

16 Dec


Captain Carson Teva and wingmate Trapper Wolf, while both deeply valued members of the New Republic Navy, are not a part of Vanguard Squadron and have been assigned to their own missions. Further intel is restricted to the New Republic high command.

(Sorry, no plans!)


I have been waiting for that Imperial set for SO LONG! Finally!

14 Dec


We're also still working to improve matchmaking for high-skill players.

Along with some further tuning to matchmaking, we’ve made the following changes:

Starfighters & Components

  • Increased Y-wing Rotary Cannon damage by 13% (from 34 to 38.5 per shot)
  • Increased Y-wing Auto Rotary Cannon damage by 13% (From 17 to 19.25 per shot)
  • Reduced Movement Penalty on Y-wing and TIE bomber Rotary Cannons from -60% to -50%.
  • Reduced Rotary Cannon Wind-up from 1.7s to 1.4s
  • Reduced Burst Cannon Damage by 10% across the board
  • Reduced Rocket damage from 100 to 60, so total payload is now 2400 instead of 4000.
  • Reduced damage reductions for the A-wings Overload Shield (by 40% each) to 15% for primary weapons and 30% auxiliary reduction
  • Increased hull health on Flagships and Capital Ships by 11%
  • Increased TIE bomber health by 10%

Known Issues

  • Changes are not updating in Fleet Battles Solo vs AI (including Custom Matches)...
Read more External link →

13 Dec


Two quick questions:

  1. Have you seen that error message since or just that once?

  2. Have you had any connection issues in the past?

11 Dec


Originally posted by Cephelopodia


Can you please pass on a very big, very sincere thanks to whoever worked on the TrackIR implementation?

It's huge. Those of us with rigs for DCS, Elite: Dangerous and Star Citizen are gonna love this!

I absolutely shall!


Originally posted by Chef0fDeath

> Added support for TrackIR on PC



Shoutout to /u/tibermoon for personally taking this on. He was determined to do right on this.


Originally posted by DomT95

15 minutes and counting on the matchmaking. Hoping this is the update and not a permanent thing

Try restarting your game/console.


We're testing out some new matchmaking and will push some further changes server-side until we feel they're right, but we think a bulk of our players should be having a much more evenly matched experience, though perhaps with a slightly longer matchmaking time on occasion.

Also, quick thing: If you're not seeing cosmetics or loadouts for the new starfighters, wait about 13min!

Restart to see things if you haven't yet!

The following bug fixes, changes, and additions come in Update 4.0. Bolded are some highlights we think the community will be most interested in. For full details on the new content added, check out the Pilot Briefing on our Holiday Supply Drops.

B-wing vs TIE defender


  • Added...
Read more External link →

Originally posted by AirierWitch1066

Is this true for dogfights? I know a lot of people in the competitive scene feel like NR is overpowered in dogfights but we don’t have any data.

We're looking into this, actually. Could be skewing at higher levels.

09 Dec


Statistically, they're just about even to my knowledge. It's close to 50:50 for winrate.


We actually have, but it requires players to play enough matches that it can recalculate their skill levels. This should resolve itself over time.

(Also, level isn't an indicator of skill, just playtime, to be fair.)

Edit: Thanks for the reports! We're looking into this, particularly at higher skill levels.


Whoops! Went live just a bit early. Should be live at 12PM ET/9AM PT.

08 Dec


Originally posted by Bassichis

Are there any plans to add options to queue as a single faction? For example, I’m only interested in playing as the Empire but I don’t want to get a leaver’s penalty for backing out of matches in the lobby (before the game even starts) just to play as them. Thanks!

No, we're not planning to implement that. Would likely impact matchmaking times negatively.


Originally posted by Mad-Observer

Will we be getting ranked for dogfight? I’m less of a fan of flagship but excel in dogfight. I want these sick headgears! Love the game!

No plans. Sorry!


Originally posted by EckhartsLadder

Was super fun! The last game especially was petty tight (Ian is a great support btw)

That last game was wild. So much fun!

07 Dec