing once up close.

There aren't many games that seem to use this method but PS and Squad definitely use the same method with their explosions and overall VFX. I'm a huge fan of this as I think it adds a whole other dimension to the authenticity. I would love to hear more about this in-depth, maybe u/DannyArt_HLL could shed some light into this sometime?

In HLL's case they recently added (U10) a sudden flash to the larger explosions, which I think adds depth and improves the effect. However, I think there could be elements added to explosions to improve and sell the effect even further. For the bombing runs I guess it's a matter of performance but I think more variety to different explosion types in gener...

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Ah, before we do anything else with the VFX, we need to iron out the majority of the performance issues. When those are done, we can certainly return and see how we can make even better explosions.