

12 Oct


Hey, this is a standard clause in every game you play with a EULA.

Baldurs Gate 3's EULA says "Upon termination all licenses granted to you in this License shall immediately terminate and you must immediately and permanently remove the Game from your device and destroy all copies of the Game in your possession."

Dead by daylight EULA says "Upon termination of this Agreement, your right to use the Game shall immediately cease you must immediately uninstall the Game and destroy all copies of the Game in your possession."

I can give more examples but you can look at any game you own and will see the same thing.

10 Sep


Hey, we use dedicated servers for public and private games.

22 Aug


Hey, thank you for the post. We really appreciate the feedback on what can be improved.

We are definitely going to be hiring a bigger team in the near future, we are at the moment nearing completion on a new office that will allow us to expand the team a considerable amount. We are currently in a small office so it is unfortunately impossible for the time being.

We'll be working on the lighting system as a priority this week, we'll have news to share on this soon.

Regarding the smudge bug, there was a change a few days before the update released that caused this so it was not the fault of the testers. We'll be making changes to how we release and test updates in the future to allow for a smoother release.

17 Aug

    Dknighter on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey everyone,

We are aware of a bug that is preventing your connection to the unity cloud servers. We are investigating and will get an update out as soon as we can.

The issue is caused by international sanctions not allowing your connection to the US Unity server. To get around this you must use a VPN.

We are very sorry for the inconvenience and thank you for your patience.

14 Jun


Originally posted by RaisinNotNice

Does this mean we’ll finally have the controller working properly in the menu lmfao

Hey, we've done a complete overhaul of the controller UI navigation for the Progression update which has made navigating through the menus much quicker and easier.

05 May

    Dknighter on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey, bHaptics will work without you having to turn any setting on. It will detect the suit and work automatically.

08 Apr

    Dknighter on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey, Steam is having server issues so we won't be able to update until later today. The update is ready and was planned to release roughly 1 hour ago but the Steam issues are preventing us from updating.

01 Apr

    Dknighter on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey, make sure you are using the Oculus OpenXR runtime and not SteamVR. You can set this in the Oculus software settings page.

14 Mar


  • Randomizing a custom difficulty will now always give a random cursed possession

  • Arabic player names are now displayed right to left
  • Fixed a memory leak caused by having unicode characters with a broken sanity monitor
  • Tripods no longer speed up Raiju after you detach a video camera
  • The speed running difficulty challenge will now give all 7 cursed possessions instead of 6
  • Improved statistics page text sizing on languages with long text
  • Fixed a crash after leaving a game when using Vosk voice recognition
  • The weekly challenges will now reset on Sunday instead of Saturday

If you experience ... Read more

13 Mar

    Dknighter on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by I throw Hatchets:
Originally posted by Dknighter:
Do you get this same lag in singleplayer?
Even in the pre lobby yes, but on non-vr mode i can play with the best graphics at +120 fps

What's your monitor resolution? Have you tried lowering that?
    Dknighter on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by I throw Hatchets:
Originally posted by Icetrias: You used to be able to get better frames from turning off some of the post-processing effects in settings, Iirc ambient occlusion or anti-aliasing had a really high performance cost to it, but this game has always been hella laggy in VR. If you get above 60 FPS, you're probably playing on desktop or you're lying. This game could really use a VR rework, since there are so many issues with playing in VR that don't occur in desktop mode, ...
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    Dknighter on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by I throw Hatchets:
Originally posted by Dknighter: Hey, please post your specs and graphics settings.

Do you lag before turning on lights? Realtime lights are by far the most performance intensive feature in games and Phasmophobia uses a lot of them. None of the games you listed uses this which makes sense to why you don't lag in those.
1070ti graphic card
I5 12400 CPU
16 gig ram
The lags happen anytime i can see anything in vr, during the loading scr...
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    Dknighter on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey, please post your specs and graphics settings.

Do you lag before turning on lights? Realtime lights are by far the most performance intensive feature in games and Phasmophobia uses a lot of them. None of the games you listed uses this which makes sense to why you don't lag in those.

11 Mar

    Dknighter on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey, this is just a false positive. The "virus" is just your BitDefender suspecting Phasmophobia.exe as malware for whatever reason. Our build PC uses BitDefender Gravity Zone and we have never had a problem.

08 Mar


  • Several doors in all maps are now linked to multiple rooms for ghost events and monkey paw wishes
  • The Sanity Survival weekly difficulty challenge now has the Nightmare hunt duration and no candles

  • If you didn’t play for a long time your level and progress will no longer be wiped
  • The ghost can no longer walk through the Maple campsite large tents
  • Fixed a bug that was causing players to not be able to select a difficulty
  • Ghosts will now open and close the doors in the correct direction
  • You can now click the left shop buttons on 4:3 aspect resolutions
  • Yurei will no longer lower your sanity if ...
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05 Mar


  • Added unique descriptions for crucifix interaction photos

  • The ghost will now always fully show when it starts moving during the start of a hunt
  • Monkey paw tags now update live in the journal when grabbed

  • The Monkey Paw tags can now be grabbed by multiple players in the same game
  • The ghost in the dead room will now match the ghost model if it was male
  • The host can now be revived with the monkey paw revive wish...
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01 Mar

    Dknighter on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Weariesthen04: i was going to play phasmophobia in vr with my brother and i forgot that i had Wemod open from a different game it popped up saying i need to close Wemod or i will be perma banned it didnt even give me 5 seconds to close it and now im perma banned from the game. Is there a way i can get unbanned?

Hey, you are not banned. You just need to turn off wemod and you will be able to play.

28 Feb

    Dknighter on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey, we've fixed the fps in the lobby for the next update which should be tomorrow.

24 Feb


Hey, please join our discord and message our modmail bot. We can help you find what is causing it there. This is usually our cheat detection that is crashing the game.

28 Jan

    Dknighter on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey, make sure to have your OpenXR runtime set to Oculus. If it's not that then please join our discord and ask in the tech support channels.