

22 Feb


Originally posted by CorkerGaming

can you fix the healthbar bug please, i hate doing gm with 4 bars

EDIT: My example before was causing some confusion so I've removed it. Basically, the amount of armor you have is unchanged, just the visual representation is different. There is also a bug that the team is working on that they think is just visual. ALSO, we made changes to how players were getting one shot after the day one patch. Since players aren't being one shot anymore (except by a few attacks that still can), please let me know if you still feel your armor (green pips) are more than just visual changes so I can share with the team.

That was a change that was missed in the day one patch notes (I'll update it now).

We changed the amount of armor represented in each pip (green bars). So your armor value didn't go down, just the visual representation changed.


Hey Freelancers,

As some of you have noticed there are certain fixes that we can make without any patches (live changes), but there are others that require a client-side fix that needs to be downloaded. We have identified the following issues and are working on a client patch to resolve them:

  • The final boss in the Heart of Rage stronghold isn’t appearing if the group wipes before engaging
  • HDR is currently disabled on consoles (Xbox One and PS4)
  • Some players are encountering issues that are causing them to crash

While the team continues to work on the above fixes they were able to address some of the live issues that have been reported:

  • Coin changes for Daily/Weekly
    We have fixed an issue that displayed and rewarded the incorrect amount of Coin from various activities
  • Stronghold Matchmaking
    We have extended the timer that allows for matchmak...
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We aren't going anywhere. Communication will keep going, livestreams will keep happening, and we'll continue listening to feedback from the community.


Originally posted by Darokaz

I'm still talking with the team on what exactly is going on, didn't want to leave you all in the dark. I do still want to say that the original post isn't what is meant to be happening, that much I do know :)

Ok, team is working on a fix, what you see in game isn't correct. Once the fix is ready I'll let the community know.

21 Feb


Originally posted by Darokaz

Somethings definitely not right here, let me talk to the team to see what's going on.

I'm still talking with the team on what exactly is going on, didn't want to leave you all in the dark. I do still want to say that the original post isn't what is meant to be happening, that much I do know :)


Originally posted by SuperSneaks

SUMMARY: Game will not connect to EA

BUG/ISSUE: If my game disconnects from EA while playing it will not reconnect. Quitting the game, rebooting the Xbox will not resolve the issue.

REPRODUCTION: Just play the game and see if it loses the connection to EA. Then see if it will reconnect.


ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: After the game disconnects I've noticed that the intro/loading screens lose sound and the video seems to freeze or have stutters.

We just made some adjustments that should make connecting on Xbox One smoother. Can you try again to see if it works?


Somethings definitely not right here, let me talk to the team to see what's going on.


Originally posted by Wh1teCr0w

Howdy! Do we know if there is going to be a hotfix for the previous patch regarding bugs and performance issues?

The team is investigating all of the issues that have been reported on this thread. I'll provide more updates when I have them.


Originally posted by sleazymole

SUMMARY: Level 30, only 3 Javelins unlocked.

BUG/ISSUE: Level 16 Javelin unlock never credited to account.

REPRODUCTION:Couldn't unlock Storm at 16.... Token was consumed but dont have access to storm Javelins


If you put in a ticket at https://help.ea.com/en/contact-us/?product=anthem we should be able to get this fixed for you.

20 Feb


Originally posted by thalifm

Is it live for PS4 as well? I have pre ordered digital and installed it already, will it update before the 22nd?

I'll look into this. You will have to update in some way, not sure if it's automatic or not.


The patch for these updates is available NOW! If you are currently playing the game go ahead and close it to download the patch and restart to hop back in and play.


Originally posted by MutedSpeakerbox

Some weapons and gears still had the base description.. it literally said "Hitting enemies increases weapon damage by _% for _ seconds. Stacks to _."

I assume this means they fill out correctly

This is correct.


Originally posted by mayofield22

So from what I understand, the game launches at midnight est right? So the patch will go through before then so we can download it and start playing once it drops?

The update will be live prior to the midnight launch yes.


Originally posted by Garrus_Vakarian__

Can we get any gauge as to how large the patch will be? Less than a gig, 2 gigs, 5 gigs?

And can we get a better frame of reference for when it will be available aside from "before launch"?

I'll share more details when I have that info.


EDIT 2: Added some missing notes -

  • Armor bar segments now represent 200 armor instead of the previous 100 to improve readability at high armor values. This is a visual change only.
  • The option to quickplay strongholds was removed with the integration of the new Start of Expedition screen. This will be coming back in a future update. NOTE: this was disabled because it was putting players into story content they hadn't yet completed, such as the Heart of Rage.

EDIT: The Patch is now live!

Hey Freelancers,

For those of you who have been playing the Early Access version of the game, we wanted to let you know that a Day 1 Patch is on its way. The patch will deployed before worldwide launch. On February 22, 2019, the game will include the following fixes and our Live Service officially begins. This is a comprehensive list of all changes in this update. If you notice anything missing please let u...

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19 Feb


Originally posted by Alucitary

Is this a hotfix? Doesn't even need a game update? That's pretty cool if you can make these changes so easily.

Correct, we can make some changes like this pretty quick without taking down servers.


Originally posted by stig4020

Thanks to you and your team for such great engagement on this subreddit! It really does send a message that you are here to support this game and it's player base for the long haul, and I'm with you 100%.

I'm sure you guys are all over it, but an in-game description of what a multi-kill is would also help out a lot for people working on this mission.

Keep up the great work!

Thanks! I'll pass on the feedback for more clarity for the multi-kill.


Thanks to your feedback we have identified several issues causing problems for players in the “Finding Old Friends” and “Tombs of the Legionnaires” missions.

We have made some changes that allows progress to start being tracked earlier.

  • This means that you’ll earn progress towards the challenges starting at level 3 now.

Here are some workarounds as we address some other issues with the Tombs:

  • If you gained access to one of the Legionnaires Tombs but there is no interaction on the Tomb, please restart freeplay and make your way back to the Tomb.
  • If your journal is telling you that the challenges are complete but the Tomb door doesn't open as it should, please go to the Challenges section of your journal and check that the challenge criteria is completed. In some cases we have seen the journal display misleading information at this step. Completing the challenges as the...
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18 Feb


Haha! This is great!


Originally posted by twolf201

I'm thinking they will get it to a good state relatively quickly. Just look at how many things they addressed since the VIP demo. How much they fix on the 22nd with the day 1 patch will be very telling.

As one of the people working on the patch notes, I can say there are a LOT of fixes and improvements. The team is hard at work making improvements, listening to player feedback and creating some pretty awesome stuff that we talked about in the This is Anthem Part 2 gameplay video.