

18 Mar



Different stores have different refund policies. If you buy through Steam, the two hours & two weeks limits do apply. If you buy through us, we offer a 'no questions asked' refund if the request is received within 48 hours of the purchase being made, irrespective of playtime. Valve's policy will work better for those who want more real-world time to make the decision, but if you're interested in spending a weekend answering this question for yourself, you might want to give our store a try.

(Support for PayPal is temporarily disabiled; it will be back in the very near future.)

17 Mar


Your deeds of valor will be remembered.


Originally posted by PrimevalWolf

I'd be more than happy to drop $5-10 on an expansion if it gives a good chunk of content and it would mean never having to pay for MTX. The thing that pisses me off most about POE is that all the coolest looking shit is locked behind ABSURDLY overpriced MTX.

Our expansions will be available free of charge to everyone who owns the game.


Originally posted by [deleted]


This person has previously posted this message, deleted it, and reposted in a bid to hide my response to it.

(Ironically, they have also accused us of attempting to censor them.)

To reiterate;

Our expansions will be released free of charge.

I have asked you elsewhere to provide a source for the claim that this is no longer the case.

For more, please see here;


Originally posted by [deleted]


If your intention is to make it free for 20 levels and to keep it $14.99 at release, then why doesn't it say that on your steam page? What you're doing now just seems even more underhanded.

I didn't say we're keeping it $15 at release. I said we'll have a free trial up to level 20, and asked where you saw us suggest otherwise. I would appreciate an answer to the question. I'm not sure what's "underhanded" about planning to have a trial?

Why not let the steam buyers know they are paying an extra $20 for a paltry few cosmetic coins and beta access?

They aren't, and I haven't suggested otherwise.

Also, why did you just put a post timer on me?

Reddit moderators do not, to my knowledge, have such functionality available to us.

I would suggest reaching out to the ...

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Originally posted by [deleted]


They won't be free.

Our expansions will be released free of charge.

They also said the first 20 levels would be free

I have asked you elsewhere to provide a source for the claim that this is no longer the case.


Originally posted by [deleted]


now it's $34.99 initial buy in, no free levels.

Downvotes incoming, but there's your track record right there. Can't deny the facts.

Thank you for your dedication to ensuring only facts are posted.

Can I ask for a link to where we stated there will no longer be a free trial of the game up to level 20?

16 Mar


Originally posted by dcrico20

I would guess it's likely going to be a minute before they set up servers in SA. It's not listed among the regions they are currently planning to set up in.

To clarify this, we have never posted a list of regions / countries we plan to have servers in.

We’ve said that we won’t only have them in America & Europe, but we’re not ready to provide an exhaustive list & we’ve never attempted to do so.

13 Mar



Our most recent post regarding multiplayer can be found here, and another can be found ...

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Thanks for the kind words, and welcome to the community!

11 Mar


Originally posted by 0110bot

I'm a PoE player and I came here for exactly this kind of post.

Do you have any idea what a pro-LE post would look like over there right now? Scorched f**kin earth.

This sub is about Last Epoch, this post was a comparison of Last Epoch to another popular game undergoing a bit of turmoil.

As a non-LE-player-yet, the response to this post is all too reminiscent of the absolute garbage can that /r/pathofexile is most of the time, and that's really discouraging.

Did you not notice the ~1000 new subs here in the last few hours? You think that's coincidence? (apparently I hallucinate before a certain amount of coffee has entered my system)

Did you not notice the ~1000 new subs here in the last few hours? You think that's coincidence?

I didn't, and I watch that number on a daily basis.

Please try to keep misinformation to a minimum.

10 Mar


The above issue should now be resolved. We recommend restarting your game client.


Hey all!

We are investigating service degradation which may cause chat unavailability for some users.

External link →

09 Mar

08 Mar


Originally posted by jkk57

The abomination is such a great concept. Will you update it if/when introducing new minions?

The images showing how the model changes to show which minions were consumed in its creation do appear to have gaps... 😉

07 Mar

04 Mar


Tempest Strike is definitely one of the skills we'll be giving some love before 1.0.


Originally posted by AlienSandwhich

I like it. Getting some semi guild wars vibes from them!

Fantastic series of games.