

28 Mar


Originally posted by SifoDyas66

I’ve reached out to ea on twitter and u/F8RGE many times since the beta but they’ve never acknowledged these problems. They don’t care about the Xbox players at this rate for us to have these problems for so long

Edit: reaching out to u/EA_Charlemagne for acknowledgement. Can you tell us if you’re aware of these problems?

Aware and investigating. Seems to be a pretty complicated issue.

27 Mar


Originally posted by DarthMaul123

/u/f8rge /u/ea_charlemagne

Just wondering if you're aware of this as well as the not being able to spawn at all bug?



Just chatted with the team. It wasn't.


Originally posted by xNathanx27

Have you considered opening up play testing to a live environment then? NDA the play testers and require a sign up and whatnot.

At the scale we'd need, NDAs would be useless, unfortunately. People like to leak Star Wars stuff more than anything else. I don't think that option is even on the table, but we do closed playtests with players under NDAs when we can. Live would be much harder to manage, but I appreciate the thought.


Originally posted by Gontron1

Well I’m pleasantly surprised, guess I judged too early.

I appreciate the honesty.


Originally posted by AdamantiumPandas

u/f8rge u/charlemagne We know how hard you worked to get this out today, I think I speak for the entire community when I thank you so much for everything you do and everything you've achieved today!!

Much love from all of us across EASW to all of you! You’re all a reason we look forward to coming to work each day.


Originally posted by IZated_IZ

Wait, WHAT? I thought they were, so just the MMO is canon then? Anyway, as I've always said ever since EA was given the exclusive license they need to get BioWare to remake the original KOTOR.

MMO is also Legends and continues to operate within it. Anything that started or existed before 2013 isn’t canon, even EA titles, unless specified. The reset of the canon was very thorough.


Originally posted by Nova_Spartan

If I may ask, have you all been tracking the crashing that's been happening in CS as well? Have you figured out the cause?

I've gotten lucky later in the day and played a fair amount of matches of CS and have crashed 5 times in it today and others seem to have the same issue so that will likely be the next major issue after this one is resolved.

Should I submit crash reports somewhere to help your team figure out what may be causing it? I really want the crashing to stop lol.

Bug reports on the forum or help.ea.com are where they're most useful, so I'd post there, too.


Originally posted by LeRicket

What about the fact they don't have shirts underneath the tunics!

I'll raise that, too, but Geonosis is hot!

Also, it might be due to clipping issues.


Originally posted by kwoltersdorf

Make kotor 3. Idc if you have the rights or not. The guy making the kotor 1 remake was shut down... and that sucks. I want another kotor.

It wouldn't be a third since the first two aren't canon anymore.

26 Mar


Originally posted by saintpellegrino

I just tried that. Still can’t spawn into game on PS4

It's not a guaranteed fix, unfortunately, but it's worked for a lot of players (myself included). Stay posted for a fix from our end, though.


"I have had it with these bantha poodoo Clones on this karabasting capital ship!"


Originally posted by [deleted]


We call it playtesting (Beta is different), but yes. All the time. Bringing something to a live environment often presents things that can't come up in internal playtesting, though.


2019 is off to a pretty fine start.


We're aware. This will change in a future update.


On it! In the meantime, leaving and joining a new game can bypass the issue.


Originally posted by killua691

It doesn't.

Edit: I hate you. I'd been trying this for an hour and the moment I commented it doesn't work to you. It works.

Broken Working as intended.?