

28 Feb


Hey Freelancers,

This morning we will be deploying a patch with the following changes:

  • The tethering timer for missions has been increased. Players should now have more time to catch up to their Squad before seeing a countdown timer.
  • The Swarm Tyrant encounter in the Tyrant Mine Stronghold can no longer be reset by the entire Squad exiting to the main menu and rejoining the session in progress.
  • Players are no longer able to reopen chests that have already been looted in Strongholds.

NOTE: This patch does not include the loot updates that were mentioned ...

Read more External link →

༼ つ ◕◕ ༽つ Summon the u/BenIrvo ༼ つ ◕◕ ༽つ

27 Feb


We're still working on this to get everyone their Alliance Coin who hadn't yet received them.

26 Feb


Thanks for the write up Mods, good stuff.

I wanted to take a moment to thank everyone here for sharing their thoughts, both good and bad. I read through all of the bug reports, the feedback posts, the highlights.....all of it. The team is still hard at work fixing the issues being reported while also working on the roadmap that was recently revealed.

We'll be sharing more details soon :)


Ok that was really fun to watch.


When Alliance points reset today you’ll notice you didn’t receive any Coin, but worry not, you haven’t lost anything. The dev team has everything recorded and will be granting all of the Coin you earned the previous week by 12pm CT on Feb. 26th.

This was done to prevent some strains on the system. This will also be fixed tomorrow so that this doesn’t happen in the future.

25 Feb


Originally posted by Ikarostv

I get that.

But you can still give an update, to ease the minds of people. Even if you need to take some time - just let people know it's still a priority. At the very least, it would partially eliminate some of the posts we keep seeing daily regarding it.

It's a priority and the team is still investigating. Does that ease your mind? :)

Seriously though we're looking into it, it's not on the back burner or anything. We have multiple teams looking in multiple things at the same time. Some fixes that the team fixes can be done with a live update like we did today, others take more time and need to be put into a client update, which requires a download.

24 Feb


We have deployed a fix that should address the issue some players were facing when trying to personalize their javelins. After personalizing in the Forge your settings should hold now. This fix also addresses the issue where some players were unable to craft the Dawn Shield during the crit path missions.

External link →

23 Feb


We have temporarily disabled the special ability on the component “Gunslinger's Mark” as the buff granted by the component would stack much higher than intended. The special ability on this component will be turned back on once a full fix can be implemented.


This is a known error that we're investigating. People aren't getting banned. Will update when once I have more info.


Originally posted by dat-derp

Health bug?

We did a visual change that makes it look like you have less armor (green pips), but it basically just halved the pips you have. Reason we did this was at higher health levels you'd have so many pips that it got a little hard to see just how many you had.
Note that there is also a bug the team is trying to identify where the amount of pips you have does indeed change. They're still investigating if this is just visual, or if actual armor values are changing.


Originally posted by SevenSeasAgo

Any update on the bug preventing players from being able to enter their Javelin, making them unable to launch missions without going into the launch bay?

Team is still working on that one, hopefully there is a fix before too much longer.


Hey Freelancers,

Yesterday we let you know that we were working on some issues and a patch is being prepared to deploy on
February 23rd around 7am CT to address them. Here is the list of fixes:

  • The final boss in the “Return to the Heart of Rage” stronghold and crit path mission will now properly appear if a squad of freelancers wipe before reaching it.
  • HDR on consoles can now be properly turned on.
  • Fixed a number of issues that were causing players to crash.

We are continuing to investigate additional issues that the community have been reporting and will provide more updates on when they will be fixed.

External link →

Saw this earlier today and it made me smile :)

22 Feb


The team is investigating this currently. They know there is bug and are looking to see what's causing it.


Originally posted by Numbajuan

Is there a current issue with Strongholds not refilling spots when someone leaves? My buddy and I were doing a Hard Stronghold yesterday and two people left after a wipe and we never got anyone else in. We were able to finish one area but couldn’t get passed the next group of mobs by ourselves

Stronghold Matchmaking

We have extended the timer that allows for matchmaking in a stronghold. This should allow groups to fill easier when matchmaking

This change should help with that issue you faced. Players should be able to backfill for a longer time now.


Originally posted by Peekyu

It says missions, does this also mean stronghold chests?

Just missions, stronghold chests are the same as they were before.


Originally posted by xAwkwardTacox

Are you sure this is referring to stronghold chests, and not just the random chests that can show up in the world when doing contracts etc?

The note I posted only applies to random chests in missions, the chests in strongholds haven't been adjusted.


Originally posted by SvnnyMoney

No point in doing strongholds now.

Stronghold chests have not been touched, they are the same as they were before. This change only applied to random spawning chests that could be found in missions.


Originally posted by jroades267

People are seeing it change from one mission to the next however. Is that a visual bug?

I'll report this to the team to see what's going on. Thanks!