

18 Feb


Originally posted by clevesaur

That's cool, shame I wasn't able to see mine with the storm, would have liked to have seen the expressions happening during Owens oh so predictable betrayal

To see your players face in some cutscenes you'll need to make sure it isn't the Legion of Dawn appearance as that one doesn't open.


I've been reading through a lot of these bugs, errors and issues and wanted to let everyone know that quite a few of these will be fixed/improved in the patch this week such as the audio issues, loading times, crashes and many more. I'll create a post for the patch notes in the coming days once they're ready to go.

17 Feb


Originally posted by WarFuzz

Do you have a list of things theyve confirmed for the Day 1 patch? I havent caught all of the dev posts and have only seen that Sprinting in the Fort will be in on the 22nd.

There hasn't been a list posted yet, but there are a LOT more fixes and improvements outside of what we talked about on the livestream last week. I'll post the full patch notes as soon as they're done being put together this week.

31 Jan


This was incorrect information and has been updated. As long as you sign up for Origin Access Premier before 2/15 you'll have early access to Anthem.

26 Jan


We are continuing to track current issues for the Anthem VIP Demo and the team is working very diligently to quickly resolve them.

Here's the current list of the most reported and known issues affecting some players:

  1. Rubber-banding during free roam and/or missions.
  2. Second javelin not unlocking when reaching level 12.
  3. An infinite loading screen when launching the game or entering an expedition.
  4. Inability to get past the Anthem title screen.
  5. Inability to access their Anthem VIP demo friends codes.

Resolved or Improved:

  1. Some Xbox One players are unable to access the Anthem VIP demo.

We will continue to update this thread with new information as it becomes available. Thank you for your patience.

External link →

Originally posted by dusty-2011

Thank you very much Community Manager for finally posting this info from the official forums here on reddit.

Will you update this post at the same time as the info on the official forums is updated? If there is going to be a delay, I would actually have preferred to have this in the [link] format, instead of a written text post.

My apologies, I originally posted this at the same time as the official forums, but forgot the "No Spoiler" tag, so it didn't actually post right away...


Originally posted by Xobhcnul0

So I can get in the game just fine, managed to beat the three missions available, and upon reaching level 12 I got the popup thing saying I had unlocked a new javelin but it didn't show up in the forge and since then I get a constant error pop up every 2 seconds.

Thanks for the report. The team is aware of this issue and are working on a fix.


UPDATE at 9:37pm Pacific: We’ve made changes that should improve Xbox connectivity for the VIP Demo. Anyone still seeing problems is recommended to restart their console.

We’re currently tracking issues for the Anthem VIP Demo and the team is working very diligently to quickly resolve them.Here's the current list of the most reported and known issues affecting some players.

  1. Infinite loading screens when launching the game or entering an expedition.
  2. Unable to get past the Anthem title screen.
  3. Some Xbox One players are unable to access the Anthem VIP demo.
  4. Some players are unable to access their Anthem VIP demo friends codes.

We will continue to update this thread with new information as it becomes available. Thank you for your patience.

External link →

25 Jan


Originally posted by Darokaz

Update #8 - The main issue impacting the Anthem VIP demo on PC and PS4 has been resolved. Anyone who has had an issue on those platforms should restart the game and attempt to join again. Our team is still working on fixes for some of the issues we’re seeing on Xbox One.

Update #7 - Players are starting to be able to access the Anthem VIP demo with less issues. While we realize there are still some players who are having problems, but that number should continue to improve as we continue to work on the servers. I'll update again once we have the all clear.

Update #6 - The team is still working on the issues and testing fixes. Hope to have more to share soon.

Update #5 - multiple EA services are having login issues. The team is working to resolve these issues ASAP. Will provide more updates once I have timelines on when everything will be up and running smoothly.

Update #4 - issues are still being looked into. I'm speaking directly with the team and ...

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UPDATE #2 - still monitoring and scaling up servers. We're seeing that more and more players are getting in.


Update #8 - The main issue impacting the Anthem VIP demo on PC and PS4 has been resolved. Anyone who has had an issue on those platforms should restart the game and attempt to join again. Our team is still working on fixes for some of the issues we’re seeing on Xbox One.

Update #7 - Players are starting to be able to access the Anthem VIP demo with less issues. While we realize there are still some players who are having problems, but that number should continue to improve as we continue to work on the servers. I'll update again once we have the all clear.

Update #6 - The team is still working on the issues and testing fixes. Hope to have more to share soon.

Update #5 - multiple EA services are having login issues. The team is working to resolve these issues ASAP. Will provide more updates once I have timelines on when everything will be up and running smoothly.

Update #4 - issues are still being looked into. I'm speaking directly with the team and ...

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The team and I are working to bring you all the best patch notes possible. I too enjoy reading why things are changed instead of a blanket "XYZ weapon now does less damage". I'm also open to feedback on patch notes, so once our first ones go live I'd love to hear your thoughts!

18 Jan


Originally posted by Laughing__Man_

For the VIP demo on the 25th is streaming of it allowed?

Yep, you can stream it as much as you want.


Originally posted by TheAssyrianGamer

Irving, Aussie Ranger

Lead Producer Ben Irving was at it again, joined by Senior Level Designer Emily Taylor, as we were led through a Legendary Contract mission, showing of a part of Anthem’s endgame. Ben had published a poll on twitter earlier in the week to vote on what Javelin the community wanted to see played next. While it was a close race, the Ranger won in the end. Ben was playing using a keyboard and mouse, and his Javelin was outfitted with a heavy pistol, a double shotgun (a shotgun that fires twice per trigger pull), Spark Beam, a Sticky Grenade, and Muster Point, which increases weapon damage. He was joined by three others, Emily piloting the Colossus with a Flamethrower, Gameplay Designer Darrin McPherson, whom you may remember from the customization stream writeup, and BioCamden, whom we weren’t officially introduced to but were later tol...

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This is a good write up! I was that voice you heard asking the questions on stream if anyone was wondering :)


Yeah, I was very happy when I saw that the team added this feature. We're listening to your feedback!


Originally posted by BenIrvo

I got this wrong. We do have it for KBM just like we do for controller.


Thanks for watching the stream today!


This man is a champion and I love getting to work with him.

17 Jan


Originally posted by Crimzon5torm

Not to be the first question of posted info but where did they say it’s the last stream before launch? Did I miss a tweet or short vid? Honestly curious.

There will be at least one more stream after today's (1/17/2019) before launch.

04 Jan


Originally posted by Musely

I'd like to say hi if possible! :)

I should be there most of Saturday so I'm sure we can find a moment to chat.

03 Jan


Originally posted by ATG_Bot

For those of you unaware, PAX South takes place this January, starting on the 18th and through the weekend. BioWare has said that they will have a presence at PAX South. Although it may be unrelated, one of the BioWare folks, Chad Robertson, is also a panelist for The Making of a Modern Online RPG. Chad Robertson worked on SWTOR and his current project is Anthem.

We want to use this post to highlight potential meetups for folks within the Anthem or BioWare community. Below is a list of meetings from various sectors within the community. You're free to leave a link or info in the comments and we'll add it to the main post for visibility.


BioWare Outpost - January 18th @ 6:30 PM CT

I'll be at the show on Saturday, January 19th. Looking forward to chatting with some of you!