

15 Mar


I've checked with the team and this will be fixed in the next game update, 1.0.4.


Originally posted by Escanor_2014

u/Darokaz Lean into the lore of Anthem and do it in the form of an old-timey radio show like the Crimson Lancer.

What about a Podcast called "Sexy Danger"?


Originally posted by [deleted]


This is what we're looking to solve. We have a lot of info in multiple places like you said and unless you look at everything you're likely to miss something.


Originally posted by Pang3r

Whatever you do please don't let it replace you guys popping into threads here on an irregular basis! Really appreciate that you are here.

We'll keep popping in here ;)

14 Mar


Thanks for the feedback! We're looking at additional ways to get the community the updates that they are looking for.


First, I want to thank you for writing this up. I appreciate the honesty of how you (and others) feel about the current state of things. I also want to say that I can’t talk about everything, simply because it is not my area of expertise, or because I don’t have the information you’re looking for. I stand by our statement of being transparent though and will continue to do so here and on other channels.

Now, I want to address some of your points that I can:

Communication -

Pre-game release vs Post game release –

To start, things used to be a lot friendlier here for dev team members who normally don’t talk on social channels or forums. They could answer questions, give information and know that they aren’t going to have people getting upset at them. Why would a dev team member take time away from working on the next update to post when they know it’s likely to be met with hostile replies, or they get flamed because can’t answer ot...

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12 Mar


The fix for Masterwork Embers dropping more from harvest nodes is now live.


Thanks for the replies everyone. I'm reading through them all and sharing the reported bugs with the team.


Originally posted by epicbluej

Yea I've gotten 2-3 legendaries since the update, none have been for the javelin I'm using. A friend of mine, hes gotten 5 legendaries, not a single 1 has been for his javelin. Either its a bug or they're trying to increase the grind in a dumb way.

A legendary drop should always be usable by the javelin your using when getting the drop. Not sure if possible for MW drops, but its annoying enough that my almost none existent legendary drops are now going towards other javelins I have never used once.

This sounds like a bug. There is a chance you can get a masterwork or legendary for a javelin other than the one you are using, but it’s really low. I’ll follow up with the team.


Hey Freelancers,

To start, I don't have any answers on loot yet. The team is discussing and are looking at player feedback and game telemetry. I'll share more on that as soon as I have an update.

For this post, I want to address the patch notes and missed items. It was not our intent to leave things out, but during the work of getting the update out the door some things were missed. The community posts pointing out the things that were missing allowed me to go back to the team and verify what was missing or what might be a bug, so thank you for that everyone!

If you have anything else that you think is missing from the notes that I didn’t address in this post please let me know in the comments so that I can check with the team and get it added.

Masterwork Universal Components added in 1.0.3 – drop from GM1+

  • Symbiotic Surge – Increases javelin armor by a large amount. Increases all damage for a short duration when picking up a repair p...
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11 Mar


Thanks for putting this list together, I've shared it with the team will update the patch notes once I hear back.

And I've said this in a few spots, but the Masterwork embers drop rates were a bug, we're currently working on fixing that.


Since I'm the one that primarily puts together the patch notes I do want to say that I never leave out anything intentionally. I work with a lot of people here at BioWare to ensure the notes are as comprehensive as possible.

If we ever miss something in the notes (and we will) please do point it out so that I can get the necessary information from the team to get the patch notes updated.

Now for your bullets you pointed out that we're missing:

  • Lowered the drop rate of high-end Embers from Harvesting
    • I have confirmed this was a bug and the team is working on fixing it as I type this. Drop Rates on Masterwork Embers should go back to what they were prior to the 1.0.3 update.
  • Significantly increased the requirements to complete Path of Glory Monthly Rewards (requiring even more Daily/Weekly completions)
    • I'm following up on this one with the team right now, will share more details as soon as I ...
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I checked with the team on this and there was a bug causing MW embers to have much lower drop rates than intended. I'm still waiting to see how long the fix will take, but once it's in the drop rates should be back to what they were pre 1.0.3.

I'll reply again once the fix is live.

09 Mar


Hey Freelancers,

Below you will find the update notes for all of the fixes and improvements that the team has been working on. The current plan is for patch 1.0.3 to go out between 7am and 9am Central Time on March 9th.

Everyone here at BioWare is already hard at work on the next update to continue making Anthem better with each patch.

We thank you for all of your feedback, bug reports and support!

Strong Alone, Stronger Together!

-Jesse (@Darokaz)

High level fixes and changes

  • Respawn restrictions have been rem...
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05 Mar


Originally posted by Jixor_

Like the system crashes and system failures? Those things that you have been silent on? Meanwhile Ben is trying to be cute with his little "heya" reply that isnt helping anybody. Tons of people have lost faith in this team and you havent communicated any information since the half assed loot patch.


We're here, just hard at work. I'm putting together the patch notes for the next update that contains a lot of fixes to issues being reported.

I'm also putting together a livestream for this Wednesday. Time isn't final yet, but we're aiming for 3pm CT.

01 Mar


Thanks for your reports everyone, the team is investigating what could be going on here. I'll share details when I know more.

28 Feb


Originally posted by [deleted]


Yep, we were able to do this change live.

We haven't removed green and white loot yet, it needs more testing. We decided to go ahead and release the other changes instead of delaying.


Hey Freelancers,

Here is the update that you were all waiting on! The following changes are now live:

  • Items will no longer have inscriptions on them that are not appropriate for that specific item. NOTE: This only applies to items obtained after the patch. Items obtained prior to the hotfix will still have the same inscriptions they had before.
  • Masterwork crafting costs have been reduced from 25 -> 15 Masterwork Embers. The amount of plants, metal and parts required for crafting a Masterwork item have also been reduced. 

We are still working on the change that Ben Irving had mentioned in his ...

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Originally posted by the-mob-rules

Nice. Any word on when the quickplay problems will be addressed? This game mode has been broken since launch. Apologies if this has already been answered elsewhere. If it has, please share a link.

Thanks for the frequent updates.

We're still working on the quickplay issues that have been reported.