

08 May


Quick update: Team is still testing the fix. Once testing is complete I'll update the community to let them know when the fix is going live.


Originally posted by Xenomorph_v1

I'm really not trying to be a giant asshole here Jesse... But wouldn't it make your job easier to communicate with your team to understand:

A) What caused the problem

B) What the solution is


C) When it will be fixed

Before commenting?

It's after hours and a lot of the people I could ask to better understand what caused this aren't here. And it'll be fixed once testing has been verified as successful. Could it be tomorrow? Possibly if it all checks out. But if the fix doesn't work then it could take longer, so that's why I haven't said when it's coming.

I'm just communicating with the info I have and was being honest to someone wondering how this happened.


Originally posted by CodProXox

How does something this big slip through? Serious question

I'm talking to the team to better understand what caused this myself, because I don't know.


The team is testing a fix for this issue (HOR Titan and other Apex Creatures not dropping loot) currently. Once testing has completed we'll provide another update.

07 May


Originally posted by Obiehatestakennames

Wear State Old: https://imgur.com/7jwBE3k

Wear State Dirty: https://imgur.com/XBUkxgX

This has not been fixed in the last three patches, despite creating multiple threads and sending numerous official bug reports. Bioware is selling an armor set for $10 of real money or one month worth of coin grinding, and over a month later has still not taken five seconds to check if their armor pack is working correctly, let alone fix it.

Edit: Am I allowed to tag u/Darokaz directly?

Thanks for the report, I'm going to bring this up with the team to make sure they're aware.

06 May


Originally posted by BlueFlared1

Why are they going away?? Havent been playing for a while, just wondering

They've always been planned as a temporary thing since there was a timer under the challenges. There is a chance that they'll come back again at some point.


Below are the update notes for patch 1.1.1, which will be rolling out tomorrow (May 7th) at 10am Central Time. There will be no down time associated with this update, however you will need to close the game to download the patch.

A reminder that Elysian Caches will be going away on May 7th, so if you have any keys left be sure to use them today!

Update Notes for 1.1.1

  • Fixed an error where Weapon and Components stat values were not displaying correctly.
  • Fixed a problem where suit power level (rarity) was not correctly being calculated based on equipped items.
  • Fixed an issue with Spanish audio in a conversation in the Sunken Cell stronghold.
  • Fixed an issue with French audio in a conversation in the Sunken Cell stronghold.
  • Fixed an issue causing a slight delay in Salvaging at End of Expedition
  • Partially defeated encounters will no longer re-dispense loot from previously defeated creatures.
  • ...
Read more External link →

23 Apr


Here is an update from Ben (Lead Producer) & Chad (Head of Live Services) on the Act 1 90 day calendar.


Hey Everyone,

It’s been 10 weeks since the early access release of Anthem. While we have been quiet publicly, we have been hard at work in the background and we wanted to provide an update on the state of the game.

The Past 10 Weeks

We have learned a lot since the game went live. We have heard a lot of feedback from all of you, and we have been working diligently to improve as many things as we can in the short term.

We’ve fixed a lot of bugs and made changes which we believe begin to point us in the right direction for the future. That being said, we know there is a long way to go before Anthem becomes the game we all want it to be. So where are we at today…

Game Update 1.1.0

Game Update 1.1.0 went live today and includes some new content and improvements t...

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08 Apr


Here is the update that will be rolling out this morning (April 8th, 2019).

  • Fixed an issue that was causing loot to drop for javelins other than the one being used.
  • Addressed a number of issues that could occasionally cause Nvidia highlights to crash.
  • Fixed an issue that was causing Elysian Cache items to not appear until completing another activity or restarting the game.
  • The newsfeed will now properly show content again upon launching into the game.
  • Fixed an issue that was causing Ursix and Titans to not spawn as frequently in Freeplay.
  • Fixed an issue that would cause the screen to shake when enabling DLSS and turning off motion blur.
  • Fixed an issue that would sometimes cause players not to be able to interact with Owen, or hear his audio at the end of the Legendary version of the mission “Finding Old Friends”.
  • Titans, Ursix, Luminaries and Fury enemies should no longer disappear when another player st...
Read more External link →

28 Mar


I'll see if we can do something in the future where we play on GM3 during a stream.

We'll likely have a death counter also ;)


I agree with all of this. Even if someone is angry or upset, I'll still read through all of the feedback and share it with the team.

15 Mar


Originally posted by Wiezzer

Is it commonplace for free roam to just close and pretty much say f you to everything you had done during that session? I am a low lvl player (7) did a bunch of world events, even managed to finally (after a lot of pain)...solo kill a titan...then get booted because server closed...from the looks of it lost all that ext and items....is this going to keep happening? If so i'd say what is the point if at any time youd get booted and loose it all?

You shouldn't be losing your loot, there is a good chance it'll pop up after your next expedition, or it went straight into the Forge.


Originally posted by DesKing22

Every. f**king. Stronghold. That "f**k you wall" that appears if three ppl get to the loot box first, completely blocking you from proceeding with mission. You'd think that'd be a perfect time for the instant teleport to bring you in, nope. Why is exploring the map discouraged?

If you open up your map you should be able to select to respawn, this will most of the time put you back with your squad.


Originally posted by jengamoose

Anyone please help, my Internet is fine and i keep disconnecting on ps4 every 5min or so. Several different errors Pop up, is there any word from bioware on this? Its been like this since 1.0.3 - i cant play the game i paid for.

Are you on a wired or wireless connection? The team is still working on making connection improvements, but having a wired connection can help sometimes.


Originally posted by OHADVIL

So I've bought 2 arrival animations and they're nowhere to be found. Help pls?

Arrival animations are oftentimes specific to each javelin. I'd say check each javelin to see if they are there.


Originally posted by Ripper-Klosoff

Anyone else negatively impacted by loot update. Four elite contracts I got four masterworks only components. None dropped from enimies. Went against some amazing bosses too. This showers me in epics and rares...

Were you playing on GM2 or GM3? Higher chances there. Freeplay is pretty good for more Masterworks on those difficulties.


Originally posted by [deleted]


When you change difficulties it'll say the recommended gear score on the right side. I'd start with GM1 legendary contracts to get some Masterwork components.


No, the changes made today do not affect bosses at the end of Strongholds.

Is this a problem? Definitely.

Are we going to be changing this? Yes!


Well this thread was an interesting read! Thanks for the entertainment :)


Originally posted by Darokaz

I've checked with the team and this will be fixed in the next game update, 1.0.4.

Spoke with the designer on this so I understand how it's being "fixed".

Instead of using how many items you actually have equipped, the calculation will be done by how many slots you have unlocked. This means at level 30, for example, your average power score will be divided by 11 even if you have empty weapon/gear/component slots.