Except that Twitter account does not seem to have said anything at all about this.
It's in their replies. Thats where they do a lot more stuff.
Except that Twitter account does not seem to have said anything at all about this.
It's in their replies. Thats where they do a lot more stuff.
No no no no no, DICE you can't slightly lower the values of Anakin's damage (literally by single digits) and call it balancing; Did you listen to anyone when they gave feedback on how to properly balance Anakin? At all?
I get that you want Anakin to be super powerful, but these "changes" are infuriating to read after having to suffer Anakin for the past month.
Increased Passionate Strike cooldown (12->13)
Like what in the actual hell were you guys thinking? "Yeah this'll really balance Anakin out" A single second added to his cooldown, yeah that's really balancing, great job guys.
This is the kind of stuff that makes people lose faith in the devs, because when problems that are ruining the game get "fixed", they never get talked about again and people turn off the game.
This is a hotfix. This is not the final time we're going to address hero balance. It's just a first pass.
I been out for 5 days now !!! And this is all the help we get lol we better get a REWARD for all this , we missed out on the triple xp points cause of this bs
Two things:
Since when?
Is error code 721 likely to be fixed by that time? Haven’t been able to play since friday. Also I live in Hawaii
I'm hopeful. It's not directly tied to SWBII, so it's not something I have full insight into. The relevant teams are working on it right now, though.
Sorry for the assumption. Ben’s use of the word “choose” got me very worried.
No worries. That's why I clarified.
Not your fault, don't worry. This is an issue we're tracking with our online services. It came up suddenly on Friday. We've created a bypass that allows many affected players to get past, but not all. Follow @EAHelp on Twitter for updates as we work to resolve this.
So you don’t know what map is coming in an update that’ll roughly be 20 days from now...?
We're quite certain now, but at the time of making the roadmap and getting through all the checks needed we were less certain. There should be a proper reveal of/CT for the map, though.
“Before we choose”
Based on the one (or ones) that's closest to completion, we can choose to have everyone work on that to finish it up for that month's update. Drip-feeding content has become a bit of a buzzword that doesn't work when you have monthly updates. I totally get it when things weren't great and it was an appearance or two at a time, but this is far from drip-feeding.
Hopefully double BP aswell lol CS was chaotic as hell with it.
XP and BP modifiers go hand-in-hand.
But just to confirm, and without specifying anything specific, there are other planned things for these three months that are just not 100% locked in right?
Yes. Only the content shown on the roadmap is what we're considering locked (pending any sudden issues). We already have stuff planned to be added. It's more a matter of when than what for us. (This is why we vastly prefer the website over a static asset. We can keep adding to it.)
If you could be so kind to answer one more question : does that include content for the star fighter modes? Thank you.
Nothing is off the table unless we officially/explicitly say it is. For example, Youngling Hunt is not going to happen. That's us explicitly saying so. That's roughly where that list ends, though.
There are lots of questions on why stuff isn't on it, if stuff is coming, when you can expect to learn more, etc. One thing I've been saying on Discord is this: Not now doesn't mean never. Virtually everything you want to see come to the game is something we want to see as well, but it takes time and care to make that stuff.
UPDATE: He said he'll get him on the phone.
Unless he's joking. In which case, ignore this update.
Unfortunately, I do not have Dave's phone number.
I commented six hour after this thread started to die down. How did you find it?!
There's only so much we can do in a hotfix and we don't want to over-nerf him through a knee-jerk reaction. Hero balance is and always will be an ongoing thing.
Commander Jay nice to see you, hows the war on your front?
That’s General, actually. Jedi Knights are Generals and Padawans are Commanders.
*Need Our Republic Enforcers
Whoops. Thanks.
GG no RE
General Grievous! Need our Republic Enforcers!