

26 Mar


Originally posted by RichMoli777

No, the current game mode allows two heroes per side (2v2).

u/ea_charlemagne either misspoke and meant to imply that "Four heroes are playable at once" (2v2), the rule was modified sometime after he made that statement, or it's a bug and they really did mean 4v4.

I believe this was a late balancing change. 2v2 is intended, though we can change it live should we think it wouldn't throw things off.


We're working on this. Thanks! Leaving and joining another game should fix this in the meantime. Stay tuned for details on how this progresses.


Originally posted by RichMoli777

The quote from u/ea_charlemagne was "All four heroes/villains are playable at once." Why would he say 'All four' if there are 8 total heroes? It seems to imply that it should be 4v4.

I'm checking with the team. Sounds like this might have been a late-stage balancing change.


When F8RGE and eye say we surface pretty much all player feedback, we mean it!

Edit: I genuinely meant "I" but I'm going to leave it there. That mental slip-up is too perfect.


Originally posted by Baller0101

Fix your broken game

Lots of fixes in tomorrow’s update.


Originally posted by WowLookAGuyOnReddit

Deep, blue



Originally posted by bonjovifannumero1

Because u/f8rge u/ea_charlemagne dont care about proper balancing and give him 1k hp and 165 base dmg LOL

Neither his base damage nor his base HP are those. Those are with Star Cards (I know most people use those). And as it says, we are monitoring overall hero balance. You’ll also notice that some of Anakin’s other stats are noticeably lower than others. We don’t want to over-tune and make him too weak.


I hate you.

25 Mar


Originally posted by nukingrabbits

u/f8rge u/EA_Charlemagne can you pass this on to the dev team please?

Already on it.


Originally posted by Purpletoaster20

I will give you my Netflix account, just watch until at least the end of Season 7 lol.

I have Netflix.


Originally posted by ImpecableBunny

Update: The missing game modes are back, but the challenges are still broken. I'm supposed to have 96% of challenges completed, with only a few starfighter ones missing.

u/ea_charlemagne. any idea what this is about?

We're investigating. Thanks! What's your GT? Same as your username?


I've watched a lot of YouTube clips. Does that count?


Originally posted by Travnar

I feel like in general, as a rule of thumb, SW references as replies is the best way to go for that account.

100%. I blanked and randomly invoked the John Cena gif for some reason, but I didn’t even commit to that. Next time there’s an opportunity for that, you’ll see it and you’ll know it was because all of you fought the good fight.


Originally posted by Nova_Spartan

Should have said "Oh, I don't think so."

Missed opportunity. Damn.

24 Mar


Surfacing this to the team. How often does this happen to you?